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Sooo close...I think

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I had 1 of my bros over last night and we blasted off together, no breakthroughs though, but he greatly enjoyed our shared experience.

About an hour later, I piled 54mg (was shootin for 50, but I just went with it at that) on top of a bowl of weed. I was thinkin, I probably won't be able to finish this but I'll have it for later. I melted the dmt down, lowered my lighter a little and took a nice big rip, held it, exhaled, and hit it again. After the 3rd hit, I just kept tellin myself' "come on, one more, you can do it". I took a 4th, a 5th maybe, not sure cause I couldn't track it anymore, but I finished the bowl, and the last rip I just roasted it and cashed it out (either I was too far to notice, or there wasn't any dmt left to burn, cause it didn't have that awful burnt taste)

I managed to set the pipe down on the coffee table, and boy what a reach that was! I laid back and closed my eyes. The chyrsanthamum first showed, it was red and continuously morphing, below it I saw 2 albino giraffe looking creatures side by side repeatedly bowing (if they had been closer they would've butted "heads?".

Slowly, the petals of the chrysanthamum started falling away, and briefly I saw a large constantly morphing mass of pillars, gears, and orbs (I'm fairly certain they let me peek at the machine for my effort), but soon after, I found myself in a room with many strange and indescribable morphing objects, somewhat reminiscent of the toys you find for toddlers in a doctor's waiting room (and I think a couch?), and I knew immediately I was in the waiting room.

I told myself "this is fine, if it's not my turn then I can wait a little longer, I've waited this long" and was overcome with a very strong sense of "you're next."

I wanted to look around, and really observe the space I was in, but I couldn't. I think this may be due to the fact I was not entirely "there" and still semi aware of my physical body and where it was at.

I think when I have the house to myself on Wednesday, I'll make it there, but we will see!
Just a friendly advice:
- Please avoid any kind of ROA where DMT has to come in contact with burning material. It is wasteful and really harsh on your lungs.
- Look up how to make "The Machine" and make one, it's actually pretty easy to make and provides much better results than sandwich methods. It takes around 25-30mg to have a breakthrough for me with it.
- With machine torch type lighter is much better than common BIC or Clipper.

Regarding waiting room - take your time and integrate your experience. Don't rush it trying to increase dosages. You will be there one day, believe me and it will be totally mind-blowing.
Thanks for the advice!

I've looked up "the Machine" and intend on building one. I've heard often that 25-30mg will give a break through dose, and I had loaded that much to share with my bro, but he decided he wanted to sit that one out.

I am in no hurry, I understand it will happen when it's meant to, and I certainly won't attempt to force my way in.

I smoalked a little earlier this night, just tryin to practice my method, and to try an herbal smoking blend I was given today. I didn't really think about what all was in the smoking blend, and had forgot it had passionflower in it. Roughly 25-30mg, my scoop gives me approx 13mg

I took a few good hits off it (and to my surprise finished the bowl), laid back, and closed my eyes. Immediately I felt my self dissolving, and had I not gotten scared and opened my eyes I might have made it, but I swore I shit myself (which I've been told is pretty common) and had to check.

I'll definitely work on integration more before making another solid attempt. Wednesday I'll have the house to myself, free of distractions, and will be able to really settle in. Assuming I feel the time is right, I'll give it a good solid effort, and I should have "the machine" built by then.

Again, thanks for the advice, I appreciate it :thumb_up:
Enhanced leaf is easy to make and the DMT doesn't seem to burn...use a bong and light carefully, when the bowl "cherries" slowly finish it in one go, hold in for as long as...lie back,eyes closed in darkness :twisted:
I plan on making some, I've got an oz of caapi leaves. Gotta finish up my extraction first, I've been mixing my bark mixture and NPS every so often for a few days, gonna pull it tomorrow morning. I want to leave my first pull as freebase though. I gotta get a new stem for 1 of my bongs, only have 1 that's useable and I'm not gonna use it for DMT, cause my girl would be pissed lol (she's not ready to try it, yet).

I like to keep a lamp on, or have a candle burning, just enough light so I can reorient myself when I come back. I am very indecisive as to whether I want music or drumming for a sonic driver, or total silence. Last time I blasted off was in silence, and I got to hear beautiful music and voices chanting "we love you, join us" in time with the music, as well as 2 dominant voices 1 male 1 female, telling me to let go, that it was my turn. I thought I was shitting myself (again...yea I didn't wait like I planned but the moment felt right).

The voices told me to let it go, to just let it happen, and at first I agreed "ok, if that's what it takes, I'll do it" the veil started to raise, I started hearing that crinkly plastic sound, and last second I said "wait! What about the couch, I can't do that!" and the veil closed, like a stage curtain suddenly being dropped, and the voices said "you missed it, it's too late!" Immediately I was sad, but the voices said "don't be sad, you can come back later, WE are waiting for YOU. Now open your eyes and see how beautiful it is"

At that I opened my eyes, and enjoyed my few moments of candyland.

Ha, didn't intend on writing pretty much the whole experience, but it's hard not too lol. After I have my first breakthrough on DMT alone, I plan to couple it with my truffles. I've spent a lot of time working with my truffles, and have built a beautiful relationship with them. Once I have access to the other forums, I'll share some of my more profound experiences. I don't want to clutter this thread up with my off topic banter 😁
Clutter away 00Burnout. :)

We want to read your experiences have a part of them too. Thanks for sharing so much detail.

For me, one of the key elements of breaking through is release and acceptance. If I cannot let go enough of my ego I hold onto my body and just experience visions rather than dissolution. But almost every time I do get through I think something like "I've done it this time, I've killed myself" and then I'm in.

To get this sort of acceptance I use mantras. When thoughts try and pop up in my head or fear starts to make it's way in I just drown it out with my mantra of choice. The mantra becomes the theme until I am nothing more.

Maybe one day I will be strong enough just to smoke and accept what comes, look it in the eye and quieten my mind by pure willpower, detach and observe. But I'm not at that stage yet.
Well, rather than some clutter, I'll just drop the links for my reports I've put on the shroomery (I don't recall anything about not being allowed to link off site)

This is my favorite experience I have documented online.

This one took awhile to fully integrate, later on I came to the conclusion that I had gone about the whole thing disrespectfully. I shouldn't have dosed that high recreationally, nor with 2 people with very little to no experience, because what if something happened and they needed me? (my girl has never sat for someone who was completely freaking out, I have)

My most profound experience with truffles, was the last time I made tea with 40g. I had entity contact , he was a blue angelic being who called himself Alex. I was even told I would have DMT soon, and not but a couple days later I was able to get my hands on some bark (and my girl agreed to let me do the extraction, which was the biggest hang up). I wish soo much to share this entire experience openly, but "he" had told me not to, not yet. I certainly don't want to risk facing a pissed off entity when I finally breakthrough on DMT or again on truffles.

The next time I take a heroic dose, I'm going to follow McKenna's advice for mushrooms. Until my last DMT experience, the thought of not having music while I tripped was unsettling.

No problem though, I love sharing as much detail as I can, because I love reading detailed reports. I love trying to picture the experience.

I agree that release and acceptance are crucial to a breakthrough, as well as being committed to it before you even load the pipe. It's funny though, I was ok with dying, completely ready to let myself slip away, but dropping a log in my drawers was where I drew the line. I told my girl about it today, and the head brewer at my work (she does psychedelics too, I've given her some tea before, and let her smoalk some of my stash this morning, and hopefully me her andy girl will be goin to a burn soon), they both were just like "you should've just done it" which really surprised me coming from my girl (I think she just wanted to call me mr poopy pants lmao). I've even considered going and getting some depends just for peace of mind, but I feel like that'd be cheating, that if I really want the experience I need to let go of that fear. Now that I know my girl isn't gonna be pissed if I drop one while I'm on the couch I think I'll be good (although I do highly doubt that would actually happen)

I haven't read about it actually happening, not surprisingly, but I know that sensation happens for others as well. Has anyone ever blasted off and crapped their pants?
Oh man, so it does happen? Alrighty then, if that's what it takes to make it over "there", to show "them" I'm actually committed to this then so be it. I just hope it's not an every time thing lol
Exitwound said:
Just a friendly advice:
- Please avoid any kind of ROA where DMT has to come in contact with burning material. It is wasteful and really harsh on your lungs.
- Look up how to make "The Machine" and make one, it's actually pretty easy to make and provides much better results than sandwich methods. It takes around 25-30mg to have a breakthrough for me with it.
- With machine torch type lighter is much better than common BIC or Clipper.

Regarding waiting room - take your time and integrate your experience. Don't rush it trying to increase dosages. You will be there one day, believe me and it will be totally mind-blowing.

hmm, I have done ash->FB->cannabis and let the canna layer vape FB layer since journey #1 and its always 2hit breakthrough for me. Maybe its just how you sandwich it? Could be me?:?
downwardsfromzero said:
You could always give yourself an enema first, if you feel that's what holding you back.

Had this been a suggestion made a few months ago, I would've laughed, but it's something I'm considering at this point. It sure would beat coming back and discovering a nasty surprise in my drawers lol. Honestly though, I don't think it will be an actual issue, as either time I had that sensation, nothing came of it. Sure, it might happen at some point, but at least if it does, I'll know I'm not alone.

I never thought I'd ever have a conversation like this! Although I should probably expect even crazier conversations to arise the longer I hang around here, and the further into the experience I journey.

Does anyone else catch faint whiffs of DMT hours after smoalking, mainly when out of the house and not near your pipe(s) or stash? I could've sworn I kept smelling it at work, 6+ hours after blasting off.
Astonish said:
hmm, I have done ash->FB->cannabis and let the canna layer vape FB layer since journey #1 and its always 2hit breakthrough for me. Maybe its just how you sandwich it? Could be me?:?

I don't doubt that for some people this is a convenient way to administer the spice.

However, I think this is not a very fool-proof method, and judging by my experience, it's not a fool-proof substance like MJ or mushrooms.
If you know what you are doing, then sure, you will acheive same or maybe even better result with sandwich. But one tiny mistake and then you will burn the spice and end up with lungful of very harsh smoke, which will most certainly make you cough like hell and maybe even vomit (from spasm). Which I have experienced, and won't recommend to anyone :)

Regarding "poopypants" feelings - I was used to get feeling that I have pissed/shat myself quite often during the trip. First I had made a rule to myself to use a bathroom before each blastoff, just in case. Then this feeling had dissapeared. I don't really know the reason, maybe it's different extractions/different alks, maybe it's just a fact that I'm not that scared of it anymore.
hmm, I have done ash->FB->cannabis and let the canna layer vape FB layer since journey #1 and its always 2hit breakthrough for me. Maybe its just how you sandwich it? Could be me?:? [/quote]

Same here. I even usually break through with one long big hit. I bought the VG, played around with oil burners, some with water but in the end I went back to my little mini glass bong and the sandwich. So now it is only that for spice and changa or a changa joint can be cozy sometimes..
I try to go to the bathroom before I trip in general, those moments get a little weird when I'm tripping lol. I've had that feeling once from mushrooms, and although I hadn't lost control of my bowels, I had pissed myself (twice apparently). It was the first time I had a breakthrough experience on mushrooms, and I had no idea it was even possible at the time (let alone on only 4g) so it scared this piss out of me. Literally. I had taken over 1000ug of LSD on several different occasions at that point, and never had an experience like that so in my mind it wasn't a possibility outside of DMT and Ayahuascs.

With my sandwich it's always herbs>fb>ash>herbs, I haven't burned any DMT this way like I did with an oil burner or the pile method, so far. So I know exactly what you're talking about Exitwound, it's always a bummer when you misfire cause you burned it.
Exitwound said:
Astonish said:
hmm, I have done ash->FB->cannabis and let the canna layer vape FB layer since journey #1 and its always 2hit breakthrough for me. Maybe its just how you sandwich it? Could be me?:?

I don't doubt that for some people this is a convenient way to administer the spice.

However, I think this is not a very fool-proof method, and judging by my experience, it's not a fool-proof substance like MJ or mushrooms.
If you know what you are doing, then sure, you will acheive same or maybe even better result with sandwich. But one tiny mistake and then you will burn the spice and end up with lungful of very harsh smoke, which will most certainly make you cough like hell and maybe even vomit (from spasm). Which I have experienced, and won't recommend to anyone :)

Regarding "poopypants" feelings - I was used to get feeling that I have pissed/shat myself quite often during the trip. First I had made a rule to myself to use a bathroom before each blastoff, just in case. Then this feeling had dissapeared. I don't really know the reason, maybe it's different extractions/different alks, maybe it's just a fact that I'm not that scared of it anymore.
I suppose if you do it wrong it is bad yes, but as long as you use an ember and not a flame, it makes the world of a difference with the sandwich method.
For me, it is always really really smooth and easy to hold in for long periods.(with hash)
Yea, I have had 1 misfire so far from applying too much heat with the sandwich method. I can't think of anything that is as nasty and harsh as burnt DMT, but man when it's vaped right, I enjoy the taste better than cannabis. I wonder if anyone has had success using a hookah, not that I'd try it, cause that seems extremely wasteful and inefficient but it'd be cool for a small group, instead of trying to fumble around with a giggle stick lol.

Lol, DmnStr8
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