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Starting the exploration

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello. I'll copy and paste what I wrote in my intro essay and then start

"Hello. I'm wes. I'm very new to DMT and have only just recently been exploring it's uses and benefits. I have had plenty of experience with LSD and psilocybin over the years, but apart from a small handful of mushroom journeys, I have always used them for shallow and recreational reasons. Merely for fun or just a quick escape from the stresses of general reality. It's only since the start of this year that I have been learning and coming to respect the real power of psychedelics and the ability they have to teach and change us. I had my first DMT experience in January, not too much research was done and I didn't respect the experience enough. I went again last weekend, with more knowledge and a more open mind and had a much more profound experience. I didn't break though still though. I am yet to experience that. I still have 300mg and intend to go again tonight and experience a break through. I shall not try to force it however. What will be will be.
Anyway, I'm glad to have joined here. I have browsed this website for some time and respect what this place is about. I hope to be integrated into the community well and become a full member. I am a long standing member at another forum and I fully appreciate and respect how frustrating it can be with new members asking the same questions over and over and not respecting what the forum is trying to do. I am your guest and will respect the community. Thanks for reading and thanks for having me"

As mentioned above, my first time with DMT was only in January. I didn't have the right mindset then and wasn't educated enough to make it worth while. I had what I can only compare to a moderate mushroom or LSD trip. Fractal patterns, pulsating colours etc. Nothing too exiting, but it was no surprise. The method of smoking was a joke and the setting was completely wrong. We embarrassingly bodged up a pipe from a coke can (which was awful) and it was at a party, me and a friend went to a bed room to smoke it. We didnt weigh it and didnt rreally know what we were doing. It was all just wrong.
Since then I have researched a lot more and realised what DMT can do and ultimately came to respect it a lot more. I have been browsing this forum a lot and have read a couple of books and convinced myself that I'm too curious of this substance to not dive further into it's realms.
I smoked it again last week, this time just me and my best friend, someone I have been friends with since I was 3yrs old, we're 29 now, and we have done nearly all of our LSD and mushroom trips together (even our first ever one), so needless to say we know each other very well and have both agreed we are perfect trip sitters for each other. I know when he's having a hard time, and I also know when he's ok and I should just leave him to it. He knows the same for me too. This time the setting was much better, my friends front room which I'm very familiar with and feel comfortable there, a good mood and good company. The method of smoking still wasn't great but much better, also I only had scales that weighed down to 10mg so weighing it out wasn't great. This is not ideal, I know, but I must admit a little impatience and wanting to get going before I had better scales and pipes. I weighed what registered as 0.07g on my scales. I don't know how accurate that was though. I only had a glass perc bong, we layered some dried cannabis leaves into the bowl (just leaves, no buds, but they we're trichome convered) and the DMT, basically the sandwich method people speak of. We didn't apply a flame directly to the bowl as the research we had done warned us of overheating and burning the dmt. We used a torch lighter and heated the bowl from the outside and drew on the chamber until it filled up with thick vapour. We done this a couple of times until finally blasting and igniting the bowl and clearing it for the final hit. I had 2 fairly big hits before igniting the bowl and clearing it. After the second I was already losing perception of my senses and beginning to fade, but my friend made me take the last hit as we intended a break through. After the last hit he took the bong away from my mouth and I laid back into the sofa and closed my eyes. I didn't intent to close my eyes right away but the OEV's we overwhelming so my eyes naturally shut. It wasn't any easier when my eyes were closed, the patterns and colours were more extreme than I was prepared For, the best I can explain is that I saw huge pulsating diamond shapes of wonderful yellow and orange colours, that were throwing out other beautiful patterns that were projected right at my face. These quickly transitioned into numbers which were swirling around in a figure of 8 and being dragged to my left. There was also an overwhelming kind of oscillating humming sound. I was completely oblivious to anything else other than the sound and colours, not even of the fact I had smoked DMT. It come on so fast and powerful my initial thought was "I want it to stop", it was scary, but that thought was quickly proceeded by "No, this was my choice and i shall go with whatever happens". That thought calmed me instantly, at this point I started to see a faint face among the patterns and I asked "is there somebody there?" I then heard a faint voice that said "yes, but you're not quite ready to see me". At this point, I can only explain the colours and patterns as "melting" and slowly dripping away from me as the sounds got more quiet. Eventually I was back in my friends front room and was having what I said was like "the most intense acid trip" I've ever had, which lasted a couple of minutes before coming down completely and just feeling disoriented. This was a very crazy experience and has just fed my curiosity of what lies beyond what I experienced, and I feel I need to dig further,I need to discover what my subconscious has to offer; even if, like others say, it'll just create more questions. I've started this journey now and I am not turning back. My friend however did have his first break through, when he had finished his hits he was twitching a little and I almost asked if he was Ok, but I knew had broken through and would be ok so I sat completely still and silently until he was done as to not disturb his experience. He remembers vividly, but all he could put into words for me was a sensation of being in comfy place and not being a person, he said all he felt like was "purple slime" floating around. He said he spoke to a woman, which oddly enough transformed into a centipede like creature as he was leaving. He said he realises how much time he's been wasting searching for the meaning of life, he was told there is no meaning to life, but not in a bad way, just that there doesn't have to be a meaning.
Anyway, I'm going there again tonight. This time armed with 0.000g scales and a GVG like device, basically is a GVG but a cheaper brand, and a high quality torch lighter. I am attempting a break through but I am still learning my optimal vaping technique so I'll try not to be disappointed if I don't break through yet. Although I'm confident I will, I won't try to force it. I am also not going to smoke any cannabis before hand this time either as there is some speculation over whether this clouds the DMT. It's all about finding out what's best for me.
I'm sorry for the long article and I really appreciate it if you read it all, I'll update this thread and let you all know how we do tonight.
Some info about me that would be relevant to the above:
I'm male, 6ft.2in and between 93-95kg. 29yrs old. I have lots of experience with LSD and psilocybin but not DMT. The setting for these trips is as mentioned above, a very familiar and comfortable room that is very psychedelic themed. If anyone would like to know anything else about me, please ask away.
We done it a little ealirer than planned. I don't know if I broke through or not. I don't really remember anything other than an overwhelming feel of anxiety and trying to get a drink when it was taking effect and getting confused as the drink literally looked about 20ft away but I felt like I could still grab it. Weird feeling. Once I come to I realised the water was right next to me. After the initial feeling of anxiety I was trying to work out if I had burned my lips or not, I had no feeling of even being a person, and at one point I went to ask my friend "did I burn my lips?". The thought of having to ask someone else if I had burned my lips or not instantly sent me into hysterical laughter. After that I don't remember a thing. Just coming to and seeing my friend on the other side of the room waiting for me quietly.
I'm wondering if I did break through or not. I've read a lot about people breaking through and not remember anything until a later date. Last week was intense, but I could process what had happened and take back memories, I was also completely aware of the fact I didn't break through and wanted to do it again, this time I don't really know what happened to me and I don't feel the urge to do again, at least not for a couple of weeks. I feel so confused. It's only been half an hour since I've come back, it'll take me a while to process what's just happened.
So it's been overnight. I feel good still but still confused. I feel very disconnected to the word. I feel confused now, but not in a bad way. Just curiosity as to what had happened?. I nèed to dig further but the anxiety and fear coming was too much. It was fear mixed with curiosity.
Going to give it another go tonight. This time alone and in a much more relaxed setting (at my own home, my wife and kids are out). I'm trying a smaller dose. I realise now 70mg was too much for me. Lower dose, good music and happy mind. I'm excited. I'll report back if anyone's interested
I smashed my GVG. So annoyed, but it's just an object of meaningless material. It can be replaced. I ate 5g of golden teachers instead. Very insightful trip.

They were more intense than b+. I took 5g in a juice. I was gone. I learned some things though;
1. I don't like tripping alone, well not around my wife anyway. She made me feel uncomfortable cos she didn't know I was on them and I tried not to be weird which was hard. She doesn't understand psychedelics.
2. I just don't a fuck haha. I have a strange sense of freedom as I don't have any opinion anymore, I just don't care. Was thinking about someone at work and realised it's all petty pathetic shit In the grand scheme of things. I just don't give a fuck and it's nice lol. No one can hurt me now.
3. Allow more time, they hit me hard, lasted long and I couldn't sleep until 5am. The setting was wrong too.
I feel ok now though, not like I've had a great trip but it was definitely insightful.
Visuals are what you'd expect from cubensis, very intense trails but not so much pulsating colours etc.
I wish so much I could share this with my wife, but I just convince her to even take a small dose. I want to learn with her and it saddens me she don't even consider it. But I must respect wishes
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