It's my view that a healthy balanced diet gives all the necessaries and probably much more than a mediocre diet with supplements of whatever fashionable tablets are currently considered necessary by some (which may not be all of the ones our bodies really need anyway).
Think about it. Our bodies are "designed" to get these things out of our food, like our ancestors did. Who's to say the body likes getting it concentrated and in the chemical forms that they come as in tablets? Who's to say people aren't overdosing when they eat these tablets? Who's to say that having too much of one thing in one go inhibits normal absorption of another necessary thing? Etc. What happens after a lifetime of supplements? Not worth the risk in my opinion, I'd only take supplements when a doctor told me I needed to for a medical condition that was making my life miserable.
Ecologically, why go to all that effort refining chemicals into little pills when they're in our food already? And what a waste of money to be buying a load of supplements all the time!
I have heard of how giving prison inmates vitamins makes them behave better. However, feeding them a proper diet would I'm sure do many more wonders.
A healthy diet should take into consideration a proper mix of food, like our ancestors evolved to accept. Not just meat and two veg (some may argue the necessity of meat but I have found it necessary for myself). Nuts, berries, polyunsaturated fats, beans, wholegrains, omega 6 from oily fish (or flaxseed etc if you're veggie), little to no refined sugar, some but little salt (<6g a day), unprocessed food cooked from fresh. Watch out for processed food, it's full of sugar, salt and other crap, especially if you're in the USA. The Okinawan Japanese people are the longest lived in the world ahead of the Mediterraneans, and they eat 15 different types of fruit and veg a day, not just 5. Wishing you all a long healthy life