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Swims Peganum Harmala Extraction

Migrated topic.
mumbles said:
Crystalito said:
Well ,the whole harmala red issue seems -it might not be, but it seems- easy to crack:

If one wants to see if its an oxidation product ,harmine/harmaline mixture or even better seperately can be added to hydrogen peroxide, let the reaction take place and see if it becomes red.

Same with addition of alcohol:If there is red to be seen it will be seen.I think i spoke with a member that did the alcohol experiment and found it became red.On the other hand,was it whiterasta that extracted with alcohol and had no such problems? Look here,seems it worked like a charm!
Whiterasta mentions a red film/oil on the filter, so the reaction forming the red did indeed take place.
Yes, the reaction takes place, but it is irrelevant, wanna know why? Well, first, harmala red only forms if you use a fan to evaporate the harmala-rich alcohol, if you let it evaporate at its own pace or boil it down, guess what?!?! No harmala red forms at all. Secondly, even if harmala red raises its filmy head, so what? Continue the extraction as you normally would, it doesnt change anything. Actually, I have gotten better yields of harmalas from the same batch of rue when using my handy computer fan to evaporate the alcohol and create the dreaded harmala red than boiling it down. Everyone seems to be worried about a phenomenon that, ime, has no effect on the overall extraction...

even if harmala red raises its filmy head, so what? Continue the extraction as you normally would, it doesnt change anything.
I'm a little confused by this statement. IF, and maybe I'm missing something, Harmala Red is forming out of pure harmaline/harmine, then how is its formation not changing anything; unless, you are saying that it is forming out of other byproducts/impurities of the extraction, hence the bigger yields you refer to:
Actually, I have gotten better yields of harmalas from the same batch of rue when using my handy computer fan to evaporate the alcohol and create the dreaded harmala red than boiling it down.
plumsmooth said:
even if harmala red raises its filmy head, so what? Continue the extraction as you normally would, it doesnt change anything.
I'm a little confused by this statement. IF, and maybe I'm missing something, Harmala Red is forming out of pure harmaline/harmine, then how is its formation not changing anything; unless, you are saying that it is forming out of other byproducts/impurities of the extraction, hence the bigger yields you refer to:
Actually, I have gotten better yields of harmalas from the same batch of rue when using my handy computer fan to evaporate the alcohol and create the dreaded harmala red than boiling it down.
I never said it was forming out of pure harmine/harmaline, that's what you are missing. Harmala red is not forming out of pure harmaline/harmine, it's forming in the acidified alcoholic extract, which is full of all kinds of stuff in addition to harmine and harmaline. I have not seen any verifiable data on the actual composition of harmala red and am talking solely from my own experiences with the whiterasta extraction.

P.S. My main interest stems from originally thinking that ethanol clean up was the quickest and best way to further purify and clean the residual salt from a Manske Rue Extraction. As a matter of fact it worked perfectly the first time. I saw the salt and some other junk fall to the bottom and I poured through coffee filter and a lovely yellow powder formed with absolutely no traces of red. The second time I did the exact same thing, but a clearly harmala red formed mostly around the top sides of the pyrex pie plate. This really through me off then I found information here on the nexus. The other thing I'm a little confused about, but may be getting off topic, is that it seems the purified harmaline and harmine I've seen here at the nexus, are white and tan respectively. My Manske extract has always been yellowish needles after 3-4 salt purifications. I'm guessing that hydrochlorides, acetates and base products have different colors? Can someone verify this?
yep the different forms can be different colors - and other factors can alter the color too - like speed of xtal formation - amount of water used - collection technique - etc...
Can someone explain something to me please? At the end of the first post in this thread, there is a bottle with the rue powder in it and he says, "Yield - 2.4% - not bad for a first attempt." Then Phlux replies and says "now how to purify it".

What is actually in that bottle? Is it not harmine or harmiline? Why does it need to be purified?

Thanks for the help.
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