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Star Wars The Last Jedi

Migrated topic.

Running Bear

Rising Star
I seriously want to give up on man kind. This movie was horrible and was the worst star wars movie I have ever seen! I'm calling out to all of my nexus brothers and sisters to kidnap the director Rian Johnson and to injected him with a strong dose of NN-Dimethyltryptamine! This man needs all the help he can get and may god have mercy on his soul!
My enjoyment of it has a lot to do with the last hour, which is very engaging and keep gearing up. There is a certain level of mastery unseen on other episodes of the saga, and at the same time some of the worst things in it (Leia in space ...), weird movie. I'll never see it again and am most definitely done with the Mouse.

I liked the meditation part, where the protagonist realizes what the force is. Reminded me of a mushroom trip. Also the part where she asks the bottom of the island who her parents are, that reminded me of a salvia trip maybe.
It just didn't feel like a star wars film. Even Mark Hamill said that he doesn't like what they did with his character (luke skywalker). It's audience score is at 53% and it's getting lower everyday lol. For me Star Wars episode 6 was the last movie of the series. When George Lucas handed it over to disney it was over. Im a big fan so I wanted Disney to give the fans what they wanted. That is not what the fans wanted and the audience score proves that.
I hoped for more. When I left the theater it did not stick, this is how I judge movies: they keep sticking or they don't. :|
I must've seen a different movie. From the first scene to the last,a smile was plastered on my face. The humor in the first scene set the tone for the film and probably turned people off to the whole thing if they didn't like the "can you hear me now" joke.

I was worried that we were going to have a remake of Empire,and while some tropes were present- the training of a new Jedi, a lando character and visuals like the puppet yoda and AT-ATs, it was so much more. The new characters motivations and pathos was satisfactorily explorered for me, and for those who said it wasn't like a star wars film, this is why and that's a good thing story telling wise.

In star wars,the light side and dark side have always been clearly delineated, one follows one side or the other. This story shows that it isn't so clear cut. Luke has become ambivalent and Ben fights with his nature. Rey delves into her dark side, literally, and is not confronted by monsters and vile creatures lunging at her, but endless representations of herself stretching forward and backward in time. When she finally confronts the end of the line, she asks the question that is at the core of her suffering and is only answered with her own reflection. That's not the kind off story telling we are used to from Lucas.

While things like Disney being unable to write in Roses loss of her lover rather than her sister( in an amazing and touching opening scene; nevermind needing to be above a target to bomb it in space) bug me, I thought this movie was the kick in the ass SW needs.

This is what I've been wanting from the reboot. I haven't felt the magic that I felt my eighth summer when I went to the theatre 21 times, or when I was ten, sitting in the theater and seeing that yellow scroll again. I'm not sorry, star wars is my mythic epic, Luke my Heracles and I like that the story line is maturing as well as capturing the old magic.
Even Luke's apotheosis was satisfactory to me. If he had fought Kylo in the flesh,he would not have shown that he grasped the true nature and burden of the warrior. We all knew he was going to pull a Kenobi, but by not being there at all, he truly showed that the only way a warrior does not die by the sword is to lay his down and at the same time showed Ben that Kylo is angry at phantoms. Go Luke, it brought a tear to my eye to see him go into that double sunset.

And if only for the scene in which Chewie becomes a vegetarian, go!
How did they drop bombs in space when there's no freaking gravity 😂! That was some beginning scene let me tell you (rolling my eyes). Rey didn't receive any training yet she's basically more powerful than kylo ren. They turn luke into a coward and we don't even get to see him fight. They completely over do it with comedy and none of it was funny. They turn Leia into the man of steel lol. They kill off all the interesting characters....Usually after a star wars movie I fantasize about being a Jedi night for the next month straight (like a 10 year old lol). This time I didn't feel like a Jedi, I felt ripped off. God i hate this movie :lol: ...
null24 said:
In star wars,the light side and dark side have always been clearly delineated, one follows one side or the other. This story shows that it isn't so clear cut. Luke has become ambivalent and Ben fights with his nature. Rey delves into her dark side, literally, and is not confronted by monsters and vile creatures lunging at her, but endless representations of herself stretching forward and backward in time. When she finally confronts the end of the line, she asks the question that is at the core of her suffering and is only answered with her own reflection. That's not the kind off story telling we are used to.

This is what I've been wanting from the reboot. I haven't felt the magic that I felt my eighth summer when I went to the theatre 21 times, or when I was ten, sitting in the theater and seeing that yellow scroll again. I'm not sorry, star wars is my mythic epic, Luke my Heracles and I like that the story line is maturing as well as capturing the old magic.
Even Luke's apotheosis was satisfactory to me. If he had fought Kylo in the flesh,he would not have shown that he grasped the true nature and burden of the warrior. We all knew he was going to pull a Kenobi, but by not being there at all, he truly showed that the only way a warrior does not die by the sword is to lay his down and at the same time showed Ben that Kylo is angry at phantoms. Go Luke, it brought a tear to my eye to see him go into that double sunset.

And if only for the scene in which Chewie becomes a vegetarian, go!

These are the reasons Iove this film. Espescially what is hidden in the spoiler Null24:thumb_up: I also love that it left more qestions than answers in spite of a few holes...
It probably is a good movie, my dislike was more a personal thing, there's little that can 'seduce' me these days. :oops:
Jees said:
It probably is a good movie, my dislike was more a personal thing, there's little that can 'seduce' me these days. :oops:

No it wasn't Jess. Don't agree with people just to fit in. %50 hate this movie it's just that their not posting. Try to remember that there's a lot of crazy people on the nexus :lol: ( j/k.... Well kind of). When it comes to star wars forms , YouTube, or internet rating it's getting a lot of hate.
Running Bear said:
Jees said:
It probably is a good movie, my dislike was more a personal thing, there's little that can 'seduce' me these days. :oops:

No it wasn't Jess. Don't agree with people just to fit in. %50 hate this movie it's just that their not posting. Try to remember that there's a lot of crazy people on the nexus :lol: ( j/k.... Well kind of). When it comes to star wars forms , YouTube, or internet rating it's getting a lot of hate.
Young padawan, your expectation and anger blinds you. Validation of opinion from crowds you need.

Missed you did the point.

(More than 50% of my countrymen elected a racist misogynist to the presidency, I don't see your logic bear)
null24 said:
Running Bear said:
Jees said:
It probably is a good movie, my dislike was more a personal thing, there's little that can 'seduce' me these days. :oops:

No it wasn't Jess. Don't agree with people just to fit in. %50 hate this movie it's just that their not posting. Try to remember that there's a lot of crazy people on the nexus :lol: ( j/k.... Well kind of). When it comes to star wars forms , YouTube, or internet rating it's getting a lot of hate.
Young padawan, your expectation and anger blinds you. Validation of opinion from crowds you need.

Missed you did the point.

(More than 50% of my countrymen elected a racist misogynist to the presidency, I don't see your logic bear)

Just because someone wants to do something about illegal immigrants doesn't mean that their a racist null lol.
Running Bear said:
Jees said:
It probably is a good movie, my dislike was more a personal thing, there's little that can 'seduce' me these days. :oops:

No it wasn't Jess. Don't agree with people just to fit in. %50 hate this movie it's just that their not posting. Try to remember that there's a lot of crazy people on the nexus :lol: ( j/k.... Well kind of). When it comes to star wars forms , YouTube, or internet rating it's getting a lot of hate.

That is a very strong statement Running Bear. How do you know that 50% hated the movie? How do you know what Jees' intentions are. It seems you are making assumptions and making up statistics (and by the way, 68% of statistics are made up ;) ).

Let's look at IMDb. After over 200K votes the movie is at 7.7/10. That means (to me) that it is a solid movie by consensus. Also, looking on millions of votes across the other movies in the series, consensus is that it is better than all first 3 episodes but not as good as episodes 3-7. I'm implicitly defining consensus as just the average vote among many individuals. Beyond that, each person will see things differently and if an individual thinks this recent movie is the best or worst in the series that is perfectly ok.
Well, I stick by my opinion, DESPITE what a bunch of other people or IMDB say.

Hell, I'm the biggest Godzilla fan I've ever known and the smog monster is in my top five. And I absolutely loved Anno's 21st century adaption. It's funny, the Japanese seem so much more open to letting their pop culture myths grow.

Back to SW, had Luke not fallen prey to doubt and fear, I would no longer have been able to relate to the hero. Perhaps your life is either short or has not seen much adversity to overcome, but had Luke not had doubts, had not been scared, from where would his conflict arise?

Oh padawan, master you may one day become, but I don't think you understand what the force is supposed to be if you can't understand Rey's power without her coming from royal lineage. As the final scene showed us, with the stable boy pretending his broom to be a light saber, THE FORCE IS IN ALL OF US. It is the glue that holds the universe together. You don't need to come from some blood line to have it.

This opinion comes from my world view and spiritual outlook on life. That it is made of shades and tones that blend one into the other, and that the unseen but felt spirit that speaks to our hearts is accessible by all, not only through intercession.

This story has become The Myth for me and many who have grown up with it. Without being able to relate it to my life, it is only fantasy and I've come to expect so,so much more from this series!

I'm curious what your favorite one is, bear.

(And bear, building a wall to keep brown people out of my country is not going to make it great, but enshrine it as the land of the jailed and home of the scared)
No I don't think a wall is a good idea :lol:.. I don't know why you would even bring up Trump but let's just drop it :lol: .. You can always send me a private message . Rotten Tomato critics gave the Last Jedi a average rating of 8.1/10, while the audience score was 52% so yes I know statistics are made up and I just seen something on the Joe Rogan podcast about rotten tomatoes being paid off to give movies good scores. No i dont think my opinions are more important than yours lol. I also understand that the movies rating is going to change depending on where you look. No i dont know what Jees intentions are :lol:, but Im honest and say what I think. Its fun to debate and talk about big movies :lol:... Null the thing that bothers me is that george lucas came up with midichlorians, although it was a horrible idea lmao. I liked the idea of a Jedi training for years and being extremely disciplined. I have more respect for a Jedi that works hard :lol: .. It's almost like Disney pretended that episode 1-3 never happened lol.
Running Bear said:
while the audience score was 52%

:?: That 52% represents how many people have marked the movie as wanting to go see it, I don't think it is a score. The exact audience average score is not published on rotten tomatoes from what I can see, all we know is that it was it was less than 3.5/5 because of the tilted popcorn (e.g. it could be 3.45, consistent with ~7.7/10 after averaging again with critics). Finally, the critic score is at 92% on rotten tomatoes, not sure why you mention 8.1/10.

More importantly, I see that you said that you knew you really did not know what Jees's intentions were, and instead you realise you only think you knew what they were. That's good since unless you had had a separate conversation with Jees it could not really be the former. I think it would be even better if we did not think we knew what others intentions are without the right information. In short:

I know what their intentions are < I think I know < Honestly, I don't really know

This is an internal process that has helped me in my personal life. I've seen myself go from left to right in the inequality above as I grew more thoughtful. Honestly, I still catch myself not being on the right side of the inequality all the time, but I work at it. This is just my personal experience, it may not work for others.

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