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Supplements and herbs for more energy and a healthy body/mind

Migrated topic.
synaptolepis kirkii

Its one of the best herbs I've ever taken.

Read up on it, here's a thread Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Googling 'synaptolepis kirkii' helps a lot too.

To me, its practically nootropic. Amazing herb, makes me feel better in so many ways. And it gives you some very interesting dreams..


Other than this, I suggest racetam nootropics, they may not be herbs, but are highly recommended, I suggest you research these as well.

john smith is right, GO CAPSAICIN
something quick, simple to obtain and produces an immediate effect - capsaicin. Fresh jalapenos(or any other hot pepper) at grocery for example. Blend into a smoothie. Take 1-2 tablespoons of this smoothie on empty stomach in the morning without chewing(with very little or no water), that makes it painless besides a slight burn in the stomach for a few.
Anyway... that feels like theres a fireball of energy sitting in my stomach and feeding me energy all day, quite amazing feeling. Especially good if you're trying to lower your caffeine intake. Or in combination with. I prefer whole leaf green tea made quite strong.

a bit offtopic but if that combination is also topped-off with a cold shower - WOW.
Mindlusion said:
synaptolepis kirkii

Its one of the best herbs I've ever taken.

Read up on it, here's a thread Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Googling 'synaptolepis kirkii' helps a lot too.

To me, its practically nootropic. Amazing herb, makes me feel better in so many ways. And it gives you some very interesting dreams..


Other than this, I suggest racetam nootropics, they may not be herbs, but are highly recommended, I suggest you research these as well.

john smith is right, GO CAPSAICIN

Hmmm, I've never heard of this herb before. I Googled it and didn't find much but went to KT botanicals to read about it and for some reason, without much thought, I impulsively ordered some. This is unusual for me because I usually do extensive research on supplements before I order but somehow I knew I had to try it.

I'll post my experiences with it as soon as I try it out. Thanks, Mindlusion! 8)

John Smith, thanks for the info on jalapenos, looks very promising. I'll tell my wife to pick some up for me at her work- (She works at a health food store and gets a good discount on organic food and supplements).8)
White button mushrooms, cordiceps, damiana. A test boost, immuno boost and aromatase inhibitor cocktail. Good for what ails ya. Add a kale, cucumber, celery, fruit smoothie too and you can live healthy off that alone.
Check out 'Brain Booster' & 'Mind Motivator' from here: Welcome to DR Vitamin Solutions | Home | Trusted Supplement Brands

...Yes, they're suppositories. :shock:

Also, look into:

- Ashwagandha
- Eluethero root
- Male Shakti (from here: www.tattvasherbs.com ) <(they carry a CO2 extract of Ashwagandha, btw)

Etc...etc...I would help more, but I'm off to bed, before the move tomorrow.

So, yeah, check out adaptogens....Get your nutrition up to speed....plenty of rest....sunshine...good vibes...etc...

Only use stimulants and boosters if necessary, if needed.
I would recommend people experiment with herbs and plant based supplements. There is no scientific evidence to show taking multivitamin supplements does anything positive whatsoever. A recent study hinted that they may reduce lifespan in females, and certain vitamins and minerals can be very toxic in excess such as vitamin A and D. We're not really designed to assimilate nutrients in this form...much better is to get them in the form of a balanced diet as a natural component of the foods we eat. I would definitely recommend people try maca, need to get some more of this actually, but I also really like raw cocoa powder, ground oat powder, bee pollen, spirulina and hemp seed (superior source of omega oils to flax seed). I definitely want to branch out in this area though. As people have mentioned, exercise is the very important flip side of this nutritional coin if you want to be at peak health, and good sleep is very important, as is nature, sunlight and fresh air for me personally.
I enjoy spirulina/chlorella for nutrition... along with general mixed vegetables (potatoes a good source of carbohydrates - long lasting energy. Dates & prunes and some fruit for sugar (Y)

Acorus Calamus provides digestive aid to utilize the foods better and also some bizarre mental vigour. Cacao is great anti-depressive - and it acts quite like coffee without the rough edge - when you are used to its massive surge - a decent handful or 2 a day can really make you very up for life. Ashwaghanda provides free-radical destruction and helps the brain function - along with thyroid function. Selenium (brazil nuts are a good source) helps the brains dynamic efficiency (helps with intuition/intelligent articulation/ mental agility) (best with ashwaghanda).

Besides this - just exercise to help the stuff you eat get more easily/efficiently utilized... cacao is very good for dancing I've found..

Ephedra sinica or ma huang is excellent for sinuses - good for general life enthusiasm - really helps the senses in general... and the occasional mapacho joint (nicotiana rustica) helps me get along as well (nice digestive buzz)

Chlorestrol clouds the senses and deranges the mentality so it should be avoided... become lean... I like rabbit - good amino acid/general nutrition content for meat - provides me with a pleasant high at times

This and more was taught to me by the mushroom entity and his galactic society or whatever (they won't say). Utilized many things like this during a period of a month.. I was put through many awful organ fixing processes I can't remember cause I was in a daze. Perhaps you should consult him for good maintenance systems as well (or not) - results vary according to his mood swings.. (or whatever inhibition systems they have :/ :/)

He loves phenylalanine derivatives... toffee etc aha

Good will man x :)
EquaL Observer said:
Chlorestrol clouds the senses and deranges the mentality so it should be avoided.

I like it.

"It is an essential structural component of mammalian cell membranes and is required to establish proper membrane permeability and fluidity. In addition, cholesterol is an important component for the manufacture of bile acids, steroid hormones, and vitamin D." Wikipedia.

If we are to made any health claims, sources are welcomed.
Bancopuma said:
There is no scientific evidence to show taking multivitamin supplements does anything positive whatsoever.

Actually, there is. Food-based vitamins that are essentially fruit and vegetable concentrates are absorbed like food- because they are food. I don't need science studies to tell me what is common sense, but I'll post some sources below.

"Studies suggest that the bioavailability of natural food complex vitamins is better than that of most isolated USP vitamins [e.g. 12-17,40-46], that they may have better effects on maintaining aspects of human health beyond traditional vitamin deficiency syndromes [15,37,44,45,69,76], and at least some seem to be preferentially retained by the human body [12,46]. It is not always clear if these advantages are due to the physiochemical form of the vitamin, with the other food constituents that are naturally found with them, or some combination [42,95]. Regardless, it seems logical to conclude that for purposes of maintaining normal health, natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones."

For example- eating an orange you get not only the vitamin C, but the nutrients that are synergistic with vitamin C, such as bioflavonoids and the enzymes that help with the absorption of the nutrients. Food-based vitamins contain these.

I can definitely feel a difference after taking food-based multivitamins and freeze-dried fruits/veggies and I highly recommend them.:d
Hi, sorry for the misunderstanding...I think we agree with each other as this was exactly the point I was trying to make!! Of course minerals and vitamins and other trace elements are essential for healthy functioning, but my point was that you really should be ingesting these naturally as a component of food. The scientific evidence to support taking synthetic multivitamin pills though is considerably lacking.
I drink green tea everyday and i just love the taste of it as well as it´s calming effect. It is the only thing with a calming effect i know, that is absolutely void of side-effects.
Bancopuma, I can't imagine vitamin D poisoning being something common. If you check some numbers here you'll see that they are well above the supplementation level recommended.

EquaL Observer, I responsed because you made a specific claim which sounded like it has no real basis in my opinion. Like benz mentioned type of cholesterol matters but even then it's questionable how much does dietary intake effects different levels and what do correlation studies of cholesterol and longetivity really mean.

Honolulu, China Study, Japan.
Bancopuma said:
Hi, sorry for the misunderstanding...I think we agree with each other as this was exactly the point I was trying to make!! Of course minerals and vitamins and other trace elements are essential for healthy functioning, but my point was that you really should be ingesting these naturally as a component of food. The scientific evidence to support taking synthetic multivitamin pills though is considerably lacking.

Yea I hear ya. We're on the same page. I just don't have a lot of faith in scientific evidence in general. Studies are always contradicting each other and can be biased to political agendas. I prefer to go by my intuition and personal experience, and I've had great experience with supplements.:)
SpartanII said:
John Smith, thanks for the info on jalapenos, looks very promising. I'll tell my wife to pick some up for me at her work- (She works at a health food store and gets a good discount on organic food and supplements).8)

I recommend regular jalapenos over any supplement form. They're like $1.49/lb in a store too lol. This a pure speculation on my part but I think ingesting it in a raw form with all the physiological signals being sent to the brain, all the sensation and burn associated with it, perhaps even some alkaloid saturated juice sticking to and absorbing through esophagus and mucous membranes as it goes down... I don't know but resulting effects are perceivable beyond placebos with the fresh stuff, not sure how processed and capped capsaisin would compare.
I put myself on a 1000 cal/day diet for a month to lose weight quick. That dropped my energy way down. I took lots of different vitamins to see if anything would help. The only one I could tell would make a real difference was when I'd take the amino acid Taurine. I went from feeling sluggish all day to feeling great. I'm sure that had to do with something lacking in my diet, but it'd be worth a shot. It's cheap and doesn't have any side effects I'm aware of.
Bancopuma said:
I would recommend people experiment with herbs and plant based supplements. There is no scientific evidence to show taking multivitamin supplements does anything positive whatsoever. A recent study hinted that they may reduce lifespan in females, and certain vitamins and minerals can be very toxic in excess such as vitamin A and D.
I think the source and type of the vitamin is rather important. With Vitamin A, it can certainly become toxic in high doses, but if you eschew the synthetics and get some good beta carotene, most of the toxicity issues can be avoided. Vitamin D as well is generally not toxic in its D3 form (at least not in doses that anyone would ever think of consuming). But if the supplement you are taking is in another form like D5, you might want to limit your intake to the 1k to 4k i.u. range. As I have said before, the human body makes 40k in an hour of direct unfiltered UVB rich sunlight. This is 100 times the RDA. And, studies have shown that the vast majority of Americans & Europeans are D deficient.

Fat soluble vitamins should be looked at carefully, of course, as they tend to accumulate and not be eliminated in the urine. But considering the variety of forms and synergistic functionalities of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones and the like, it is impossible to say something about a group of chemicals across the board for all people. My mantra about supplements once again: "Pay attention to your body. Listen to what it tells you."

If you need to employ an elimination diet (sometimes called challenge diet) to isolate the effects of supplements and any food intolerences or allergies you might have, you probably should do that.
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