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Submit Questions For The Alex Grey Interview in Nexian #3


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Relay from Guyomech:

Alex has agreed to do the interview, and seems pretty enthused about it. Allyson Grey is open to being included in the questioning as well- this is great because I did want to ask about their shared LSD experience written about in Sacred Mirrors, which inspired her Jewel Net of Indra and his Universal Mind Lattice. I mentioned to him that a lot of the questions would be specifically about psychedelic inspiration in their art lives, which is something they've always spoken about publicly, and he seemed particularly excited about that part.

We should probably try to keep this quick, let's say under a week, since he is home this next few weeks and then takes off for more touring, so we have a window. That gives us until December 3.

Any specific requests for favorite Grey paintings you'd like to see included or explained?

We were at a workshop of theirs once where he spoke about Transfiguration, which was inspired by a DMT experience. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Dec3?!? Today is dec 3.

Anyway, I've always been struck by the archetypal imagery that he produces. One of the better painters of the psychedelic visionary state, Grey seems to be able to effectively portray images of a universal nature.

On one of my more powerful DMT trips, i inhabited the space that he represents with the painting that depicts the 'hallway' composed of pillars that have faces on each side. I had never seen his painting of that prior, to my concious knowledge.
(EDIT:This is the 'net of being'/'god soul' series. See attached pic.)

I'm curious how he feels about this universal imagery, and its importance to human consciousness, despite it's quite other worldly nature.

I mean, more or less, that this imagery seems really quite foreign to any aspect of normal waking consciousness, and is also largely absent from much of the spiritual art through time. However, these alien landscapes are endemic to deep psychedelic states, in particular that of DMT. The fact that it does seem to occur quite often and repeatedly among those who explore these realms without prior exposure to the artworks makes me feel that the images stem from some archetypal source, perhaps the dream world of the eternal soul. What does the painter feel about this?

Oh,btw, congrats on the interview! It's looking like the Nexian is poised to become a leading publication in the psychedelic renaissance,if not the only one extant! :thumb_up:


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null24 said:
It's looking like the Nexian is poised to become a leading publication in the psychedelic renaissance,if not the only one extant! :thumb_up:
Become? Is there anything else out there that comes close to the quality of what these guys are doing? I'd say no!

Let's just say I was being facetious. :thumb_up:
It says something that the people considered to be leaders in the entheogenic/cognitive liberty community,like Alex Grey and Dr. Strassman are happy to be part of it.
Good job, great show!
Did you help create hyperspace? Cause a lot of your artwork has been found there.

Have you had any recent precognitive events placed in your artwork besides the Gaia one? <- wasn't sure how to word that one
Don't know if I'm too late, but...

anrchy said:
Did you help create hyperspace? Cause a lot of your artwork has been found there.

24 said:
I mean, more or less, that this imagery seems really quite foreign to any aspect of normal waking consciousness, and is also largely absent from much of the spiritual art through time. However, these alien landscapes are endemic to deep psychedelic states, in particular that of DMT. The fact that it does seem to occur quite often and repeatedly among those who explore these realms without prior exposure to the artworks makes me feel that the images stem from some archetypal source, perhaps the dream world of the eternal soul. What does the painter feel about this?

On this note, Grey's experience with medical illustration, coupled with artistic vision has made his art the closest thing to a "naturalist" depiction of psychedelic architecture I've come across. I'm wondering if he could speak to the difficulties of bringing back material from beyond. For example, dreams are quickly forgotten, but keeping a dream journal can help train one's ability to recall them. Does he have any advice pertaining to the psychedelic experience?
as null24 stated in his post,

i also haven't nseen net of being before my first trip, i realize that this also became the album art for Tool's 10,000 days. i would love to known more about the origin of this image he created

it is December 4 today, wish I had to see this earlier.
amazing other people seen this image in trips before really knowing who Alex Grey is.
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