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Spiritual preparation

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
As aforementioned this thread is about how one may spiritually and mentally prepare oneself for a dmt experience, and is as much a question as it is a statement. As someone fairly new to this substance and seeking spiritual betterment, rather than solely recreation, I have been recently exploring practices such as meditation, prayer, yoga, and reading of religious texts, and I am mainly interested in using dmt as a supplement to these practices. However, as this is a path which commands such respect, I feel that it is of upmost importance that I prepare myself adequately in order to get the most from the molecule. So, as such, I am interested in what practices others have found to be useful to get the most from their trips. Obviously nothing can fully prepare you for so intense an experience, but I want to do as much as possible, as I respect the power of dmt.
How do you like to prepare your set and setting?
Thanks in advance for the responses,
Welcome to the Nexus!

Personally, I like to travel to DMT land while in the comfort of my own bed, with low to moderate lighting, blankets/pillows/anything tremendously soft, no music, something to set my smoking/vaping device on, and a bottle of water. I also like to light some incense and I'll walk around my room, ringing my Tibetan singing bowl to help clear any negative energy (my own form of smudging, I suppose). After I take my dose and safely place the device down, I like to lie back on the bed and let the experience wash over me. That takes care of the physical setting,for me typically.

I find DMT to be quite intense, so my mental prep usually takes a lot longer than setting up the room. I like to sit quietly and focus on my breathing, calming myself until I am ready to take the hit(s). Sometimes, I accompany the breathing with a reassuring mantra of sorts, designed to help overcome any pre-flight jitters.

Something else to consider would be whether or not to have a sitter. I like to talk with someone after the experience is over but I don't usually have a sitter (my girlfriend) in the actual room with me during the experience itself. Ultimately, you will have to decide what feels right for you, of course!

You are right when you say there is no way to truly prepare, but I think that is partly what makes the DMT flash so unique and beautiful.

Anyway, that touches on what I do to prepare. Have a good one!

I clean my environment and makes sure it's nice and neat. I smudge myself and my environment with white sage. I light some candles and I like sandalwood incense. I like to have some water within reach. I wrap myself in my wool meditation blanket and I meditate for as long as it takes before my mind says 'go'. I say the shaman's prayer, I imagine myself being strong and protected and then I partake.

Sometimes I like silence, but I do like to have a white noise machine running to reduce background noises that can be distracting. On most occasions I like to either play some music I enjoy that has no lyrics or I also enjoy all the seed mantra chants.

So I combine shamanic practices with Buddhist practices. I like doing this and it feels right for me. I don't subscribe to spirits and such. For me it's about creating ceremony so my mind is better prepared for what is coming. My imagination plays a huge part in my preparations. I imagine myself surrounded with light and protection. I imagine that everything will unfold exactly as it should. Sometimes I make an intention and other times I just go with the flow.

This whole ceremony I create for myself has evolved over time. I have experimented with many sounds and music and preparations and this is what I stick with now. It works for me and I feel very calm and excited to go to hyperspace if I follow this formula. Each to their own. This works for me!
Thanks for the replies!
I think it is interesting to hear others' practices and I will certainly incorporate them.
Happy travels!
Glad to hear you are approaching the experience with respect and preparation.

I like to be alone in my room, on my bed, low lighting, and ear plugs for guaranteed silence. I focus on my breathing and count the seconds on inhalation and exhalation until I'm at about 15 seconds for each. Then I continue until I feel relaxed enough to go. I try to be as devoid of thought and anxiety as possible.

Like you said, you're never really ready. But I think some meditation definitely helps.

Good luck, happy travels
I listened to this with head phones on my first 2 dmt trips and had the most beautiful experiences ever. You can manipulate a dmt trip with music so i think its a good way to start using the substance until you get comfortable.:)
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