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Steps to ban 'drug' plants alarm hobby gardeners. Article

Migrated topic.
Jesus Christ. This is sickening. It really does seem to me that the time for a revolution has come. These idiots HAVE to be stopped before they do even more serious and irreparable damage to our planet, how many people actually know what DMT iss? And out of them how many actually take it? And of them how many are 'screwed up' by it, or dependant, addicted, or overdose? I have seen statistics, and DMT doesn't even register on them - destroy all Spice containing plants, quick before it does any more damage! I mean, these plants do no damage to society really, where as pharmaceuticals kill how many people a year? How many people become dependant on these substances? How many overdose? This speaks for itself really, doesn't it? There is something seriously fishy going on IMO

Aussies - DO NOT STAND FOR THIS, your rights, and those of your countries flora AND fauna (yes the animals will suffer too) are in serious jeopardy.
"There is not a lot of scientific evidence out there on what plants contain nasties such as DMT," said Anthony Kachenko,

Somebody needs to please inform this Darwin award winner about his own nasty ass body.
Laughably daft laws indeed, yet very sad and pathetic at the same time.

-You'd have thought that they would have realised that Dmt, Mescaline, and Scopolamine containing plants were the least likely type to be used by the clubbing and addicted generation. What next, a ban on "thoughts", kitchen knives, paracetamol, gas, bleach, adrenalin sports, etc?? :shock:
christian said:
You'd have thought that they would have realised that Dmt, Mescaline, and Scopolamine containing plants were the least likely type to be used by the clubbing and addicted generation.
If they want to start banning anything, they should at least start with research chemicals, not plants . :roll:
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