Established member
clicks tongue to gauge surroundings
via echolocation
finds out that he is in a non-dimensional space
wiggles himself painfully into pixels, 1s, 0s, and bits
becomes a bowl of Salvia
is smoked
becomes a lizard made of smoke and mist, spiraling into fractals and parting symmetrically to reveal a thin-faced red glowing goddess
may or may not be a succubus
's attention is now directed toward the computer, upon which a search engine is presented
The search field is the mouth of a gigantic serpent with alligator teeth, whose mouth ravenously consumes consciousness itself
The reptile's many ribs are the search results cascading below
the mouth hungrily absorbs human attention as food, in the form of a flowing rainbow of attentive, alive gaze
the pulsing, bright rainbow is digested into black, brown, charred death by means of scattering what was once cohesive.
One's attention is now drawn to pearly, curly flames of hair caressing one's frame of vision itself, which happens to be the ceiling of a parked car in the woods at dusk.
An Owl hoots concernedly
and flies away.
via echolocation
finds out that he is in a non-dimensional space
wiggles himself painfully into pixels, 1s, 0s, and bits
becomes a bowl of Salvia
is smoked
becomes a lizard made of smoke and mist, spiraling into fractals and parting symmetrically to reveal a thin-faced red glowing goddess
may or may not be a succubus
's attention is now directed toward the computer, upon which a search engine is presented
The search field is the mouth of a gigantic serpent with alligator teeth, whose mouth ravenously consumes consciousness itself
The reptile's many ribs are the search results cascading below
the mouth hungrily absorbs human attention as food, in the form of a flowing rainbow of attentive, alive gaze
the pulsing, bright rainbow is digested into black, brown, charred death by means of scattering what was once cohesive.
One's attention is now drawn to pearly, curly flames of hair caressing one's frame of vision itself, which happens to be the ceiling of a parked car in the woods at dusk.
An Owl hoots concernedly
and flies away.