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Sustainability of trees

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Which tryptamine trees contain the magic in decent enough amounts for extraction in places other than the root bark? I'm interested in trees that you could harvest their alkaloids without ending their lifespan. Something you could harvest once every certain period of time without the need to remove the tree and plant another. Something that could be spread easily in a caribbean setting.

I wish to spread these trees like the plague, in the wild, for everyone to enjoy their magical properties for free. I know it is possible that some people won't respect the trees and might uproot them but I think it's worthwhile to spread these things all over the world and do our part in our respective locations to plant as many trees as we can both in the wild and in our backyards.

I don't quite know how planting a bunch of these trees might affect the ecosystem so if I am mistakenly pursuing something that could be harmful to it let me know.
Loveall said:
There are a few options. Have you heard of this one:

I have, have it bookmarked. I also wonder if there's any trees naturally growing in the caribbean with alkaloids that aren't anadenanthera peregrina. I mainly want the NN-dimethyltryptamine alkaloid and from what I've read it's not a sure thing with peregrina, and I'm not quite sure that I want to try either bufo or 5-meO.
ghrue84 said:
Which tryptamine trees contain the magic in decent enough amounts for extraction in places other than the root bark? I'm interested in trees that you could harvest their alkaloids without ending their lifespan. Something you could harvest once every certain period of time without the need to remove the tree and plant another. Something that could be spread easily in a caribbean setting.

I wish to spread these trees like the plague, in the wild, for everyone to enjoy their magical properties for free. I know it is possible that some people won't respect the trees and might uproot them but I think it's worthwhile to spread these things all over the world and do our part in our respective locations to plant as many trees as we can both in the wild and in our backyards.

I don't quite know how planting a bunch of these trees might affect the ecosystem so if I am mistakenly pursuing something that could be harmful to it let me know.

There are plenty of acacia species that are documented to contain dmt in the phyllodes as well as bark from roots, stem/trunk, & twigs. The information is here the issue is going to be that there has not been a whole lot of research done to figure how to improve yeilds, harvest time, etc.

I have toyed with the idea of hybridizing different acacia species to produce a tree with a clean alkaloid profile & better yeilds from phyllode & twigs. Im not sure that it is possible with acacia but it seems to work well with cactus, cannibas, mushrooms, etc. It may require a large scale farming operation to do something like this though.
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