swim used nomans tek. First he didnt have a scale (no correct measurement for amnt smoked or amnt of lye in the water) also swim accidently put two amounts of naptha into the mixture before extraction, then did the third naptha bath as directed. Swim started out with 56 grams of mimosa inner root bark from bouncing botanicals website. swim used an eye dropper to take the naptha out and put it in the freezer, he had the snow globe bottles ready in the morning and followed the rest of the steps (i.e. filtering and cleaning with amonia) Swim then put a very little bit of the dmt into a glass "pot" pipe on a bed of oregeno and smoked. First time nothing happend at all so swim figured not enough, put about 3 times as much (half of what was left) and smoked it, swim saw some visual effects much like those of acid and closed eye visuals were very alien and interesting patterns but not extremely vivid. This lasted about five mins and then swim was back to normal. He is interestedin trying again what can he do to break through with the limited supply of materials (no scale and no seperatory funnel)
Thank you in advance
Thank you in advance