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suggestion: tek troubleshooting

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hey I know people are busy sorting out the existing to do list,
but I was just thinking a troubleshooting section for the most popular teks would be extremely helpful to anyone new to the field; so like, dealing with common problems

"if this shit happens, you fucked up like this, here's what you can do to fix it"
"an emulsion layer forms, you probably added or mixed the NaOH solution too violently, try gently warming the mix in a water bath"

I don't know. just an idea.

you got something like this yet?
This sounds like a pretty good idea if something like it doesn't already exist. SWIM is still very new to extracting and imagines he will probably need lots of help in the future.
Strongly agree with this.

I've noticed in the extraction help thread a lot of people keep reposting as if standing by waiting for someone to help them. Many of these issues are quite common and a good troubleshooting guide would be much eaiser to refer to than pages and pages of the extraction help thread.
You can add those comments yourself in the "Remarks" section of a tek if you like, just signup and hit edit at the appropriate tek.

Check this link to see a tek where that has already been done. It's the "Remarks" at Nomans Tek.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I just posted a thread about where to get things used in the process, but it goes along these same lines. The Remarks section is most definitely wonderful - but there is information that spreads multiple teks, and that redundancy can become a pain, and also risks fragmenting useful information that might be on one tek that an individual isn't viewing.

The problem with the info being jammed in threads is that one has to either manually peruse the entire thing, all asides included, or utilize their memory of having done it. Not an issue, but when it's one post in 30 pages of replies, it can be daunting - and after you dedicate an hour into it, you gotta think most people will NEVER see it. We should extract that information like we do our DMT and let it evaporate into it's most concise, pure, and useful form in the Wiki.

Are there any legal concerns with putting any info up? Of course straight links to sources for bark probably isn't a good idea - I mainly mean more like places to get tools and solvents and whatnot. As well as trip reports, or random info, etc...

Oh, and while I'm talking about it, mad props to the Wiki so far! It looks great and is very useful!! Mad thanks to all who have contributed so far! Someone actually posted a thought I had been having (more spice synchronicity) about posting positive things we've had from DMT as a point for legalizing it. I think that this community is a shining example, like a shining machine elf, of what is possible when we work together. This place is like the wet dream of science - people not competing but sharing and working together to advance things for everyone. People who WANT to help and share and spread the love. Leads one to think of what would be possible if the whole world smoked it, but of course, that is a thought trap - there's more to this world than JUST dmt, and there's more to DMT than just this world.

(edit) Hope I don't come across as negative about linking the thread - much the opposite, it's the next best thing to extracting the info from it, as it highlights it out of all the others as to containing that info - posts are numbered to which can provide for pinpointing. When hashing out pages on the Wiki one could probably just sketch things out by linking to threads and showing their post count - this would double as providing a place for people to then go and continue to talk specifically about that thing in it's already existing, appropriate thread - with the Wiki as an informational supplement or such, anyway, thanks for sharing - bout to peruse that thread now ^_^(/edit)
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