Hi all, just wanted to report on swims success at extracting alkaloids from ~100 woodrose seeds. swim utilised a simple method to attain this result:
first swim crushed the seeds finely as possible in a ziplock bag and erratically pulverising them with a steel hammer.
swim then placed the seed powder into a glass jar. swim added enough petroleum ether (shellite) to cover the seeds about a quarter inch.
swim applied a tight fitting lid and shook the jars contents vigorously. swim released pressure from the jar periodically.
swim set this aside in a cool dark box for 24 hours, shaking jar from time to time.
swim then filtered the shellite/seed mixture through a fine cloth, swim discarded the liquid and allowed the seed mush to evaporate completely. swim found the fan turned on low to be of immense benefit in evaporating the petroleum ether.
once completely evaporated the dry seed powder was put back in the jar, and 99.5% ethanol was added enough to cover the seeds.
swim shook this mixture vigorously. swim then set this aside for 3 days in a cool dark box. swim shook the mixture any time he went past.
after the 3 days the mixture was filtered, the liquid was kept and the seed mush was put back in the jar with more ethanol and left for a further 3 days. swim placed the liquid in a ceramic dish in a dark room to evaporate, with a fan turned on low.
once fully evaporated swim was left with a yellowish/brown waxy substance that was slightly sticky but solid enough to move easily to a small glass bottle. this was left in the freezer until swim finished extracting the second batch.
the second batch were filtered and evaporated by swim as stated above, with the seed mush again put in the jar with ethanol. swim set it aside for 3 days to make a third batch.
once evaporated the second batch appeared to be the same waxy substance, but there was significantly less in the dish than the first. swim put the resulting gunk into the jar with the first extract.
i forgot to mention that on the third extraction swim added slightly more ethanol than previously. once evaporated he was left with an easily scrapable fine crystals, they had a dirty/light brown colour but glittered upon swims closer examination. he set them aside in a seperate glass jar and put in the freezer.
swim placed a small glob of the waxy substance in a cigarette paper, he then poured the crystals from the third extract into the cigarette paper. swim consumed these after eating a medium sized meal, and he told me that dropping these on an unempty stomach delays the onset of the LSA's by a few hours.
swim told me by the time he was feeling the first effects it was fairly late and decided it wasent that strong and probably wouldnt increase in effect due to the food eaten. however, when swim awoke after an eternity of mind boggling dreams, he woke up and realised he was tripping pretty hard. he was pleased to note that there was no nausea or cramps present, just a feeling of dryness and dizzyness from the vasoconstrictive effects of some lsa's. swim noticed there was hardly any OEV action, only slight patterns forming over objects, and many visual distortions though were noticed such as depth perception, size perspectives, small objects appeared massive to swim.
though a lack in OEV's, swim found himself in a strange 'mind-fuck'. he kept thinking over and over in a loop of sorts that everything was an infinite fractal, that existence and all its infinite contents was simply a profoundly intricate ever morphing fractal. after a few hours of realising that life was nothing but a fractal he found his body to be quite sedated, a rather narcotic feeling but not enough to make him sleep. he found that laying in the sun on cool concrete was a very comforting and pleasurable experience. swim experienced a sense of bliss. the fractal no longer mattered.
this lasted a few hours when swim finally began to come down, he felt a slight pressure on his head and was rather dehydrated but he said it did not turn into a negative come down.
swim can say with certainty that these extracts had definite effects, less visual but more mind fucking, .
so swim wanted me to ask if there was a way to further purify the alkaloids , in hopes of gaining whiter coloured crystals. perhaps doing multiple shellite pulls, and then adding more ethanol in the extractions?
Any thoughts would be apreciated
take it easy.
first swim crushed the seeds finely as possible in a ziplock bag and erratically pulverising them with a steel hammer.
swim then placed the seed powder into a glass jar. swim added enough petroleum ether (shellite) to cover the seeds about a quarter inch.
swim applied a tight fitting lid and shook the jars contents vigorously. swim released pressure from the jar periodically.
swim set this aside in a cool dark box for 24 hours, shaking jar from time to time.
swim then filtered the shellite/seed mixture through a fine cloth, swim discarded the liquid and allowed the seed mush to evaporate completely. swim found the fan turned on low to be of immense benefit in evaporating the petroleum ether.
once completely evaporated the dry seed powder was put back in the jar, and 99.5% ethanol was added enough to cover the seeds.
swim shook this mixture vigorously. swim then set this aside for 3 days in a cool dark box. swim shook the mixture any time he went past.
after the 3 days the mixture was filtered, the liquid was kept and the seed mush was put back in the jar with more ethanol and left for a further 3 days. swim placed the liquid in a ceramic dish in a dark room to evaporate, with a fan turned on low.
once fully evaporated swim was left with a yellowish/brown waxy substance that was slightly sticky but solid enough to move easily to a small glass bottle. this was left in the freezer until swim finished extracting the second batch.
the second batch were filtered and evaporated by swim as stated above, with the seed mush again put in the jar with ethanol. swim set it aside for 3 days to make a third batch.
once evaporated the second batch appeared to be the same waxy substance, but there was significantly less in the dish than the first. swim put the resulting gunk into the jar with the first extract.
i forgot to mention that on the third extraction swim added slightly more ethanol than previously. once evaporated he was left with an easily scrapable fine crystals, they had a dirty/light brown colour but glittered upon swims closer examination. he set them aside in a seperate glass jar and put in the freezer.
swim placed a small glob of the waxy substance in a cigarette paper, he then poured the crystals from the third extract into the cigarette paper. swim consumed these after eating a medium sized meal, and he told me that dropping these on an unempty stomach delays the onset of the LSA's by a few hours.
swim told me by the time he was feeling the first effects it was fairly late and decided it wasent that strong and probably wouldnt increase in effect due to the food eaten. however, when swim awoke after an eternity of mind boggling dreams, he woke up and realised he was tripping pretty hard. he was pleased to note that there was no nausea or cramps present, just a feeling of dryness and dizzyness from the vasoconstrictive effects of some lsa's. swim noticed there was hardly any OEV action, only slight patterns forming over objects, and many visual distortions though were noticed such as depth perception, size perspectives, small objects appeared massive to swim.
though a lack in OEV's, swim found himself in a strange 'mind-fuck'. he kept thinking over and over in a loop of sorts that everything was an infinite fractal, that existence and all its infinite contents was simply a profoundly intricate ever morphing fractal. after a few hours of realising that life was nothing but a fractal he found his body to be quite sedated, a rather narcotic feeling but not enough to make him sleep. he found that laying in the sun on cool concrete was a very comforting and pleasurable experience. swim experienced a sense of bliss. the fractal no longer mattered.
this lasted a few hours when swim finally began to come down, he felt a slight pressure on his head and was rather dehydrated but he said it did not turn into a negative come down.
swim can say with certainty that these extracts had definite effects, less visual but more mind fucking, .
so swim wanted me to ask if there was a way to further purify the alkaloids , in hopes of gaining whiter coloured crystals. perhaps doing multiple shellite pulls, and then adding more ethanol in the extractions?
Any thoughts would be apreciated
take it easy.