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Storing DMT/Naptha Solution

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
If SWIMs freezer wasnt big enough, could SWIM store the naptha/dmt solution in a hdpe jug with a lid on, and freeze precipitate over a few days...?

would this diminish the yield in any way?
Haha, dude i have the same problem.
I live in a shared house and often have to fight for freezer space.
I just throw out the frozen peas : )
If your really struggling though, you could always stick it outside overnight.
I dunno how cold it is down there atm, but last night it was fookin freezin up here. And the slower cooling process should make for larger crystal formation.
SWIM is hoping to do this soon when he finally gets his bark.
Swim told me that you should always be careful when putting naptha in your freezer, and make sure it is sealed.

otherwise, especially if you live in a shared house; *any* impropperly sealed food from the freezer will be tasting like naptha for months.
One cannot theoretically rule out degradation of spice in any form of storage. Even within the plant material, it can be vulnerable. More so however when it is in solution; spice does degrade when it is dissolved in water e.g. as a salt, like in aya brews.

There are no much data/observations on whether spice degrades when it is kept as a freebase in some non-polar solvent, however:

People have been evaporating spice-containing non-polar solvents (such as naphtha and/or xylene) for 1-2 weeks, maybe longer sometimes with no reportable losses (or unsatisfactory end-products to be more precise).

So, one may be safe keeping it in a closed container, preferably in the dark and as cold as possible for quite a few time till the conditions are right to proceed, but it would be inadvisable to keep it as such for, say 6 months (just gut feeling).
SWIM's had problems with long-term storage in naphtha (in the freezer in a sealed container). The crystals seem to melt when one attempts to dry them. SWIM's not sure if this is due to moisture contamination, n-oxide impurity, or jungle impurity (or naphtha additives?). SWIM would like to think it's just due to moisture.
amor_fati said:
SWIM's had problems with long-term storage in naphtha (in the freezer in a sealed container). The crystals seem to melt when one attempts to dry them. SWIM's not sure if this is due to moisture contamination, n-oxide impurity, or jungle impurity (or naphtha additives?). SWIM would like to think it's just due to moisture.
SWIM experienced this recently but only once when doing a final [7th] heated [130F] pull from an old solution jar [6 weeks] of Noman's STB :p

The spice was whiter than usual [pale eggshell color] but yield was significantly less [80mg vs 20mg 7th pull; 50g barkmass].
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