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Symbolic meaning both mass conciousness and personal...Experiment..

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
After seeing sprites and hearing about clowns and teh masqeurade and insectoids and reptilians.. Makes me wonder 2 things..
1st of all...what do each of teh archetypes represent in historical mtaphor.
wWhat do tehy represent to each individual that had met them...For instance...Has anyone who has a fear of clowns met a clown in a voyage and not been afraid of them? Or vice versa? Same question to all teh other archetypes..Does everyone see the insects as scary or anyoen afraid of insects and met a cool one they werent afraid of..
Then ...after meeting these phobias did you continue to be afraid in this reality or were you cured of your phobia post experience.And vice versa.

Has anyoen documented any symbols or glyphs that tehy remembered from eth experience, then found the meaning of it either in a historical meaning? And did it differ from your own personal thought of what it meant to you? How did it differ? I guess my goal in this is to see if the symbology was based on your own personal meaning or a historical meaning you werent aware of. If it were historical it would lead one to believe tere is a more likely chance that a voyage isnt just a personal inner voyage rather than an external voyage to another dimansion with knowledge you could not attain on your own. There is always the possibility that although it may look external you could have taken the informatio from your subconcious or closer to teh superconcious but again that is almost external as we are all part of teh superconcious.. Other dimensions as well and the dimension is still just another part fo the superconcious. This would help map the topography of it and maybe place it closer to the fringes of the concentric circles making up the superconcious and one could better have faith in the authenticity of teh information. Speaking to etities that ahve a message is much like reading a book. Just because its written ina book doesnt make it true. Just because some elf told you so doesnt make it true either. So I think this would be a good opportunity to furher our understanding of the regions and understand the source as well as the message and help the cartography of the multiverse we understand so little about.

Withe the communicational technologies such as teh internet and forums like this give us a huge advantage over the 1931 psychonauts and withe teh white hole in time theory i think this would be one of many promising catalysts to letting DMT/Dimensional research ride teh curve with teh rest of technology and maybe allow us to finally let science and spirituality meet. Afterall tahts teh only way to raise our vibrational frequency to teh next level. It has to be all of us together and not everyone has faith. Having imperical evidence will allow the skeptics to jump on the bandwagon of conciousness and allow the next step. Sorry I kind of went off on some tangents, but its all adjacent and actually symbiotic in its thesis.

So any input and especially data collected on the premise would be greatly appreciated.
Well, i don't know if insectoides are just a sort of mathematical patterns. It could be that through evolution on earth, some creatures evolved and that, because of evolution just following the laws of nature, the things evolved, evolved according to basic mathematical functions. And then, becausse the brain also just follows the laws of nature, the brain creates just the same sort of 'random' figures, and that because they resemble insects, we identify them as such.
There is this popular 'three-layered-brain' theory. It says that in the layered structure of the brain you could see the evolutionary build-up of our brain; from the reptile level, the inner brains limbic system, to the first outer layer, the cortex wich would then be the 'simple mammal brain'. The very outer layer, the neo cortex would then be the 'highly evolved mammal brain structure'.
I think this theory holds many truths, and it would maybe explain a lot. Like that we have something reptilian or insectoid deep inside ourselves, in the deepest layers of our subconscious mind. But the theory is never, as far as i know, really specified in how the insect/reptilian part of our brain are responsible for insect or reptilian images.
Very interesting. Makes alot of sense. Wonder if thats why some people have oversized heads in hyperpace. Perhaps an outer layer for dimensional travel that only exists in hyperspace. Liek an astral cord but more like an astral antennea.
Then again it could just be as simple as the self image of an "expanded" conciousness and thats why heads are larger and limbs smaller as a result of the lack of use of them in hyperspace. The physical body self image only a remnant of uor ID being that we havent fully evolved for or have the experience of hyperspace travel. The eventuality being no body at all or even a new appendage or organ for navigation. perhaps a third eye more prominent, enlarged pineal..hmmm. The great thing about this added dimension of reality is that although some questions may be answered, ultimatley it raises exponentially more questions. Being teh journey and not the destination it lends infinite recursive levels of interest and curiosity keeping things awe inspiring at every level of development. Never allowing for boredome or stagnate thought.Another aspect of the "infinity" model.
Hate to overpost, but what if you superimpose the "white hole in time" theory with the fractal model? Instead of having a finite destination whereas the infinite part of teh curve would appear as a finite destination but instead a membrane to berak trhough or even a new perspective or dimension which would appear as a new start on teh curve.. Relativity would take presidence and renew the journey. Thus a new branch on the fractal. Wethere a tree of life type pr a nautalus, both models work.. Especially when viewed through an M-Theory lense. Damn...again poving the infinite possibilieies taht branch off from asking questions and assuming a theory to be correct..."What if" has to be the most powerful question in the world. More interesting then "why are we here". lol Perhaps its to ask..."what if" lol. What if is actually the essence of teh universe as the imagination is the creator... wow.. Its been 4 days and this brain bulge isnt going away.lol.
polytrip said:
Well, i don't know if insectoides are just a sort of mathematical patterns. It could be that through evolution on earth, some creatures evolved and that, because of evolution just following the laws of nature, the things evolved, evolved according to basic mathematical functions. And then, becausse the brain also just follows the laws of nature, the brain creates just the same sort of 'random' figures, and that because they resemble insects, we identify them as such.
There is this popular 'three-layered-brain' theory. It says that in the layered structure of the brain you could see the evolutionary build-up of our brain; from the reptile level, the inner brains limbic system, to the first outer layer, the cortex wich would then be the 'simple mammal brain'. The very outer layer, the neo cortex would then be the 'highly evolved mammal brain structure'.
I think this theory holds many truths, and it would maybe explain a lot. Like that we have something reptilian or insectoid deep inside ourselves, in the deepest layers of our subconscious mind. But the theory is never, as far as i know, really specified in how the insect/reptilian part of our brain are responsible for insect or reptilian images.

I like this stuff about the three layered brain theory.

maybe out 'junk' DNA holds this information from our older insect/reptillian brain/bodies... as it is some kind of language (and conforms to Zipf's law see here that perhaps we can tune in to read sometimes...
Yeah teh reptilian brain is supposed to house our angry,violent, primordial dark side. So thats why I wonder if anyone who has met a reptilian entity and gotten that feeling from them. Would interacting with them possibly feed that part of our brain? Making us more prone to give in to those primitive urges? Then on teh other hand are there entities we feel are higher than ourselves in their evolution that we can interact with taht will give energy or align our vibrational frequencies more to teh higher harmonics and resonate brighter? That would be a huge breakthrough in the science of dimensional travel and if it were so, would be one of teh first steps to navigating it. Staying away from a bad dimension as we wouldnt eb able to access teh lower planes due to our higher frequencies and thus better chances of entering higher planes and wiser beings. This would also allow a true north so to speak and we would be able to make real headway as every voyage would take us farther in teh right direction. Closer to the centerpoint of teh superconcious. If that topographical model was correct at least. Who knows. But its fun to theorize and makes things interesting. Much better than navigating to the local starbucks using my GPS.lol.
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