Citta said:
jamie said:
ewok said:
joedirt said:
If God is only the invention and not the inventor, who then invented God?
Man invented God.
That question IMO is limited by logic. I dont believe in a fundamentally logical universe..I just dont. There is nothing at all logical about the idea of a logical universe..there is not even anything logical about anything existing in the first place. Logic and rationality seem to be things that come after the fact. They dont explain everything and probably never will.
Man invented the teacup. Is that limited by logic too, and thus from your reasoning, it naturally follows that this question can't really be answered?
Citta, Citta, Citta... whose logic is flawed here? I humbly submit that
jamie is being unabashedly honest in his insightful assessments. I find his statement meaningful and very, very intelligent. Firstly, there is no consensus that humankind invented the
Great Spirit. Such thinking is the knee-jerk reaction Atheists project upon those who believe in a "spiritual" level of consciousness, which is perceived directly by some, blindly believed-in by others and clinically denied by still others. Frankly, sometimes I wonder of the universal mind would even understand an iota of what we humans occupy our consciousness with. Must we always be caught in a game of circular logic?
Secondly and most assuredly, we humanoids invented the concept of a Divine
supraconsciousness but that is not the same thing as what you challenged, and you must know this is as factual. That being said, we human life forms conceptualize about everything and for that matter, nothingness, as well.
While I hesitate to put words into
joedirt's or
jamie's mouths, for such would be rude and potentially erroneous to proceed with. So, I do have need to pause and center my thoughts; empty myself of preconceptions, for the greater good of free and open discussion (and hopefully, impartiality). I am nearly certain, however, that they are emphatically articulating the idea that where one to view the universe/multiverse, which we have come to believe we do understand, through the lens of reason and reason alone... we err in judgement.
Why so? Because, as has been so eloquently spoken by these wonderful folks, so much of this phenomenon, EXISTENCE, does not comply to rational deduction, nor the safety-zone of logical thought process. Would that it were so easily grasped!
For example, going back to
Philosophy 101, we might examine the greatest riddles which so perpetually evade our reasoning mind. Why does anything exist? Why does self awareness or if you will, CONSCIOUSNESS itself, even exist? What can be realistically be understood of such an enormous and simultaneously, microscopic structure of being, existing in parallel universes of their own? Reason cannot explain what is beyond the boundary of it's specialization. Why should it? Must everything, nothing and the balance between these polarities be perceivable through the lens we have a predisposition towards? we need to open all of our eyes and tap into all of our resources in awareness.
And IMO and it is but an opinion, after all... is that the reality of the Divine is not nearly so simple to force into conceptual formatting, as fabricating a teacup from clay, applying glaze and firing the cup in a kiln. Far greater minds than ours have been inspired, confounded, frustrated and just plain in awe of the immensity of what has been attributed to being the "causative force" which initiated quantum fluctuation.
I do honestly agree with many of my close Atheist friends, for us to project the anthropomorphic parameters of an Almighty and distant God, as our source and eventual eternal abode, is equally born of our predilection for humanly understood conceptualization.
At the risk of appearing offensive, I sincerely believe that to gain any ground in this region of thought, we must set aside unresponsive tools for such deep and mysterious inquiries. By "unresponsive tools" I strongly imply that there are useful tools within the human mind, which can and do explain (or at least touch, feel and instinctually sense many of these primary existential issues). To see is to know and one cannot see if one's thinking mind is not stilled and tamed into reposed submission. Said "tools" are born of a lifetime of self inquiry, contemplation, discipline and deep meditation. :idea:
My advice, although I suspect you are not eagerly receptive to such advice... keep your rational nature in check, when directing your mind towards the absolute. Reserve it for scientific and unarguably materialistic thought, where it makes much more sense. Deal with spiritual questions with your intuition and by so doing, access another level of understanding, altogether. How does a monkey, no matter how clever it fancies itself, compress the endless expanse of Infinity into our primitive brain wave pattern?
It's grossly presumptuous for our sentient, earthly logicians, a ridiculously small fraction of the life forms of this immeasurable cosmos, to project their tiny rationale upon what is light years beyond the limits of organically born individual mind. :?
Paradoxically, we can under unique experiences break through the membrane of mortal thought and taste the eternal. NDE, OBE, psychedelic experiences and that miraculous and oh so spontaneous dawning, our intentionally programmed re-birthing... thus facilitating enough of a glimpse into "enlightenment", that we are never the same again. These experiences, which so shatters the accumulation of our conditioning, that we are emptied by the power of the process.
Many souls consciously merge into immersion within this current of living Omniscience. If we bring our incessant thinking about this and that reason for things... to a state of sublime repose, we are capable of perceiving an exponentially expanded perception of our existential paradigm.
By opening up our perception and emptying ourselves of all of these rigid and frankly, demanding ideas, we become privy to some of the interconnection which unites all of this stuff into an Omniscience. When we each take a good long look at this miracle of life... and perhaps, take an even longer look into yourself. There is more to all of these miraculous planes of experience than ideological quantification and the tired-old compunction for reasonable measurements, which we insist must be applied to the nature of God/Spirit/Tao.
It is my hope that when our greater collective sees that we can never prove the reality of a spiritual current, running throughout all that exists and having it's own existential life, in the insubstantiality of the
Void. We might see this life as
Sacred and truly, a gift from this
Universal Field of Energy/Being/Consciousness.
Peace, Love & Light