We are always in the process of evolving our consciousness. I agree, during the past 200 years, humans haven't been evolving much, and learning from our own history, and if it repeats again, I believe it could easily be the end of humankind of earth. Regardless this would still be perfect. You must learn to see that right and wrong, and imperfection, simply do not exist. They're mental constructions having no tangible place in realtiy. Nothing is right or wrong. It just is. Our definitions of these concepts evolve constantly, obviously there is no absolute. If something was absolutley wrong, wouldn't God prevent it from happening? Like I've been saying here, there is no God outside of ourselves (though outside of our [i:a0b948d404]normal[/i:a0b948d404] perception. There is no plan besides complete freewill. Life as we know it is a process of remembering that WE ARE GOD and deciding evolve and act as we think God would. Remember this rightangle! Just as light cannot be experienced without darkenss, you couldn't experience the beauty without some degree of ugliness; though the degree we've taken the ugliness is certainly far from necessary. A lot fo it has to do with how far removed we've become from a closer balance with the natural world (like living in small tribes), the repression that human beings go through, and a world where violence is touted in movies and popular culture as the solution to all problems. A part of the repression is not allowing people to freely explore their mind and soul (take psychedelics), the use of which in the proper context is very unconditioning and brings a person to peace about the world around them. To end suffering you must FULLY understand why it is happeneing...why would people do this to other people? And you must have limitless compassion towards people who cause suffering to understand them. I hold that nobody does anything they deem 'wrong' given their understanding of life. Hitler didn't think he was wrong. He had a great misunderstanding about life itself. As do most people. Our consciousness has not been evolving in this regard. But it will or we will die. When people understand what is truly possible they will desire to evolve their consciousness and all of this COULD and as far as I could imagine WILL stop. Lest the collective be so stupid as to die for not changing a few erroneous beleifs held about life and God that are the root of all the strife and suffering in the world. ITS THAT SIMPLE. And as I've been saying, when you kill someone, you send them directly into an unfathomably blissful reunion with God which is certainly not something that anyone would object to, I guarantee it. The process is a continual reaffirmation of the utter mangnificence of God in this way. This is where you lack perspective and understanding. You can never kill anyone. You never die. Don't be confused by associting death with the death of the physical body. Our reality and our perceptions are constructed to make us think that this is how life is, but it's just an illusion, and we can SIMPLY transcend this reality to one where there is no 'death' altogetehr. Like the infinite One, we are limitless and eternal, because we are the infinite One. If I knew this world was fucked as is I would have killed myself already. From my earliest memories I was disguested by a world where I saw nothing but senesless resource destruction and killing. It sickened me and as I saw myself as nothing but another being who would be essentially forced to participate in the madness which I would be powerless to stop...I saw absolutely no point in living. If I couldn't be a part of a solution I refused to be part of the problem. But alas I have come to understand that there is no problem, and that everything is perfect absolutely regardless. But if what's happening is not what we desire, it would seem fitting to change our minds and CREATE something different right? Or you could do nothing. It doesn't matter either way. There is only what you desire to experience, and whether what you are doing serves you in this pursuit, or does not. NOTHING MATTERS. Humanity has a choice to make. More love or more fear; for this is the very root of all action taken. It will either send us to heaven or to hell on earth. But again, most people cannot fathom such things as a transcendance of reality and would be highly skeptical that we could, RIGHT NOW, eneter into a realm of bliss and boundlessness. As we become more aware, collectively, that we could do this, it just seems inevitable to me.[/i]