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supplier problem

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
The weel-know ehtnogarden seems to have trouble with his site which worry me a liitle...
When opening my account there's this google( I tried with safari, same thing) warning about not being able to get a safety certicate ( his identity may have been stolen )...
Did NE1 got trouble of the sort with this webpage ??
BBB also has a similar issue, but instead of the warning, it just goes to a different site altogether at checkout time, which it never did before. This made me afraid of buying from them. I asked them about it but got no reply. I wonder if their site was hacked?
Really? Well I gonna phone them today cause they don't answer to my email neither and I have a 280$ transaction around cyberia with them.. I don't know if the money is already gone ( cannot access my account for a week or two). I was just optimist that some google bug happened instead of being them hacked (or they didn't renew their certificate which ended end of november).
I have a long christmas list this year and wished to meet up with lots of allies for the beginning of 2010 !!
Let's find out...
I used to love Ethnogarden... until I got burned on a $700+ order from them. The worst part was that nobody cared (they were impossible to get in contact with, nobody EVER returned calls, emails, etc.), which raised an even more disturbing question in my mind: how are these sacred plants being handled??

Now, I only deal with vendors who answer all of my inquiries personally, promptly, and genuinely (Ethnogarden never did any of this and it was very frustrating).

I'm not sure about your situation with the actual ordering on the website, but my advice would be to find a more trustworthy vendor for future orders, anyway, for your own peace of mind and for the integrity of the plants.

It is slightly more expensive, but now I always order from Maya...

I hope everything works out for you!
Thanks for sharing your point of view. They seemed quite serious from the outside (I never bought from them, but I thought to try soem of their very specific extraction that time), but as I said I have an issue with my account cause I've been moving around lately ( and lost my ethnogarden by the way :(.. )So i wait for ethnogarden to answer emails since a couple of week..
ms manic minxx, I have a question, as they didn't answer the phone and emails, are they taking the money quick as well I'd like to prevent them from charging me so I could actually order from a different website (might try maya are they US? I don't find anything really satisfying in Eurasia :(
Any tips?
The best advice regurding ethnogarden is dont use ethnogarden...I am so glad I found another online supplier in canada other than them..I have heard lots of bad things about ethnogarden and every time I tried to contact them as well, I got absolutily NO answer..they seem to carry lots of stuff..but their PR is frickin horrible..
aaargh ! do you think they would charge me without sending me anything ?!
With my blind account I'm getting stressed for these 300bucks! Bullux !
Now, I only deal with vendors who answer all of my inquiries personally, promptly, and genuinely (Ethnogarden never did any of this and it was very frustrating).

Same here.

All the vendors I suggest like Loveleaf, Nomad and Gaian all respond to emails normally within like 15 minutes, but always within 1-3 days.
If you paid by CC or check I would see if you can put a stop payment on it. Another option is to close out your account if the money hasn't been taken yet and set up a new account with different #'s. This way the charge will never go through.

Also contact the checkout website provider and make a formal complaint. This happened to a kratom vendor that I purchased from. She just up and ran off with everyones money. Her site was still up and running weeks after numerous people complained about not receiving their orders.

We all sent emails to the checkout provider and finally got them to remove their services from her website so no other people would be scammed.

Don't ever buy from them again.
As for Ethnogarden... I'm pretty sure the payment processed quickly, much more quickly than I could have realized there was a problem.

For a long time, I was doing very small orders with them and usually received my order within a few days.

Then, ironically, I went for the huge order... and that was when I got totally burned. They had three different voicemails (since no one ever answered the phone), I would call them every day and leave extensive messages on every person's voicemail, I would email them everyday. I eventually got a hold of someone (about two months after it happened), they promised to send me materials that were worth a fraction of the money I lost and they never came...

It was just SO HEARTBREAKING. I love Ayahuasca, I put my SOUL into the brew. A regular practice with her has kept me depression-free for two years.

It just felt so irresponsible. RESPECT would seem like such a common denominator after venturing into the psychedelic realms, but, apparently not!

I guess a lot of you share the same feelings whenever people sell spice... just... how can you DO that?!?!

Anyway, my best advice is to not stress over the money (if it is too late to stop payment), continue your search and order from a reliable vendor. Consider it a small blip in the road, because the lessons from these practices are ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS. It is always worth the wait.
Well I know money is nothing compared to what man can experience with these.
It's just that I don't have control of this particular bank account for a few weeks since I lost my password (and left the country months ago).
I already made an order from BBB and they sent it the same day !
I'm considering the maya but they don't send me email confirmation of I being registered.
rOm said:
The weel-know ehtnogarden seems to have trouble with his site which worry me a liitle...
When opening my account there's this google( I tried with safari, same thing) warning about not being able to get a safety certicate ( his identity may have been stolen )...
Did NE1 got trouble of the sort with this webpage ??

If his SSL certificate expired (Happens ALOT) or some SERIOUS changes were made to the website or host
he uses (unlikely but, not impossible), it would raise a red flag.


As I was typing this, I dug his site briefly ...
The SSL certificate is definitely just expired.
Thanks, I did ordered from maya and FV and BBB. I hope they didn't charge my cart (ethnogarden) cause I have to wait a little to receive my pin back to home to check and handle my account.
Hopefully they just went hollidays and I'll just block this transation, otherwise.. I'll have to work very hard to repair the trust I gave them ...
Have a good end of calendar cycle !!
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