Hey everyone!
A while ago i made a video on youtube showcasing my DMT jester digital painting to try to promote myself as a beginning artist, almost immediately after i get a comment from a raver kid saying he was so shocked when he saw the jester in his first DMT trip and he posted the digital painting he made and it was like almost the EXACT fucking composition i made, the place of the jester and its hands, and the background color scheme. his background was a little more basic but more dmt like in my opinion because it was circus checkered patterned square room..
then i get a comment from a lady saying she just broke thru 1 night ago and had a bad trip of 4 jesters that were being like sexually aggressive with her, she said the background was (pink and red CHECKERED patterning and she posted a picture of a black and white checkered room which is pretty much exactly the same as the other commenters digital painting.
literally all the things we made and posted had connecting archetypes and elements that are too visible to ignore.
Ive had issues with psychedelics where they pretty much cause probability to be thrown out the window and synchronicity runs a muck, but that could just be because psychedelics increase pattern recognition making you notice things you might not have so you might just be finding more meaning in things, but some of the synchronicities are linked in chain reactions and are statistically highly improbable.
Ive talked to a guy that claims its an anti-entropy effect on reality and probability which happens when you dose. Could be.
But i have noticed some strange shit.
back to jesters, for one, its one of Carl Jung's MAIN archetypes, (jester,trickster,clown) of the collective unconscious.
But Carl Jungs collective unconscious is considered pseudo-scientific with no evidence to back it up, Hopefully you see where i might be driving at.
I've looked up what other people on Nexus think about it and some have over simplified it as
Pareidolia and brushed it aside as nonsense.
But what happened in my video is probably the first step to actually testing this hypothesis, because the amount of similarities we displayed is completely unlikely in what we drew. I think art is the only way we really can get to the bottom of this phenomenon.
We didnt synchronize this coincidence ourselves it just happened.
But i strongly think something more profound is taking place here besides "Pareidolia"
please check it out and decide for yourselves.