pitubo said:
maranello551 said:
Go ahead and test the potency of your brew. Report back your findings. That would be excellent research!
SO this is what happened.
SWIM brewed together 500g of mhrb and 80g of Syrian rue....unfortunately, during the first hour of simmering, the pot overflowed
The mhrb was powdered and the rue was whole, and thus was floating on top when the brew overflowed.....
Because of this, SWIM estimates that ~2% of the mhrb was lost but ~10-20% of the rue was lost....
This would have left the ratio at about 2-2.5g rue for every 15g mimosa......not enough rue for my taste as this would likely result in a short experience.
SO, SWIM acquired 5g of 10x rue extract and threw it in the brew after decanting and during reduction.
The extract was indeed fluorescent, but SWIM was hoping it wasn't full strength as that would have put the rue dose at around 4g per 15g mimosa........far too much considering SWIM usually points for 2.5-3g rue for every 20g mhrb......, and then redoses about the same amount........
Regardless, the brew was ready......
SWIM put the brew in a 1.5L bottle, making each shot glass of brew roughly equivalent to 1/30th of the brew (about 15g mimo per cup).......
SWIM took the
first shot and smoked a joint. After about an hour of very minimal effects felt,
SWIM downed a second shot of brew, and proceeded to vape some spice........by this time the harmala effects were quite pronounced, but the mimosa was nowhere to be felt.......perhaps the vapong of the spice delayed the onset as vaping spice generally comes with tolerance to it....though the I believed the harmalas offset this.........so about 2 hours in,
SWIM downed a 3rd cup........
The third cup is when the mimosa begins to be felt.....by this third cup, SWIM was so affected by the harmalas that he was falling all over himself and walking in the most peculiar of ways as if trying to balance on the deck of a raocking ship during a storm........by this point, SWIM had ingested the equivalent of 45g of mimosa......and yet in terms of dmt effects he only felt as if he'd consumed 2-3g of mushrooms.........
NOW, this is where it gets tricky......for swim, high doses of harmala suppress the dmt effects - they overpower it......kind of like the harmalas are a wheel and the dmt pushes the wheel. The more harmalas, the bigger the wheel and the more complex/deep the experience, but only if enough dmt is used to push the bigger, heavier wheel, otherwise they will suprpess the dmt with their harmala "weight"...........however, SWIM has noticed that the harmala effect icnrease linearly, while the dmt effects increase exponentially (with dose), so the more cups SWIM drank, the more the dmt crept up on the rue...........though the first few cups were overpowered by the rue,
the fourth cup made it so that the dmt dose was so high (~60g mimosa), that it it's exponential nature made it more than powerful enough to move the metaphorical wheel of the linear-power 15-20g of rue that was ingested....if that makes sense.....the dmt caught up.....by this point, that which had felt like 2-3g of mushrooms began to spike hard......the nausea that had been fairly absent (likely due to the thc), quickly began to increase as SWIM entered a heavily-harmala influenced, sub-breakthrough dmt space......the perspective shift that the harmalas imparted was unlike anything I had witenessed...the experience felt a lot more grounded than a "usual", strong oral dmt experience.....SWIM purged hard and had strong visions for about 30 minutes, before coming down to a more manageable 5g mushroom equivalent level for the following few hours......
The problem: Was the dmt delayed onset due to SWIM having vaped the spice, the THC in the system, the overly heavy harmala doses from the inital cups with a dmt dose not high enough to outshine the rue until later cups, or did the dmt bind to the something in the rue while brewing......
One discovery made was that whatever happened, I now know that it definitely isn't the harmalas crashign out when the mimo-rue curdles.....the harmalas were definitely in there.......the dmt, SWIM isn't so sure......perhaps the dmt crashed out when the mimosa was cooked with the rue and was discarded with the mhrb powder sediment during decanting.........