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Stuck in Waiting Room

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello All,

I have recently been experimenting heavily with DMT crystals, as well as Changa. I think I may have smoked DMT about 15 times, and Changa about 30 at this point over the last few months.

My intentions are normally clear when I get ready to blast off, and I try to prepare for smoking DMT (Or Changa) in a respectful, and spiritual way each time I partake. Unfortunately, I have discovered that I love the DMT space so much, that I am tending to do it more often, and sometimes I do it without what I would consider proper respect or intentions.

There have been several times where I smoked, and it was VERY evident that I smoked enough, but that I was kept in the DMT waiting area. In fact, I could even see beyond the waiting area into hyperspace, but I was not allowed further on these occasions.

In all of these cases, I don't think I properly prepared for the trip, or I was simply trying to go there because I had nothing else to do. Doing it recreationally.

It seems that the DMT senses this, and purposefully manages me and if I am not correctly prepared with respect and intention, I cannot get in. And it's obvious that it is keeping me out. It's not dose related. In fact, the best trips I have had were where I waited several days, and entered the experience as respectful as possible.

Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, what are your thoughts?

Thanks so much for your sharing.

Psychedelics are self-regulating. What I have learned is to integrate a DMT journey before I embark on another one. I sit with it. Think about it. I think about it until the pieces fit. I can almost feel it click into place. An epiphany of sorts.

Does DMT shut us out? I don't think so. I think we shut ourselves out. I have been in the waiting room and I had this feeling like I needed to go to sleep. Groggy. When I would fight this feeling and attempt to stay awake I would remain in the waiting room. When I went towards this sleepy feeling I would almost instantly enter hyperspace. It's hard to describe the feeling exactly. Fighting to stay awake because you don't want to miss anything. If I allowed myself to not worry about missing anything and just allow the feeling of sleep to come, it transformed the experience. I do not feel like I am explaining this very well but often it is so hard to describe anything about DMT experiences. There is always this lacking of words for description.

I have come to accept the waiting room. I have come to accept any experience that comes up. I don't compare anymore. I don't expect anything anymore. I just let it be. I think going towards the sleepy feeling I was having was in a way letting go of expectation. Acceptance of where I was and how I felt. When this acceptance occurs, I always feel a very real sense of peace, joy, and harmony. I have also lost myself and been absorbed into the universe when I fully accept what is happening no matter what it is.

It is hard to step back from what you are experiencing and just watch it. It is so easy to get wrapped up in what the mind is focusing on. I find that the mind wants to race and find a solution to a problem that does not exist. It searches and searches, caught in an endless loop. That is why I think integration is key. Allow the mind to find it's solutions to the puzzles that are presented in hyperspace. Allow your mind to sort through and find out that there is no puzzle. The puzzle is a figment of the imagination. Shadows and mirrors. Illusions in every sense of the word.
Perhaps a brake is needed. Just stop for a few weeks. Psychedelics help us eleminate are unexamined compulsions and habits, and when the psychedelics have become the habit, it makes sense that the compound would do as much as it could to become unappealing, forcing you to cease and examine your compulsion of non-benneficial DMT use.

I would say just stop, smoke weed if you need, but take a small brake...or maybe you could rotate your entheogens, explore LSD, San Pedro or lophophora cacti or psilocybe fungi for a time, where you have stopped DMT use...

(I've never been able to use DMT frequently, one high dose experiance every few years does the job, I'm generally afraid to return any sooner...so, since I can't relate to the situation I'm not sure how good my advice is, I'm not speaking from experience, just giving some input after a quick review of the situation...Though this does happen to me with mushrooms, when I use them too often the experiences become so scary and cold that I have to take a brake... )

Thanks for the feedback guys. EG you are probably correct. Need to step back and settle down.

I swear though, the DMT world is so awesome and full of love and beauty, it just makes me want to be there all the time. I'm sure I m not alone in that thought.

Anyhow - Thanks for the input and I wish you the best.

Maybe something is trying to teach you that balance is key to life?
Instead of trying to be there all the time, express what you learn from the experience and try to gain the most from it in your day to day life and help others come to greater realizations to slowly make life on earth more loving and similar to what you learn and experience on psychedelics.

That is what psychedelics i truly believe are ultimately here for, for us to learn about who we really are and unlock deeper levels of self and replicate what we learn in this reality and eventually one day we wont even need to use them anymore because we will have created all that we need here.
Just thought I would add a little something that i think relates to this.

One night I was unable to sleep and so was up reading and just relaxing and thought it might be a great time to see what was going on in hyperspace. I was relaxed and thinking about lots of stuff probable the reason I couldn't sleep... loaded up went outside lovely cool night sat down relaxed, lit up and was going in expecting too pay close attention to everything.

But nothing really happened it was like I had taken a sub breakthrough dose distorted lines some tinggly feelings etc etc was kinda bummed out. So tried to figure out what was happening did I burn it under heat it... screw it i will take another hit to see what the situation was took it and BAM right when i was not expecting and waiting it hit me like a truck... was a crazy ride!

I had been taking DMT almost every day that week in the same way so i don't think it was the method it was my mind frame. Expecting too much forcing myself to pay attention when really you have to be at one with what is happening or going to happen.

So to sum it up I think if you go in looking for like a recreational buzz your mind frame is wrong kinda like mine was, but in saying that you can go in with an intention to learn or experience but not to just observe or escape.

Don't know if i made any sense but i hope helps..??:lol: :d :surprised
That's well put, and exactly how I have been treating DMT lately.

I know that it's non-addictive, but man do I want to go there all the time. It's like a fantastic TV show, can't wait for the next episode.

On that note, I hit 80mg the other day (yup - too much) but I thought I had burned it and was sitting there forever in the waiting area, and all of a sudden the experience was an immediate sexual one. Entities writhing and coiling around each other naked and with fantastic and detailed bodies.

It was almost like I was being given a booby prize to keep me entertained but I could not get to the main show. It threw me off so badly as I have never seen sexual activity like this before in hyperspace, so I opened my eyes and immediately realized that I was definitely on the full dose because the room was off kilter and I could not get my wits, but I ever could get back into where I left off when I closed my eyes again.

So yeah, patience and intention and respect is the key I believe.

Sure is hard though. What an incredible thing DMT is. Just hope I don't fall in permanently somehow. Haha!

Are we 100% SURE that smoking DMT is non-addictive? Cause I feel like I am these days. Crazy
Rob24550 said:
That's well put, and exactly how I have been treating DMT lately.

I know that it's non-addictive, but man do I want to go there all the time. It's like a fantastic TV show, can't wait for the next episode.

On that note, I hit 80mg the other day (yup - too much) but I thought I had burned it and was sitting there forever in the waiting area, and all of a sudden the experience was an immediate sexual one. Entities writhing and coiling around each other naked and with fantastic and detailed bodies.

It was almost like I was being given a booby prize to keep me entertained but I could not get to the main show. It threw me off so badly as I have never seen sexual activity like this before in hyperspace, so I opened my eyes and immediately realized that I was definitely on the full dose because the room was off kilter and I could not get my wits, but I ever could get back into where I left off when I closed my eyes again.

So yeah, patience and intention and respect is the key I believe.

Sure is hard though. What an incredible thing DMT is. Just hope I don't fall in permanently somehow. Haha!

Are we 100% SURE that smoking DMT is non-addictive? Cause I feel like I am these days. Crazy

People can become addicted to anything*, it doesn't make what they are addicted to "addictive".

DMT does not cause physical dependency, and generally chronic use is minimal, I would say it's not addictive.

*vice media did a show called "venom superman", this guy was addicted to injecting snake venom, now, this does not mean injecting snake venom is addictive, only that this individual became addicted to it.

If your that determibed to remain in hyperspace you could always rotate your compounds, try some mescaline cacti or psilocybe fungi, take some LSD...or if the DMT flash is really your thing, perhaps explore salvinorin-a, which can be very DMT like, and which is also legal in most places...

Maybe even explore holotropic breath-work as described by stanislov grof, or perhaps explore wim hof breathing techniques, or perhaps meditation work, or even ordeal shamanism...there are many ways to obtain psychedelic and Entheogenic states.

entheogenic-gnosis said:
If your that determibed to remain in hyperspace you could always rotate your compounds, try some mescaline cacti or psilocybe fungi, take some LSD...or if the DMT flash is really your thing, perhaps explore salvinorin-a, which can be very DMT like, and which is also legal in most places...

I would also not recommend this, also not being sober is a kind of addiction. It is always important to implement your experiences in your normal life. Using DMT quite often because you love hyperspace this much would be a perfect reason for me to take a break of visiting hyperspace for some time period.
Thanks for the input - all good.

The answer sounds like, as usual, moderation.

I did try Salvia as you suggested a while back. That was as disturbing of an experience as I have ever had. Fantastic, and educational, but scary.
Ok, so me being me, and hard headed, I did some Changa tonight. Again, I was stuck in the waiting room. Could see past into hyperspace but could not get there.

So, being childish, one hour later I loaded some crystal and tried to see if that would work.

Nope - stuck again. There was no problem with technique or anything. DMT has simply shut me out. And I guess I deserve it for being flippant about it's use and lacking respect.

Looking over the message boards, it seems that others have been shut out like this when they become less than respectful of the spice.

So I'm going to lay it down for a while, and evaluate my situation and come back at a later date.

What a sad feeling to be shut out, but that a great lesson unto itself.

Peace To All
I have the same thing occur to me regularly, I have typically been smoking once every 3-7 days for the last few years. I seem to only really break through every 1/10 times, even though the dose and administration is always accurate and superb. Sometimes there are nearly zero effects aside from pupil dilation and lack of physical coordination. In fact I've been shut out for some time now, I'm starting to think that I should take a longer break than just a few weeks at a time. On some occasions I have also had the experience of being able to look past my room (eyes open) into hyperspace beyond, but not being allowed in by "the guardian" entity. It offers a peek in-between its waving tentacles. They are always in control of the experience, they choose what you are allowed to do. I sometimes feel like each trip is like an interactive movie crafted specifically for you that is chosen from a playlist by the entities. Once the playlist runs out, and you "get" the message, there's nothing left there for you, hang up the phone.

Recently I had a pretty freaky experience - the entities told me that I had broken through too many times and that my consciousness could only withstand a few more (similar to how generation loss in molecular reassembly would kill you if you were to teleport too many times). Some of the bad trips I had before that (vomited everywhere due to changa flu while in hyperspace) were warning signs that I was getting close to my lifetime limit. What happens when you reach the limit? Maybe you don't come back to this reality, or maybe it just stops working. Either way, I don't believe everything I hear in hyperspace until I hear it 10 times on 10 different occasions. There's enough noise in the experiences to make inferring anything from just one experience less than accurate. I've gone back a few times since without any more doom prophecies, so all is well for now. The entities could just be telling me scary stories to rustle my jimmies.
Wow - That's just what I am experiencing exactly. It really hurt my feelings to be honest. Felt like I was dumped by my new girl. LOL

I'm glad you are not fully locked out, and I hope to get back sometime later. I plan to do some deep tank meditation and see if I can revive the mental part of my DMT relationship before I try again.

How many times total do you think you have smoked total now, breakthrough or no breakthrough. I am probably at 50 or so ini the past 4-5 months.

If your situation get's better, let me know. I'm curious to follow your story.

What an amazing drug. Even when it shuts me off I am in awe of it's power.
Thistle Elf said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
If your that determibed to remain in hyperspace you could always rotate your compounds, try some mescaline cacti or psilocybe fungi, take some LSD...or if the DMT flash is really your thing, perhaps explore salvinorin-a, which can be very DMT like, and which is also legal in most places...

I would also not recommend this, also not being sober is a kind of addiction. It is always important to implement your experiences in your normal life. Using DMT quite often because you love hyperspace this much would be a perfect reason for me to take a break of visiting hyperspace for some time period.

Yes, this was my initial recommendation, to simply stop.

I figured that if you are going to feed the problem, perhaps rotating your entheogens could be benneficial, maybe you could have some insight regarding unexamined unhealthy compulsions, which psychedelics tend to reveal to the user. When I take LSD it can be psychoanalytical to a point where it is almost uncomfortable, though it often does have a "10 years of therapy in a single psychedelic experience" quality to it. There was work done with LSD and alcoholics in the 50s that showed after administration of LSD reduced or ceased the alcoholics desire and tendency to drink, now, it's not that LSD cures alcoholism, it's that LSD allows one to step out of their baseline mindstate, and evaluate the situation from an entirely new perspective, you gain insight on the situation which you could not have obtained otherwise. It's said that people can not preform psychotherapy on themselves, and this is true for many reasons, however the psychedelics offer one this ability by the means described in the last few sentences...

Sorry, I'm rambling, the point was that I agree, you should stop, though if your that determined, perhaps rotate your entheogens, or explore meditation, or breath work, or ordeal shamanism, and so on, and perhaps in doing so, resolution of the op's unhealthy DMT smoking compulsion may be achieved.


So the other day I spent a good bit of time setting some intentions, creating a good headspace, and paying respect to the Changa.

I was allowed back in and had an incredibly rich and emotional experience. Almost like a short ayahuasca trip. Very cathartic, and beautiful.

Lesson Learned - Don't disrespect the spice with frivolous, recreational use. Enter with intent and respect.

Incredible gift this DMT is and I hope to have it in my life forever.

WisdomTooth said:
Maybe something is trying to teach you that balance is key to life?
Instead of trying to be there all the time, express what you learn from the experience and try to gain the most from it in your day to day life and help others come to greater realizations to slowly make life on earth more loving and similar to what you learn and experience on psychedelics.

That is what psychedelics i truly believe are ultimately here for, for us to learn about who we really are and unlock deeper levels of self and replicate what we learn in this reality and eventually one day we wont even need to use them anymore because we will have created all that we need here.

I can certainly relate to wanting more of a wonderful thing, and frowning at the concept of less when the beauty seems plentiful.

Echoing WisdomTooth, however, balance seems to be the real MVP here. As much beauty and understanding and wisdom as we can receive from trips like this, we have been born into these bodies with this type of perception and understanding for a reason. We can take what we have experienced back into our commonly known "reality" and use it wisely. Too much of a good thing in this case would leave us detached from the pressing issues all around us that demand attention and reform.

I think the tolerance we build is nature's way of telling us to back off, at least temporarily. We wouldn't want to end up like an overfished lake, devoid of fish and teeming with algae or parasitic bugs, smothering anything else that once thrived there, the balance so offset that we can no longer reap a single benefit from the wasteland we have created. With care and respect we can take what is needed and no more, allowing everyone the communal benefit of healthy balance.

Peace and blessings,

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