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Spiritual Practice

Migrated topic.
Swim loves hikes out in nature as well, but being in the burbs makes it a little harder. do you smoke daily?
Yeah usually but its a very small amount to just get the effects of MJ. SWIM and a friend will then go out and hike and whatnot. You are so in the moment when your out there in nature hiking. Thats why SWIM uses it for recrea. purposes outdoors...everything just seems so prestine and tranquil.

SWIM also lifts 5 days a week. And has noticed NOTHING close to debilitating in terms of strength or cardio. And SWIM has smoked MJ for 10 years (although has never smoked cigs or drank)
I do quite a bit of spiritual practice, for me it goes hand in hand with my entheogen journey. I'm Tibetan Buddhist with a touch of my own beliefs so I meditate, practice yoga as well as my Buddhist tantric practices. I also try and practice lucid dreaming techniques as i feel our dreams are just as important as our waking life and if i could harness a certain level of understanding with my dreams, id be able to use more of my life and time that i have here to the greater good of my own self development and understanding.

But that said i think one of the best spiritual practices is pure and selfless compassion practice as it can really change the way in which you see the world instead of seeing and looking for what you can gain it is far better to turn your focus on the pain and suffering of others and do what you can to prevent it.

The suffering of all sentient beings is unnecessary and harmful to all of us as we are all interconnected and if someone else or an animal is hurting then how can we really truly be happy. I also see my journeys with entheogens as spiritual practice as i am on a journey of self discovery and i want to understand my heart and my own mind as well as the true nature of my reality and my existence.

Lovely thread by the way thank you Seven.

Much Peace and Understanding. :d
Aegle: what do you mean by compassion? How does it work in practice?

I know that if I follow the flow of my life, there come occasions to decide whether I close down or open up, give or not give, share or not share. The simplest examples are beggars. With beggars, I surely can give them some coins. That's what they expect. But if I'd allow myself to be led by what I call true compassion, I would perhaps try something more, like bringing them to my own home, wash them, give them new clothes and such stuff! Which is scary, because if I followed this instinct, then sooner or longer I would surely destroy my current family life.

Sometimes I feel that if I really opened up, I would easily become a slave of others, taking responsibility for something that is not my business. Jesus Christ had taken the most extreme position in this regard: he said that we should give away everything we have (and follow God, instead). I can feel the majesty, the grandiose possibilities in this call, but I am too afraid to really do it.

So, what is selfless compassion practice, in everyday life?
cellux said:
Aegle: what do you mean by compassion? How does it work in practice?

I know that if I follow the flow of my life, there come occasions to decide whether I close down or open up, give or not give, share or not share. The simplest examples are beggars. With beggars, I surely can give them some coins. That's what they expect. But if I'd allow myself to be led by what I call true compassion, I would perhaps try something more, like bringing them to my own home, wash them, give them new clothes and such stuff! Which is scary, because if I followed this instinct, then sooner or longer I would surely destroy my current family life.

Sometimes I feel that if I really opened up, I would easily become a slave of others, taking responsibility for something that is not my business. Jesus Christ had taken the most extreme position in this regard: he said that we should give away everything we have (and follow God, instead). I can feel the majesty, the grandiose possibilities in this call, but I am too afraid to really do it.

So, what is selfless compassion practice, in everyday life?

Cellux awesome questions, I'm going to explain what i mean but its from a Buddhists perspective

Compassion = is that which makes the heart of the good move at the pain of others. It crushes and destroys the pain of others; thus, it is called compassion. It is called compassion because it shelters and embraces the distressed.

Basically compassion practice is meditating on relieving all sentient beings of suffering, but you cannot practice great compassion for others unless you have great compassion for yourself. Compassion is at the transcendental and experiential heart of Buddhisms thought and practice.

Its a lovely idea to take a homeless person in but in the world that we live in today that's not always possible, with Buddhist thought and practice you should never practice compassion if you or anyone else could come to harm, this would contradict the whole philosophy of compassion.

Do what you can to prevent harm to others, animals and our environment that is true compassion, especially with animals because a lot of the time they cannot help themselves and they cant hope so they know no end to suffering like we can hope and know that there will be an end to the suffering that we are experiencing.

Also if you enjoy meditating its good to meditate on the thoughts of ending suffering for all sentient beings and sending out all the compassion that you can to all the sentient beings that could be suffering at that very moment. i hope that i have shed some light onto what i meant and if you have any other questions I would be more than happy to answer them. :d

Much Peace and Compassion
Its a lovely idea to take a homeless person in but in the world that we live in today that's not always possible, with Buddhist thought and practice you should never practice compassion if you or anyone else could come to harm, this would contradict the whole philosophy of compassion.

Thanks, that sounds like a good escape. ;)
Its definitely not an out, a compassionate path is definitely one of the hardest paths to travel if not the hardest. :roll:

Much Peace and Happiness
Swim agrees aegle. Theres so many factors that could turn a good thing bad. If a child got harmed or something like that, Swim couldnt imagine the karma taken on from something like that.
So far swim thinks Aya or Pharma, is the best to use as part of his spiritual practice. Any thoughts on what are good entheogens to use for integrating, gaining and experiencing spiritual wisdom? Also is journeying alone a good idea? Swim only has one friend that joins him usually, but not to be mean, but hes a major distraction. He talked straight through my last mesc journey. Swim felt like he missed most of his trip. Also swim wants to try some meditation with an entheogen, anyone enjoy this, or have any experience.
Salvia is a good one, but can be difficult to integrate... but IMO can lend itself well to spiritual exploration, if used wisely.
what form of salvia? Swim tried an extract 10x he thinks, a few years back. And it kind of messed his head up for a good 24 hours afterwards. Sort of had an evil vibe to it, so he left it alone since. Do you have good experiences with sally?
Yes, though not for a while since I got into spice and aya.
I hope to try a quid soon.. I made some soft extract recently but I dont think it works very well. I think quidding, tincture or soft extract would be the way to use this plant ideally. I have had some really good smoked experiences, and a few really weird ones that left me a bit ungrounded and irritable. Smoking salvia outside in nature can be really amazing.

Try it again after some meditation.. focus your intent... then smoke.. much like spice.
Seven said:
Swim agrees aegle. Theres so many factors that could turn a good thing bad. If a child got harmed or something like that, Swim couldnt imagine the karma taken on from something like that.

Very true. :roll:

Much Compassion
Seven said:
So far swim thinks Aya or Pharma, is the best to use as part of his spiritual practice. Any thoughts on what are good entheogens to use for integrating, gaining and experiencing spiritual wisdom? Also is journeying alone a good idea? Swim only has one friend that joins him usually, but not to be mean, but hes a major distraction. He talked straight through my last mesc journey. Swim felt like he missed most of his trip. Also swim wants to try some meditation with an entheogen, anyone enjoy this, or have any experience.

Spice is a very powerful entheogen to use as a part of spiritual practice, cactus as well because its very guiding and protective, mushies to because they really teach you how to be a kid again and to see the small things as beautiful and far more important than the big things, LSA for the amazing spiritual visions as well as it is a very childlike experience. But saying this i think its a very personal choice these are most of my own personal choices. Salvia and i dont go or fit well together but that's for me personally its way to harsh and chaotic for me. Any way that i can help makes me happy. :d

Much Peace
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