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Space Jam (Space Paste) - A Legal Psychedelic Recipe

Migrated topic.
nabster98 said:
tonight swim will be taking 2 tablespoons of space jam along with passion flower and a flower of datura inoxia. I will report back on his findings in a couple of hours.

Is it just me...or does anyone else see the word 'datura' and instantly defecate in their undergarments? Dude! Scary stuff!

As for the regular Space-Jam I plan on mixing some up today. Making the original recipe before exchanging any of the ingredients though. This'll be the first nutmeg-based experience I've had since mixing it in with warm milk as a sproglet :) (everyone say aww).

I'll post back what I find...doubtless it'll fall short of the more potent sacred 'erbs and spices.

Much love

Isn't passionflower an MAOI? Not very powerful if I remember but with datura? Doesn't sound like a great idea. Someone tell me I'm wrong.
Morbiddoctor said:
Isn't passionflower an MAOI? Not very powerful if I remember but with datura? Doesn't sound like a great idea. Someone tell me I'm wrong.

Some people use a bit of brugmansia with their ayahuasca
but never, ever use too much
Morbiddoctor said:
Isn't passionflower an MAOI? Not very powerful if I remember but with datura? Doesn't sound like a great idea. Someone tell me I'm wrong.

I have no idea. Datura in small non-psychoactive doses is great for potentiating the effects of other psychedelics. I never heard of it being used with “Space Paste”. SWIM has used a small non-psychoactive dose of Datura stramonium seeds (5 seeds) with elemi oil and it increased the visuals very nicely. As long as the Datura dose is small, it shouldn’t be any problem, but that’s just a guess. Well we’ll find out when the rest of the report is in.
Space Jam made...

I threw in a nice, big, vanilla pod for good measure too. Dosed two big tablespoons in a peanut butter sandwich approx. 1 hour ago, feeling a bit warm and relaxed.

No real psychedelic effects...contemplating topping-up the dose (I know this is silly, but fuck it, it's curry spices and syrup). Will update later if it becomes more interesting.
Decided to make this last night. Felt like I was a teenager again. :d :d

I will try this soon when I have a spare day. Does anyone have a more specific dosage than "2 Table Spoons"?
Alright so i see many of you were scared of the datura. I am fully aware of its dangers, but also its potentiating effects with nutmeg and passion flower so i figure id just add one flower in which is not near enough to give bad side effects.

Anyway, I took a heaping tablespoon instead of two full ones, using peanut butter to replace the almonds and pistachios(does anyone know if this is less effective?)

once i took down the mixture, which tastes awful, i lit up a candle and began a candle meditation practice.

45 minutes in i began losing focus more often, colors were more vibrant, and i felt more floaty than usual. But everything extremely mild, with my eyes closed it was very much like MJ but more vibrant in color.

about an hour and a half, in i practiced some insight meditation and received some nice ideas along with a great energy flowing through and around me. Nothing to groundbreaking since I can already feel these energies quite strongly without the use of any substance.

2 hours in and I felt pretty heavy and stoned, and eventually went to bed with some very lucid dreams
I tried 7 datura Strammonium seeds with a ALOT of passiflora incarnata(properly identified) leaves. Leaves were fresh and blendered. Very strong tea was made and drunk. Seeds chewed finely and kept swimming under tongue and all around mouth for at least 10mins. Didn't really feel much except a nice mild relaxation, was difficult to think negatively haha. That's it, idk... similar to 5 valerian root pills without the stupor

YOU MUST HAVE ALL THE INGRIDIENTS! that's what the guy said. Be honest, whoever tried this, used ALL the ingridients?

Will try this out myself very soon, as soon as i have ALL the original ingridients.

P.S. Will someone try small amount spice on this? Several hours in. That would be very interesting.
I bought all the ingredients and made the paste. I took one spoonful, no effects. Will try again tomorrow.
fractal enchantment said:
I make lots of really really spicy foods and I always get some psychoactive effects from them..a sort of heated stimulation and endorphin rushy feeling..sort of empathic..especialy if I make something with tons of currey, pepper, ginger and some nutmeg..I dont use lots of nutmeg though since I dont like long lasting stimulants,just a bit of it, prob not enough to do anything..

I get this too. I use a spice blend called 'Hingvastak'.....it contains:

Cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum)
Ajamoda seed (Apium graveolens)
Black Cumin seed (Nigella sativa)
Ginger root (Zingiber officinale)
Black Pepper fruit (Piper nigrum)
Pippali fruit (Piper longum)
Mineral Salt
Asafoetida (Ferula asafoetida)
Fenugreek (Triognella foenum-graecum)

I might try this 'Space Jam', with nutmeg oil instead of ground nutmeg, and ghee and raw honey instead of the nuts and maple syrup.
Having topped up my original two tablespoons dose by throwing most of the space-jam jar into a very big mug and mixing it with milk...

Things started to pick up. I started feeling a bit wonky (like our lady Katherine), and decided to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey. I fell asleep for most of the day until around 18:00 when I decided sleeping upstairs was more comfortable. After sleeping and dreaming heavily, for a few hours, 21:00 saw me bouncy, happy, hyper, and glowing.

The high (post hypnos) is like either really mild ecstacy or a nice big bag of weed. Luckily a friend had brought round some courgette-chocolate (yes you're not hallucinatin it is courgette/zukini chocolate) cake. WHich is very moist and very yummy believe it or not.

Anyways...had a very giggly evening with friends and family, my mother was particularly impressed that it was a legal concoction of household 'erbs and spices. HUZZAH!!!

I may make some more during the Autumn...stunzii, cyanescens, semilanceata...coated in this stuff :D
fractal enchantment said:
I make lots of really really spicy foods and I always get some psychoactive effects from them..a sort of heated stimulation and endorphin rushy feeling..sort of empathic.

I get that rushy sensation from a mix a killer spicey thai food and alcohol. Almost to the extent where my eyes begin to roll a la MDMA. Though I have to say the MDMA come down is nothing compared to a nasty hangover and a sore anus :(

It seems what folk are reporting so far just sound like my old experiences with nutmeg, although a touch more on the friendly side. I remember I'd always fall asleep then wake up with a pounding headache, stay in bed for another 6-8 hours, then have a stoned kind of feeling for 2 days. However this was from eating 4-5 whole store bought nutmegs, which was maybe a little excessive.

I think if anyone is to have any sort of look using this recipe, then they're probably going to have to go fresh. There's definately a lot of magic lost in dry spices. I think a lot of the unreliability that people have found in essential oils will apply to spices also.
Morbiddoctor said:
Isn't passionflower an MAOI? Not very powerful if I remember but with datura? Doesn't sound like a great idea. Someone tell me I'm wrong.

Passionflower (depending on the strain you have) contains; harman, harmaline harmalol, harmine, harmol. However the content is very small. We are talking about 50 grams to get threshold effects. :roll:
soulfood said:
I think if anyone is to have any sort of look using this recipe, then they're probably going to have to go fresh. There's definately a lot of magic lost in dry spices.

This is where I get my 'Hingvastak' from: http://www.banyanbotanicals.com/products.asp?dept=1044&pagenumber=1

I've gotten several other things from their bulk herb section and it's all very active and medicinal.

Of the spices listed for Space Jam, they carry:

- cinnamon
- cumin
- turmeric
- black pepper

(all USDA organic)

They carry lots of good herbs and spices in their bulk section....no nutmeg though.

soulfood said:
I think a lot of the unreliability that people have found in essential oils will apply to spices also.

This is a great place for active, clean, unadulterated essential oils: Floracopeia

They don't carry elemi or nutmeg oil though...but I wanted to share it.
I think we should stick to the original recipe and get the original experience before experimenting.
And remember guys, when using datura (datura is not in the recipe), 5 seeds are all you would ever really need.
The flowers are the most potent part of the plant.
Anyone remember the story of the kid chopping his penis off and the tip of his tongue with garden sheers
from having drunk a tea made from 2 datura flowers?
Exercise caution.

..Excitedly awaiting more experience reports.
Do you think there's any other specific substances that this recipe would work as well with as nutmeg?
I was looking to attain threshold effects and took 2.5g of the mixture. This yielded no effect. I will try increasing the dose to 7.5g sometime tomorrow if I get the time.

I find this all fancinating, how all of the everyday food we eat contains alkaloids that have the potential to altar our mindstate. This is definitely an area for research IMO.
Has anyone who’s tried nutmeg alone tried this recipe who's on this forum? Is this recipe really any different from nutmeg stand alone?
I have tried nutmeg five times now and am quite familiar with the effects. If I could get effects from this Space Jam, I would post my opinion on the differences/Similarities. However ...

Today, 12g of Space Jam was eaten and no effects were felt. This is a complete mystery to me. 12g of Space Jam contains 2.4g Nutmeg and this alone should produce an effect. The only explanation could be that I took the Space Jam with a stomache full of food.

I will try it another day. :roll:

69ron said:
Has anyone who’s tried nutmeg alone tried this recipe who's on this forum? Is this recipe really any different from nutmeg stand alone?
It would be nice to know how much of an effect all of the other compononts of Space Jam has. :d
State of the Mind said:
I have tried nutmeg five times now and am quite familiar with the effects. If I could get effects from this Space Jam, I would post my opinion on the differences/Similarities. However ...

Today, 12g of Space Jam was eaten and no effects were felt. This is a complete mystery to me. 12g of Space Jam contains 2.4g Nutmeg and this alone should produce an effect. The only explanation could be that I took the Space Jam with a stomache full of food.

Is the nutmeg used in your mix good quality freshly ground nutmeg from whole nuts as the recipe calls for or is it old powdered nutmeg, the kind from the supermarket?

Some old dried powder nutmeg is void of myristicin and elemicin, and worthless. Mristicin and elemicin are essential oils, and they evaporate away easily from powdered nutmeg. That’s why the recipe calls for whole ground nutmeg.
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