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syrian rue + acacia confusa tea

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hi everyone,

I'm going to be brewing this for the very first time, and drinking it alone. I realized from my experiences that I do not need to smoke dmt anymore. I've only had a few experiences with it, and what I came to understood is that I can find higher meaning, my own personal truth, and god/existence/nirvana without doing so.

The reason that I would like to explore this brew is because I think that I could find much more healing and purification, knowledge and wisdom than from smoking dmt.

At the same time, I'm kind of worried about the incapacitating effects it may have on my physical body as well as emotional/mental, and psyche. Twenty minutes of a dmt experience seems overwhelming as it is; but then again it is a sudden and forced experience when smoked/vaporized. Also with drinking I have syrian rue with me to hopefully balance things out.

Anyway, if anyone can offer any guidance, support, advice, or knowledge regarding syrian rue + acacia brews, that would be excellent. Thanks!
One thing you should consider is that the experience may not be super intense and fast like smoked DMT but it will last for hours and it can get very overwhelming at some points
With smoked DMT you know that it will be over soon after an eternity or 2 but with haoma it will last for eternities.
One verse i love a lot from the Rigveda
We have drunk soma(haoma) and become immortal
This is basically how it feels to me, i become immortal and eternal. And it's not easy

Anyway my advice is to start low
4g rue 4g acacia was perfect for my first time alone in the valley

Be safe and good luck
Sakkadelic said:
...Anyway my advice is to start low
4g rue 4g acacia was perfect for my first time alone in the valley
Be safe and good luck
Good advice :thumb_up:

Oral time frame vs vaped, yes it's longer but also different, it's not the same experience. There are overlapping parts but also very unique parts, very typical for a given ROA. I would call them in for different occasions for different type of goal.
Sakkadelic said:
One thing you should consider is that the experience may not be super intense and fast like smoked DMT but it will last for hours and it can get very overwhelming at some points
With smoked DMT you know that it will be over soon after an eternity or 2 but with haoma it will last for eternities.
One verse i love a lot from the Rigveda
We have drunk soma(haoma) and become immortal
This is basically how it feels to me, i become immortal and eternal. And it's not easy

Anyway my advice is to start low
4g rue 4g acacia was perfect for my first time alone in the valley

Be safe and good luck

Hi, and thanks for your reply. Are you saying that I should probably not resist the experience and instead let myself "breakthrough" into eternity and become immortal. should I let it just "break me open" and make me infinite and eternal? I have no experience of this that I can remember. Also thank for the dosage clarification. I also feel "alone in the valley" now that you mention it.
Prepare your environment. It's easy to become disoriented should you need to move around. Knocking something over like a candle could prove to be a hard thing to deal with while on the brew. Have water readily available. Have everything you think you may need ready. Be prepared in every way you can before.

I think you are setting up a certain expectation and you may or may not get what you are seeking. Accept whatever comes and try and not fight it. I agree, start low and test the waters.

Good luck! Be safe! Enjoy!
DmnStr8 said:
Prepare your environment. It's easy to become disoriented should you need to move around. Knocking something over like a candle could prove to be a hard thing to deal with while on the brew. Have water readily available. Have everything you think you may need ready. Be prepared in every way you can before.

I think you are setting up a certain expectation and you may or may not get what you are seeking. Accept whatever comes and try and not fight it. I agree, start low and test the waters.

Good luck! Be safe! Enjoy!

hi, yes i plan on thoroughly cleaning up my room prior to doing this. I actually have even wanted to get my bed out of my room, because I feel like I have no real need for it. I feel bad when I lay on it when I try to rest or sleep. If it makes me feel worse instead of rested then I don't think that it's something that I should keep with me. Which would upset my parents because they spent a lot of money on a new bed for me recently, which wasn't my choice. I feel like the bed is actually "electrocuting" me, as strange as that sounds. I appreciate my bed for one thing, which is for sitting on when meditating. But actually I feel more comfortable on the floor, whether sitting or laying down. I always hear the taunts and insults of petty people who are harassing me, and it never goes away. Some people are just so fucking dumb I can't stand it anymore. My concern is that on a strong dose of acacia + rue I make breakthrough into a space inhabited by evil spirits and be left in some sort of intensely negative dimension for several hours which could feel like an eternity. I hope doing this has a beneficial therapeutic, mental, physical, and emotional impact. Also I feel like I am being manipulated by an evil sorcerer, and don't know what to do about it. I don't know who to trust, I can't trust anyone really, and even when I go out in town I hear the mental taunts of others from everywhere around me. Either that, or it is just the evil sorceror who is trying to negatively influence me with an evil hypnosis spell. Whatever the cause, I need to liberate myself from this.
Well you could experience something very different, it's a very personal trip

On this dosage you won't breakthrough to other realms so don't be concerned, hopefully it will be a beautiful and healing trip for you

Drop these ideas and negativities you have, even if evil sorcerers exist noboday is gonna try to harm you like this for no reason.. but if you feel like this, then most probably it's something in you that is influencing you negatively.. and people are always like this.. hopefully on this trip you will have a clearer picture about this negativity, will see those people and see their suffering just like yours which will help you accept them better, and also make peace with your bed..

How are you planning to prepare the brew?

Good luck
thanks again for the kind words and advice.

I was planning on grinding 4 grams of syrian rue seeds, and then mixing with 4 grams of acrb powder in a small dish, then simmering this for about 40 minutes; and then filtering and driking the brew when it has cooled. It will probably be about 6-8 fluid ounces of liquid. I was thinking of doing so at nighttime, maybe around 10:30 p.m. I feel like there are evil spirits inside of me, saying evil things and harassing me. I literally feel as if these entities and spirits have made my body and mind into their home. Every time I try and relax on my bed, whether it is during the day or at night to attempt to sleep, I get harassed by evil spirits. So basically I can't rest, and I have insomnia. This carries over into the next day, and each subsequent day, making my life much harder than it should be. And yes on top of that I feel like there is in fact evil spirits manipulating me like a puppet to some extent. I don't know how to get free from them at all. Society throws their trash at me. I am not trash though, I was born standing on a lotus flower. Every time I think of something from the past, including myself or pictures of my younger self, I feel much worse instead of better. I also think that bad chemicals and also drugs put terrible thoughts into my mind, and I'm still being harassed by evil people and evil spirits, claiming to be all sorts of things, like the God of the universe of other outlandish nonsense. I want to simply be healed and rid of all negativity for good. Well thanks for listening and have a good day.
After reading this i don't think it's a good idea for you to drink the brew or take any psychedelic

These issues are very serious and you should fix them or at least learn to deal with them before you trip, bcz they can make your trip hellish and make your condition much worse..
I assure you that this is not the right way to heal from this

I feel with you bcz i have a similar issue, i have a voice in my head that suggests and says really bad and annoying things, i see it as a part of me and not an evil spirit, it used to make me feel so angry about myself and hate myself for having those thoughts in my head.. i wasn't able to remove it completely but now it is weaker and has almost no effect on me, i just don't mind it and stopped reacting to what it says
I think such voices/spirits rise from our doubts obout ourselves and everything..
Look deep inside and remember who you truly are.

Please consider this and be careful
If you are having mental health issues than I would recommend holding off on these psychedelics, however if this is some type of spiritual crisis, and your mental health is sound, then you may be interested in the below...

I actually prepared this whole thing before reading your entire post, and had not consider possible mental health issues which these entheogens may serve to greatly exacerbate. I then did not want to delete all that I had written, so I decided to post this any way, Please be very careful.I believe in personal responsibility, I believe that we are all able to make our own decisions, but that we must be responsible for them, so all I can say is please be safe and put a good deal of thought into these decisions.



That's an incredibly light preperation.

Generally you will need to preform a procedure similar to the one described below:


ACRB and PHS entheogenic decoction preparation

·10g acacia confusa root bark and 4g peganum harmala are blended into a powder in a coffee grinder.

·This powder is then added to an appropriate boiling vessel, I prefer Pyrex.

·Water is added to the boiling vessel with the ACRB/PHS powder (acetic or citric acid can be added in the form of a tablespoon full of lemon juice or vinegar)

·This mixture is brought to a LOW, but rolling boil for for 2-3 hours.

·After the time has elapsed, stop the boil by removing the boiling vessel from the heat source.

·Filter, placing the filtrate into a clean vessel and setting aside, and returning the filter-cake to the original boiling vessel.

·Add fresh water to the boiling vessel containing the filter-cake, fresh acid can be added at this time as well.

·Bring this mixture to a LOW but rolling boil, and allow it to boil for 2 ton3 hours.

·After the time has elapsed, stop the boil by removing the boiling vessel from the heat source.

·Again, Filter, placing the filtrate into the vessel containing the previous filtrate and set these combined filtrates aside. Then, again, return the filter-cake to the original boiling vessel.

·Repeat the two to three hour boil just as before.

·Once finished, add the final filtrate to the vessel containing the previous two combined filtrates. Discard the filter cake.

·Take the vessel containing the 3 combined filtrates and bring these to a low boil, reducing the volume to a drinkable amount.


(If placed in the fridge and saved a sediment will collect on the bottom of the container, this is normal, simply shake the brew before consumption. )

You can also brew your PHS separately from your ACRB, where it can be consumed 10 minutes before the ACRB brew, or it can be combined with it and consumed simultaneously.

You may also brew your ACRB by itself, and 10 minutes before drinking this ACRB brew you can swallow ground PHS.



If you search for "ayahuasca and it's recipes" by terence McKenna it's fairly interesting, it's fairly old, so it's not like a guide or anything, but there's some informative content. I transcribed a random selection from the lecture as a full transcription was not available. If you search on YouTube for "terence McKenna ayahuasca and it's recipes" you can hear the whole thing.

in the final evaporation you want to be careful not to boil it too rapidly or the sugars which are cooked out of the ayahuasca will tend to caramelize and make it thick, this does not affect the pharmacology of the ayahuasca but it makes it hell to swallow. If you do it right you will be able to get it to 100mls and it should still pour...it's as thin as water, it won't thicken unless you have boiled it with too hot of flame.

Q: so your not destroying any alkaloids it's just caramelized?

Terence: no, it's more like an aesthetic thing, like you hurried it, and if you are giving it to people who are knowledgeable they will comment on this, the sign of amateurish ayahuasca is ayahuasca thats thick, because it needn't be, those are just sugars, it's not doing you any good.

Terence McKenna; ayahuasca and it's recipes


Miscellaneous report involving eating a spoon full of ground PHS then consuming Acacia phlebophylla.

At 2:15am on Saturday morning I injested (rather quickly) a heaped teaspoon of ground harmala seeds, and flushed it down with water. 10 minutes later, I drank a cup full of the acacia phlebophylla brew, also rather quickly. 15 minutes later, things got really, really _wierd

I was on the bean bag, describing a dull cramp in my stomach to Nick and Chris. I glanced over to the curtains, which are a see-thru material with a floral pattern. They started moving. The flowers on the curtains seemed as though they were at a different distance from the material itself. They looked different, almost brighter. The venetian blinds behind the curtains were breathing. My homemade speakers (made of chipboard) changed. I noticed that every single object in the room was made up of one colour only. Nick pointed out that this is 'normal', that all objects seem to have all imperfections removed, so that the chipboard seemed like Laminex. There was no shading, no shadows, no scratches, no texture. Just a single colour for every single object.

The flowers on the curtains were shimmering, the curtains started breathing, and then they flowed down, onto the floor, just like the smoke from a spilt bottle of liquid nitrogen flows down stairs. The colour changes remained until the Closed Eye Visuals (CEV) started.

I felt as though this was about as much as I could handle at that moment, and if that trip stopped there and then I would have heaps to talk about.

But no...

The report gets really good after that point, however it's quite long, so you will have to visit the link.


You can not underestimate these ayahuasca analogue brews, I have reached points during these experiences which were indistinguishable from smoked DMT, these experiences can be very intense.

thanks sakkadelic and enthogenic gnosis for your help.

ethenogenic - it's strange that you mentioned 10g of acacia and 4g of syrian rue - that is EXACTLY the dosage that I was thinking of brewing for my very first brew, for several weeks now. I just today decided to change the dosage based on sakkadelic's advice.

I still am not sure if this is the right decision for me. Because, I feel like I do have a problem with spirit-infestation in my home (body/mind).

I also thought that dmt-containing plants only needed 40 minutes to 1 hour of simmering/boiling. That's at least what I remember reading in a few places. Since syrian rue seeds do not need to be heated in order to be orally active, I think I will just eat the ground seeeds. I was thinking of brewing a tea with acacia confusa powder for about forty minutes.

that experience report was interesting. I recently had a very negative experience with smoked dmt-infused peppermint leaves; I'm pretty sure it was dmt but it seemed like it was something else all together.

I have about 350mg of dmt which I wanted to consume orally, but I am not so sure if I should. I'm not sure if that would be too strong or not, and without something like syrian rue seeds to make it more balanced, taking a random maoi with that much dmt may be a very unwise choice.

I'm being attacked by a mean, evil person, several actually. I know that I have every right to experience happiness, health, peace, and freedom. Life shouldn't be this way.

thanks for reading and have a great day
So, if you live at home with your parents, where will they be during this experience? Do they approve of psychedelics or drugs in general?

Also, you should absolutely NOT take 350mg of DMT with any MAOI, especially if you have never experienced any form or analogue of Ayahuasca before. The bravest of the brave rarely attempt dosages like that. 100mg while properly inhibited by harmalas is enough for many to break through on oral DMT. Some need more, some less, which is why the Nexus stresses starting low and building your way up.
Please don't do this. If you feel like there are evil spirits inside of you this is going to get ugly real fast. People exaggerate the crap out of ayahuasca. Theres no loving entity behind it thats trying to save the planet or anything like that. Ayahuasca can be very healing but it can also be traumatic and shatter your life. Find a experienced trip sitter and start out on a low dose and work your way up as the night gos on, you can always drink more. This is nothing like a 10 min dmt trip. I know youre young and like everyone else youre trying to find meaning in life but this isn't a miracle cure.
"...which is why the Nexus stresses starting low and building your way up."

hi, then why did one prominent member of the nexus say something along the lines like "the real magic does not begin until 200 milligrams" in regards to orally-consumed dmt?

Please don't do this. If you feel like there are evil spirits inside of you this is going to get ugly real fast. People exaggerate the crap out of ayahuasca. Theres no loving entity behind it thats trying to save the planet or anything like that. Ayahuasca can be very healing but it can also be traumatic and shatter your life. Find a experienced trip sitter and start out on a low dose and work your way up as the night gos on, you can always drink more. This is nothing like a 10 min dmt trip. I know youre young and like everyone else youre trying to find meaning in life but this isn't a miracle cure.

Hi, thanks for your advice as well. But I am not that young really (I'm 34) and I just happen to live with my parents. I've lived elsewehre before of course but that's besides the point. And i understand that there's no such thing as a ten minute dmt trip, its just crap perpetuated by terrence meckenna, I realize that those places one gets sucked into or stuck in last forever, yes. And I also did not feel that there was any loving guiding entity behind what I drank many many years ago, it just felt like toruture basically, like being sucked into a bad computer program. But this time it won't be ayahuasca and it will be syrian rue and acacia, and not plants from the forest which have a will and agenda of their own subject it's consumers to whatever it wants to.
The worst trip ive ever had was on syrian rue and acacia and i was by myself. Rue has no THH like caapi and is known to give difficult trips. You dont sound like the type of person that listens to other people so good luck. After seeing what you said about the GVG and how delirious you are about demons and plant medicine i dont think youre a good candidate for psychedelics.
GuruD said:
"...which is why the Nexus stresses starting low and building your way up."

hi, then why did one prominent member of the nexus say something along the lines like "the real magic does not begin until 200 milligrams" in regards to orally-consumed dmt?

You have to look at more than one person's account to get an accurate range of dosages. Everyone is different and dosages can vary wildly. Take a look at the following dosage polls for orally activated DMT:

Poll Question : Select your threshold visionary dose for oral DMT

Poll Question : Dosage of DMT freebase required/preferred orally?

In the first poll you will see that 41% of people who voted said that 25-49mg is enough to get them to the threshold of a visionary experience. In the same poll, 20% said they need 125-149mg for the same effect.

Then, in the second and completely separate poll, 46% of people who voted needed more than 100mg, while 18% needed between 80-100mg. I happen to fall into that 18%, personally.

Including both polls, there were a total of 56 people who voted. These polls show why people should start low and build their way up, as I mentioned earlier. One size dosage does not fit all. For some, 200mg is an outrageous dose to even consider. For others, it is perfect.

But 350mg? That is pretty rare around here and isn't recommended. Here are a couple high dose reports though if interested:

And an account with 120mg DMT:

Great advice here :thumb_up:
MAOI dosage really tweaks the spice-numbers, all drifts on each other.

Please consider that there is not one dose that fits one person. For example my dosages for oral range from 25 to 125 according to what I want to experience. Not all days are the same, the thought of one dose always sounds very self restricting. The medium is multi-facet with changing dose. The benefit of starting low and build up is also to get to know the whole spectrum of possibilities. There are days I really not want more than 25 mg oral, usually due circumstances. The deep ones are the most rare I take, for those a special call must be heard and all factors should be ideal.

I admit there's a mid-range I like to avoid being 35 to 55. Because it brings a lot of body load with a little of pay-back. Then I'd prefer to 60 or more because that lifts me just above a threshold that does deliver a worthwhile pay back.

But these mumbers are mine. As stated, each must find their own. I just wanted to say: get to know your WHOLE range, and it suits the start low + rise principle.
GuruD said:
thanks sakkadelic and enthogenic gnosis for your help.

ethenogenic - it's strange that you mentioned 10g of acacia and 4g of syrian rue - that is EXACTLY the dosage that I was thinking of brewing for my very first brew, for several weeks now. I just today decided to change the dosage based on sakkadelic's advice.

I still am not sure if this is the right decision for me. Because, I feel like I do have a problem with spirit-infestation in my home (body/mind).

I also thought that dmt-containing plants only needed 40 minutes to 1 hour of simmering/boiling. That's at least what I remember reading in a few places. Since syrian rue seeds do not need to be heated in order to be orally active, I think I will just eat the ground seeeds. I was thinking of brewing a tea with acacia confusa powder for about forty minutes.

that experience report was interesting. I recently had a very negative experience with smoked dmt-infused peppermint leaves; I'm pretty sure it was dmt but it seemed like it was something else all together.

I have about 350mg of dmt which I wanted to consume orally, but I am not so sure if I should. I'm not sure if that would be too strong or not, and without something like syrian rue seeds to make it more balanced, taking a random maoi with that much dmt may be a very unwise choice.

I'm being attacked by a mean, evil person, several actually. I know that I have every right to experience happiness, health, peace, and freedom. Life shouldn't be this way.

thanks for reading and have a great day

I suppose you could brew how ever you want.

From the nexus wiki:
Peganum harmala (Syrian Rue Seeds): 4g
Acacia confusa powdered bark: 10g
Lemon Balm: 4g
2 Lemons
Coffee Filters
Distilled Water (or filtered water)
Preparation of Rue Seed and Acacia Confusa Brews
In separate containers, simmer Rue seeds and Acacia Confusa in 400ml of distilled water with juice of half a lemon. Simmer for 3 hours. Top up with water as needed to make sure it never falls below 100ml
Filter liquid (using coffee filters) into separate containers and repeat previous step on the remaining solids, 2 more times for a total of THREE times.
Reduce total rue seed brew to around 80ml and place in refrigerator for later..
Boil 200ml of distilled water, and add to acacia confusa brew (bring it's total volume to around 300ml), then proceed to next step: "Removing Tannins from Acacia Brew"
Removing Tannins from Acacia Brew
Bring acacia confusa brew to boil, adding 1 large egg white as soon as the brew starts producing steam and stir.
After boiling the brew/egg whites, filter the brew and then reduce the brew down to around 100ml
Put the confusa brew in the freezer. When it's frozen, thaw the brew, filter it and put it back in the freezer. Once frozen again, thaw it and pour the tea away from the sediment in the bottom and stop pouring when the sediment tries to come up. Repeat freeze/thaw/filter for a total of 3 times
...about the same as my method.

GuruD said:
I feel like there are evil spirits inside of me, saying evil things and harassing me. I literally feel as if these entities and spirits have made my body and mind into their home. Every time I try and relax on my bed, whether it is during the day or at night to attempt to sleep, I get harassed by evil spirits. So basically I can't rest, and I have insomnia.

Just some advice because I'm in a similar situation with regards to the insomnia (longest I was awake for at one time was 3 days) at which point I decided to seek help and a doctor told me some people produce a significantly less amount of the sleep hormone (Melatonin) than is normal which can result in insomnia.

Do a little bit of research on how sleep deprivation can affect your hormones and metabolism it is very scary how much damage it can cause both in the long and short term.

Hey mate if you don't mind me asking, what's the longest period of time you've been awake for at one time? Melatonin is actually made by the Pineal gland so might be worth looking into treatment if you're having serious issues or are concerned, also if your family history has a past of nasty mental illness mention that to the Doc.

Take care mate, Sore.
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