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speaking in tongues

Migrated topic.
I have experienced glossolalia a few times as well. It sounds similar, but also not. I don't have the recording anymore, but once I did record and made a transcription afterwards.

It's.. weird though. While tripping it feels natural and kind of fun. Coming back down though, it starts to feel uneasy. Almost a sense 'oh boy, you really did it this time you idiot. Definitely broke my brain.'

I will say I had this way more often when I combine the DMT with an MAOI.

Ishtanan nanang gwainana
Honatawan nainanga
Kingar statangwa
Inana pangwa stangleinene
Kiwana pangein nanaste

Uhununu iwantanteinene
Ilanana kwaaar
Ilana kwaarnene

Intenkwa nonogeine stenge nitwan
Auwankande tingwande stongo

Urunkwa! Urunkwa! Urrrrunkwa, kastangwoooo.

Eleneneintinge. Eleneneintinge.
I have 100% done this and witnessed it as well. I have also noticed that when my friend does it, it’s more likely to come out of me. Mine sounds a little more guttural with clicks and sounds that are very foreign to my normal voice.
Are they speaking simlish?? :ROFLMAO:

This hasn't happened to me, but I've certainly made noises I've been unable to recreate while sober - like a double voice, throaty with clicking, but its generally just sounds, not anything language adjacent like that sounds. Does your partner know what they were saying during this?
It's.. weird though. While tripping it feels natural and kind of fun. Coming back down though, it starts to feel uneasy. Almost a sense 'oh boy, you really did it this time you idiot. Definitely broke my brain.'

During one trip, I had spontaneous speaking in tongues ~ but I couldn't understand the words, but I got vague ideas of what it was supposed to mean. As if the words were coming from somewhere else. Maybe it was some vague sort of possession, but it felt more like... just more me, or something. I'm not sure if I was speaking them out loud, or whether it was just in my head, but I couldn't tell the difference.

I still don't know what to make of it, haha.
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