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storing spice in acidic water?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Just curious..after doing the mini AB cleanup...When the [SP molecule] has migrated into the acidic water leaving the fats and impuritys behind in the napatha..

Can one store the extracted [sp molecule] in acidic water for a long time in frige if needed?... if this is possible

it would be a handy .. low key.. way to store the molecule...say in a bottle labeled flavored water? .

It would only smell like water with a little vinegar in it...and would not attract un wanted atention?

Would storing the [molecule rich] water in refrigerator.. cause any degradation to it over time?
If there's sufficient acetic acid to prevent growth of microorganisms and mould it should be stable pretty much indefinitely, although it still may be more prudent to use a freezer for storage longer than a month or so.
downwardsfromzero said:
If there's sufficient acetic acid to prevent growth of microorganisms and mould it should be stable pretty much indefinitely, although it still may be more prudent to use a freezer for storage longer than a month or so.

Do you think an acidic alcohol solution may be more appropriate and just as discreet?

One love
Voidmatrix said:
downwardsfromzero said:
If there's sufficient acetic acid to prevent growth of microorganisms and mould it should be stable pretty much indefinitely, although it still may be more prudent to use a freezer for storage longer than a month or so.

Do you think an acidic alcohol solution may be more appropriate and just as discreet?

One love

I was never aware of an acidic alcohol solution?..but i guess alcohol could be made acidic..

i find it easy to store fb [sp] in high proof alcohol...

It seems.. acidic water... is near perfect way to store [sp] .. because it doesnt smell or apeare much different than plain water...

there is a very small odor from the vinegar.. but not much!
Voidmatrix said:
downwardsfromzero said:
If there's sufficient acetic acid to prevent growth of microorganisms and mould it should be stable pretty much indefinitely, although it still may be more prudent to use a freezer for storage longer than a month or so.

Do you think an acidic alcohol solution may be more appropriate and just as discreet?

One love
Using alcohol alone, it would need to be above 20% ethanol to prevent spoilage. Perhaps with acetic acid the ABV could go a bit lower, like port or sherry.
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