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sunflower oil pulling time?

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
So I'm trying to get the hang of trypt extraction through plant oils... and I've gotten to the oil pulling step and I'm now waiting on alkaloid migration.

The method has gone like this:
1- Boil Acacia bark in vinegar/water
2- Strain out bark, save tea
3- Reduce acidic tea to small amount amount of liquid
4- Add Sodium Carb to brew, first bubbling is noted, followed by solution turning cloudy (I assume alks crashing out), added extra spoonful NaCO3 after much crud seemed to have settled on the bottom.
5- Reduce alkaline brew to thick resin, scrape, move to oil pulling jar
6- Add sunflower oil to resin in jar, mixed with a chop stick

The sunflower oil doesn't seem to be pickup up any color though, even after 24 hrs. I have the jar stored so I'll just wait till it starts pulling stuff or I figure out something else to do with it. Jar has been at room temperature.

How long do veggie oil extractors wait for each pull to come into the oil? Is there a pretty immediate color change?

Also, is my assumption that when the tea turns milky, the alks are based correct? Could I have underbased and left trypt acetates in resin?

Next steps will be to salt the oil pulls, base trypt acetates, and pull into isopropanol, so long as the oil will pull correctly.

Thanks for any help
Well after a week and a half of letting the oil/resin mixture sit, I separated the oil and did a vinegar wash...

I let the vinegar sit for 20 minutes, swirling in the oil. Oil turned a bit cloudy, seemed like a small amount of trypts coming through. Separated the vinegar from oil, and evaporated the vinegar.

Nearly nothing left on the plate. I'm at a bit of a loss.

The alks don't seem to be coming into the oil as well as hoped. I may try heating the oil/resin while mixing to see if that will allow it through better. The oil doesn't even seem to be gaining much color at the moment.

The resin is quite thick, like a sort of gummy tar like some sort of black bubblegum. Maybe I'll try adding some more water to the resin to make the alks a little less concentrated and more mobile through the resin sludge.
To get the best results using oil, I would recommend going one of two routes:

1. Redissolve the basic resin/paste into water and proceed to pull from the solution using the oil, ala a traditonal liquid-liquid extraction. Then proceed to salt out alkaloids from oil.


2. Pull from the basic paste with alcohol or some other solvent, evap that solvent off for a crude freebase, and dissolve the crude freebase into your oil. Then proceed to salt out alkaloids from oil.
Thank you for the advice dreamer

I added sodium carb water to the hard-resin/oil mix, and mixed quite hard to try and get it to pull some.
It worked like a charm, the oil immediately started pulling all sorts of gunk!
Problem is, I then had to work through the terribly thick emulsion :shock:

I added lots and lots of carb water to the pulling container until it separated into distinct layers of oil and water.
Started pulling the red muddy oil into vinegar, and the vinegar is picking up some color now.

So I'll proceed as well as I can. I heard salt can help break up emulsions?
I feel like oil pulling the acidic tea in the beginning could have helped reduce the emulsion mess.

I think you're right dreamer about barks and just using alcohol, maybe cleaning up with oil later, or just refining with more alcohol...

But on the plus side I do have some more experience I can use for working with grasses and desmanthus :)
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