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STB with heptane - Is this ok?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My method would be,

1 - use 500ml beaker for 500ml deionized water add in slowly 10g lye (or litmus test till pH 12)

2 - add root bark 50g to the 1000ml Conical flask, add the lye solution shake well, leave for an hour.

3 - Add in 50ml Heptane, shake well, opening to release pressure each shake, then put on hot plate stirrer at 45 degrees, wait till it separates.

4 - Pipette heptane layer into a glass dish, and put the pyrex dish into the freezer overnight

5 - take out, pipette heptane back into the conical flask, repeat step 3 and 4 (four times)

6 - Leave pyrex dish to dry out, then scrape crystals together.

Anyone want to add anything, Change anything, Suggest anything, ect?
It seems okay.

You don't have to test for pH beforehand - since you add lye into de-ionized water, it will immediately jump to max pH even with minute amount of lye added.

The high pH is important after the bark is added, since the bark itself shifts the water pH towards acidic, you need to keep the balance pushed towards basic then. I think 10 g should be enough for 50 g of bark.

You can also prepare the 50% lye solution (10 g lye in 20 ml water) and then mix this solution in the water with bark.

If the crystals stick to the glass well, you can simply pour the heptane right from the dish (no need to pipette) if it has corners (at least this is the way I did usually it). Some heptane might be added to account for evaporation.
1L flask is ok, too little lye, do not measure pH in the initial stage - useless

My procedure :

Put 50g NaOH into 0,25L of distilled water.
Add 50g of powderized MHRB
Mix thoroughly, the more, the better
Let sit for 24 hours. Mix every few hours
Add 0,5L of distilled water, mix thoroughly
Add non-polar and do 3(for toluene) pulls. For heptane much more

I am shaking for full-speed for 1 minute and then let fully settle the layers. Then I shake again and let settle. I repeat this 3 times for the first pull, 6 times for second pull and 10 times for last one. I am using toluene though.

Heptane is not ideal in that stage, if your aim is good yield. It gives cleaner dmt, but you have to do mure pulls to get dmt out of the soup. If you don't mind doing 7-10 pulls, then it can be used.
pete666 said:
1L flask is ok, too little lye, do not measure pH in the initial stage - useless

My procedure :

Put 50g NaOH into 0,25L of distilled water.
Add 50g of powderized MHRB
Mix thoroughly, the more, the better
Let sit for 24 hours. Mix every few hours
Add 0,5L of distilled water, mix thoroughly
Add non-polar and do 3(for toluene) pulls. For heptane much more

I am shaking for full-speed for 1 minute and then let fully settle the layers. Then I shake again and let settle. I repeat this 3 times for the first pull, 6 times for second pull and 10 times for last one. I am using toluene though.

Heptane is not ideal in that stage, if your aim is good yield. It gives cleaner dmt, but you have to do mure pulls to get dmt out of the soup. If you don't mind doing 7-10 pulls, then it can be used.

Lets say I just collect the heptane with a pipette and filter it through a coffee filter into a jar, could i in theory do multiple pulls then put all of it in a dish at once and then freeze?
Thanks for the tips, I want purer crystal so don't mind using heptane
sbc1 said:
Never used toluene how is that compared to naphtha pete666

Toluene gets more dmt, but more impurities too. It calls for later purification if white dmt is required. Many prefer full spectrum dmt though.
Sometimes naptha is used first and then another extration with toluene is proceeded, which yields orange dmt.
I prefer getting everything with toluene, then re-x so I get two fractions - white and orange.
pete666 said:
sbc1 said:
Never used toluene how is that compared to naphtha pete666

Toluene gets more dmt, but more impurities too. It calls for later purification if white dmt is required. Many prefer full spectrum dmt though.
Sometimes naptha is used first and then another extration with toluene is proceeded, which yields orange dmt.
I prefer getting everything with toluene, then re-x so I get two fractions - white and orange.

Of course you can. Just bear in mind your non-polar solvent has to be saturated otherwise you might have problem with freeze-precipitation.
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