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Strange and beautiful: bufotenine under the microscope!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi guys,

I was in a creative mood tonight and decided to take a photograph of some of the crystals from my bufotenine extraction from last month (see other thread on this forum).

Here is what it looks like blown up about 200 times:

Bufotenine crystal ~200x

And the tip on the left magnified another 200x or so:

Bufotenine crystal ~400x

I found the little peaks and valleys on the first image very interesting and psychedelic even. The second image shows a lot of "dirt" which is probably dust on the lens.

I'd upload this to Wikipedia but am too chicken to leave a trail.

Hope you enjoyed! Maybe next I'll try with some DMT.
chaosbydesign said:
Dude. You should definitely try this with all different psychedelics!!! :)

Alright, I just did a shot of some scrapings I'd left of 5-MEO-DMT and will find a forum to post them in.

Meanwhile, if you guys wanna REALLY encourage me to take more photos why not toss a couple bucks' worth of ye olde BTC? I'm scraping by and have very little money to spend on chems :(

teveo said:
chaosbydesign said:
Dude. You should definitely try this with all different psychedelics!!! :)

Alright, I just did a shot of some scrapings I'd left of 5-MEO-DMT and will find a forum to post them in.

When you say scrapings of 5-MeO, you make it sound like you've extracted it. What plant do you think you've extracted the 5-MeO from? Or was it synthesized?
Oh no, this is the real deal. MOD Edit: No discussion of Buying here, Thankyou 100mg not too long ago which in hand adds up to what half a crushed Tylenol would look like (ie, not much!)
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