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Strange occurrences !

Migrated topic.
Firstly i'd like to say a big thankyou for making me a full member.

Over the past month or so,i seem to have experienced a couple of 'events' that have made me wonder if the use of psychedelics has somewhat awakened something dormant within me.I believe in one way or another,that i have 'been reborn',into a collective consciousness with which this natural world encapsulates us.

Like the flower that reaches full bloom in spring,i can feel thru my journeys with spice and salvia,that i have blossomed into the 'new' me.The 'new' that overshadows what i was,into the person i feel i am now.

I know it all sounds rather corny,but i can only describe it the way i feel :?

What all this leads to is this.And this is only my attempt at what i can theorise may be happening at times,although how utterly fantastic it may sound.

Is it possible that the use of psychedelics can change brain chemistry/brain functions that could lead to an increase in extra sensory perception(esp) and/or change a persons susceptibility to paranormal activity...ie remote viewing for example ??

( I must point out that the following events occured while NOT under the influence of any substance or psychedelic )

My first experience of the unusual kind occurred just a month ago.In bed,late at night,approximately 12.30am,after 2 or so hours sleep, i'm woken by the feeling of a presence at the side of my bed.
Total darkness bar the small green LED light in my pc case,which for its size is quite illuminating.Now just from this light,i was able to see my partner,apparently in a seated position,smoking a spliff.Foremost i was thinking what the hell was he doing here so late in the morning,and just sitting there in the dark smoking.He hadn't mentioned he was coming over and i hadn't asked him to.His appearance was puzzling.Its not something he does.Certainly not unannounced.( i live with my brother so he knows better not to just turn up,they don't see eye to eye ).

Now,being in a slumbering state,it took me some time for my eyesight to adjust,but in all physicality,there he was.I could see him absolutely as clear as anything.Sat there,spliff in hand,in which he actually stretched out his arm to offer me a pull.

Again,in a surprised state of mind,i reached out to push his hand away,in a clear gesture that it wasn't wanted,specially being so late and needing sleep before work that morning.

And just as quickly as he appeared,as i was getting out of bed he vanished.Light on,nothing there.Ok.I was either dreaming,hallucinating or i was an active participant in something i can't explain.

So,sometime the following evening,as usual,i get a text message from the other half.Typical conversation ensues until i mention i had a weird vision/hallucination/dream.I explained what happened and he was surprised,more than surprised.Working the nightshift he took his lunch break at 12.30am :shock: :shock: The fact that he was smoking a spliff too_OK,coincidence...maybe,maybe not.Although he was pretty chuffed that we seemed to have a moment of sheer synchronicity.

I certainly haven't had any experience like that before and can't explain it.

So to the second strange occurrence.Now this is slightly more freaky.Its been happening now for the past 2 weeks or so with seemingly increasing frequency.I can't say for sure if it is just my imagination running amok but i am having corner of the eye phenomena and glimpsing shadowy movement in the house.

I am led to believe that these incidents are all related to the death of my father,coming up to a year ago now.He lived with us at home and had been ill for some years after suffering a serious head injury.He needed round the clock care as he was mostly immobile,had multiple health problems and prone to ceasures.
Late at night is the most active time.I can be watching tv in the living room,and suddenly i'll notice a brief shadow move across the hallway.Another occasion it might be i just glimpse what i think is my father poking his head round the door,as he often used to do when he was alive.But mostly its a fleeting shadow.Corner of the eye stuff.It can be very unnerving.But i always have the intense feeling that it IS my father.

Now since my extremely spiritual salvia trip a year ago i have become a firm advocate of life beyond the physical,in whatever form that may be but always remain subjective.I cannot say for certain what i have experienced is definite and actual,but at the time it seems most real.We all have accounts of events we witness but can't be 100% certain of what we have seen,felt or heard.Other variables come into play which can turn the perceived rational into the irrational.

Are my senses playing tricks on me ? possibly.The first experience could be put down to coincidence,but to have my account corroborated in time and action lends some credence to the episode.And this is definately something i have not experienced before.

To me it all compounds to the point that i am having experiences since i have been using psychedelics but not whilst using them. ( The last time i used any psychedelic was in august )

Any ideas/thoughts on this.It all sounds a bit sci-fi but i'm none the wiser.Does this make any sense.Has anyone else had anything similar.

I'm not saying psychedelics are the reason why this is happening,just could they be playing a part since my use of them.

Peace,love and harmony
Very interesting experiences...and I can relate in many ways. Since I began using psychedelics, I often have strange occurances when not on them, sometimes when months have gone by without any usage. You are not alone.

My interpretation is this...

You have been awakened to different possibilities, a different paradigm, a different mode of being. The use of psychedelics can be a trigger for this, and once the switch is flipped, there is no going back (unless you consciously decide to stick your head in the sand). We live in amazing times, things are being revealed all over the place, and amongst many people. Psychedelic users and non users. The experiences are begging you to question your pre-concieved notions of reality. They are trying to get you to see "outside" the box of concensus reality and the illusion that our current world tries to indoctrinate us with. All is not as it seems, we have been lied to, manipulated and decieved for thousands of years, one generation perpetuating the lie for the next. You are being given the opportunity to wake up from that dream, take the "Red Pill" if you will, see how far the rabbit hole goes...Do you wish to know the truth? Then follow the rabbit through the maze and see how far he takes you...that rabbit of course being the quest for knowledge.

These experiences are trying to wake you up to the true nature of your self, the truth of your existence. Ask the questions, search for the answers...if done so with an open mind and heart, you WILL find answwers. Meditate, sit in silence with yourself and delve inward to find the core of your being. With practice and persistence, your questions will be answered, your truth will be revealed.
Thankyou for your replies.I'm glad to hear that this is something that is widespread and not just me thinking "am i going insane?".

I must admit i was in two minds whether to make this post because i felt it seems just so out of this world...when in fact my underlying fears were true in the fact that IT IS out of this world quite literarly.

I can rest easily knowing that what i have seen and experienced is nudging me in the right direction.

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