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Stopping Once You Start

Migrated topic.
One day, I was holding off on the spice until sunset. I can see the sunset from my back porch, so I waited till around 6:30 (it was the summer so the days were still long), went out on the back porch and smoked some spice and started to marvel. It was the most beautiful sight I had seen with my eyes open. Just tons of blue, gold, flame red orange, pink and purple. It was like the heavens were opening up as the clouds rolled on in a way they only can with spice's help. Anyway, once it got dark outside, I came in, and still felt like vaping more spice. Well, I know spice can distort your perception of time, but what I thought could've only been 20 min to half an hour tops, I looked up at the clock and it was 9:00. I somehow lost two hours just consecutively smoking spice. Barely noticed the time go by. I think that was the most drawn out session I had (pharma and aya non-withstanding), but often times it was hard to stop once I got started. Now I sort of have myself regimented to once a day unless someone else comes over and asks to smoke some...then I just can't help myself to join in the fun 😉

Changa never fails.

I love to launch changa 2-3 times in row too. First attempt is always beautiful, but not so meaningful, because I'm tense, nervous. After that and nice long afterglow, I'm calm, in meditative mind set, ready to listen what she has to say. Next launches get always very personal and fun.

Like yesterday. During second launch, I was holding third hit when changa started to creep on me with her song. My calm mindset allowed energy of love and understanding to form a 'hyperspace'. But I decided to take one more hit from GVG to be sure of reaching full on state. Sucking GVG again I managed to cancel the 'carrier wave of love' :cry: and holding fourth hit I waited for new one. I was worried I fucked it up and It will never came again...

...It came full on. But it was different. Sinister. Very cool actually. CEV were creepy, tentacles like and I had a feeling not being alone in my room. As I thought about it I had to open my eyes little bit because I saw my room plus tentacle visuals (I was smoking in darkness). From my open closet the the ugly girl looked at me (you know that one from 'The Ring' or 'Grudge' movies:d ). Half of her pale face. Her long tentacle like hair reached my bed I started to flood it with black ink from my feet up to my head. It reached my chest and stopped. Angry chick unsatisfied with result started to crawl out from the closet. And she was not alone. I noticed other one even uglier in furthest corner of the room.......

In short, whole breakthrough was very sinister and cool. I wasn't scared, but amazed how meaningful story changa created. Just because I wasn't paying attention to 'love message' I got scene from The Ring:d

Changa never fails.

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