as a limited niche food for survival type missions, i can see it.
as for the general public,
i see it as fit for cattle and slaves.
agri biz would love it if we all ate " people chow".
profits would soar, and it would be excellent.
(for political manipulation of the proles...........)
when its produced, it could be cheapened, modified, or adjusted,
by robotics, or slaves or prison labor,
with the guidance of the worst possible corporate filth, under the guise of health ,
with the ingredients kept secret, for patent rights, trade agreements and national security.
combined with leaded water and the usual dirty tricks associated with gov-aculture/subsidies,
its a recipe for big profits thru GMO chow genoicide.
convienient in an age of the rise of industrial robots indeed!
and, you better believe rich white people aint gonna eat it.
and you can bet they would profit off you eating it while laughing.
the last 40 yrs of govt , should convince anyone theres no love on food safety for the poor.
nutrition of the lower classes, is a joke at best.....
im banking they get it with food stamps first!
thank gawd we dont have to pay for their health care as a result.
essentially, this stuff is one notch from weaponized food.
it could clear out urban areas over a generation or 2 for gentrification, with ease.
the upside, billions in land grab profits, in a collapsing economy for the .1%........
id suggest its almost irresistable.
if i didnt have one shred of morality left, id invest totally.
im in the " real food or fight" camp on this one.