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TAKING WOODSTOCK!! tour w the dead? rainbow gatherings? check this out.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
so....i'm a 38 year old guy. i toured with the dead on the west coast in the very early 90's....hit up some rainbow gatherings along the way....lived on a couple communes for a time....in short....

i was a long-haired, VW van driving, guatemalan clothes wearing, hacky-sack playing, granola eating hippie who sold magic mushroom spaghetti at dead shows to support my lifestyle. :shock:

some extremely fond memories exist for me from this time in my life. the freedom....the amazing love and community.....the wonderment that every adventure filled me with...

i wound up going to Cal Berkeley and living there for nearly 11 years 8) ....i've been in L.A. now for 12 :? .....time is flying......

but i digress.

i just went and saw the new Ang Lee movie "Taking Woodstock". i ate an extremely potent cannabis cookie about an hour beforehand so i was REALLY high.... 😉

i would recommend this movie without question for anyone but ESPECIALLY if you've ever been part of a counter-culture/hippie community. the realism of that time and that event was just mind-boggling. quite early on, i gave up being astounded by how "in" this movie i was. i just let go and went with it. it tapped into a memory-bank inside me that has had me walking around for the past day in a nostalgic trance...i'm genuinely moved!!

....and on top of that, i honestly left feeling as though i truly had been to woodstock....

the cinematography, the immaculate detail to the time, everything.....this movie was a home-run in my book. the LSD trip scene is so well-done (combined with my very stoned brain-meat), i actually shed tears at the beauty. again....i just gave up trying to figure out "how the f#$k was he able to express that so realistically????"

go check out this movie folks....it's beautiful. i HIGHLY recommend seeing it HIGH as well....there are so many scenes that are SOOOO GOOD!!!

anyways, this is your friendly neighborhood movie critic Antrocles saying "TAKING WOODSTOCK" gets four thumbs UP!

....hey....you see my avatar....i'm completely in proportion... ;)

I saw "Across the Universe" and was actually quite surprised by that movie and ended up buying it. Great songs and the flow of the movie is nice, with a somewhat accurate portrayal of a difficult time period as seen through a rock video, but it was not a 4 star movie. It ended without feeling like it ended. It’s more of a rock video than a movie so that was sort of expected.

I’m not sure about seeing “Taking Woodstock”. If it’s somewhat accurate and doesn’t have all the hippie stereo types in it then maybe I’ll give it a shot.

I used to live around a lot of hippies in San Francisco. I’ve also known a lot of dead heads in my time (they are not exactly the same thing, they are only a subset of hippies, most hippies quit the scene after the 70’s). I think I’ll get sick if the movie goes into any of the stereo types. Hippies are not stoners, but are often portrayed as stoners dressed in tie dye outfits in movies. If this movie is just about getting stoned and partying then I don’t want to see it.

I’ll wait until a few more reviews come in before I think seriously about seeing this movie.
^^thats how I felt about height-ashbury when I was there 3 years ago...I saw lots of junkies and kids posing as hippies..expensive bong shops with touristy jerry garcia T shirts everywhere. Consumerism had taken over:? I was trying to find a head shop to pick up some salvia, couldnt find any, or acid or mushrooms..seemed like other drugs had taken over.. It was an interesting place to visit though still..I absolutily love san francisco..If I ever left Vancover for another city I think it would be there.

The movie looks interesting though..think I will check it out.
Sounds Great MAN Quote
i would recommend this movie without question for anyone but ESPECIALLY if you've ever been part of a counter-culture/hippie community. the realism of that time and that event was just mind-boggling. quite early on, i gave up being astounded by how "in" this movie i was. i just let go and went with it. it tapped into a memory-bank inside me that has had me walking around for the past day in a nostalgic trance...i'm genuinely moved!!

Yes havent seen it but plan to and sure I will LOVE the movie.
Espically since I still am a long haired counter-culture/hippie at age 45. I have modified things abit I cant drop out(worked 73hours last week in a DATA CENTER building RACKS of computers) because I will be attempting to DRIVE change till the day I die. I also can not be quite as mellow as the old time masters because the MAN will walk all over me. The man been talking the same game for to long so I cant turn the other cheek EVERYTIME no matter how much I would like to. When they come for my BOX OF RAIN I fight back. No one is gonna take away my Box of Rain


PS NEVER DONE E or H and I aint missed a thing!!!!!!!

Box of Rain
Grateful Dead - Words by Robert Hunter; music by Phil Lesh
Look out of any window
any morning, any evening, any day
Maybe the sun is shining
birds are winging or
rain is falling from a heavy sky -
What do you want me to do,
to do for you to see you through?
this is all a dream we dreamed
one afternoon long ago
Walk out of any doorway
feel your way, feel your way
like the day before
Maybe you'll find direction
around some corner
where it's been waiting to meet you -
What do you want me to do,
to watch for you while you're sleeping?
Well please don't be surprised
when you find me dreaming too

Look into any eyes
you find by you, you can see
clear through to another day
I know it's been seen before
through other eyes on other days
while going home --
What do you want me to do,
to do for you to see you through?
It's all a dream we dreamed
one afternoon long ago

Walk into splintered sunlight
Inch your way through dead dreams
to another land
Maybe you're tired and broken
Your tongue is twisted
with words half spoken
and thoughts unclear
What do you want me to do
to do for you to see you through
A box of rain will ease the pain
and love will see you through

Just a box of rain -
wind and water -
Believe it if you need it,
if you don't just pass it on
Sun and shower -
Wind and rain -
in and out the window
like a moth before a flame

It's just a box of rain
I don't know who put it there
Believe it if you need it
or leave it if you dare
But it's just a box of rain
or a ribbon for your hair
Such a long long time to be gone
and a short time to be there
I get goose bumps and teary eye'd when i think about the good ole day's. I know that the only constant thing in life is change, and everything evolves, and we must accept it, but still....... i miss it. The attics of my life.

Will definately check out the movie....thanks for the review. :)
I fell into a real underground subculture of psychedelic/naturalist people 5 years ago when I was 20..just after I began tripping..I was alwasy hanging out at this nude beach, made freinds with everyone..lots of them living on the beach for the summer selling mushrooms etc, and then spending they're winters in mexico..lots of them artists and musicions..I tried living down there for a while, but I was still working, at the beach every day after work and sleeping aorund campfires with groups of people..usually tripping balls. It got hard though to live that way and I ended up moving to Vancouver Island living in a tent with my best friend..we only lasted one summer there though, surfing every day, eatging mushrooms, dscovered LSD for the first time over there...I miss it:cry:

When we went broke and came back to the mainland it felt really odd..sleeping in a small room indoors made me feel like a boxed in animal..I ended up spending the next year working in a stupid waffle factory..then I met a hippy girl from Massachuettes that i dated for a bit, and when she had to go back to the states I took off with her with some money I had saved and went to live in san francisco for a few weeks but coulnt find work die to no visa..I loved it though, sleeping in hostels and cheep motels..parking lots etc..eating free motel food for breakfast(and usually lunch!) ..whatever. Having no home can be quite liberating. Than I headed off to LA, left after a few days, went to the grand canyon, ended up in pheonix with no money and had to sell a very nice camera for way less than it was worth to get my ass back home, and leave the girl:x ...was well worht all of it though. I also spent some time at mount shasta on the way to san fran as well..I love that mountain town, chillin back smoking herb with random locals..That place rocks! Now I feel sorta boxed in here, trying work and get a degree in herbology, find some stable place where I can really live the way I want..hoping to get to south america though sometime..I sorta wish at times that it was the 60's, Id so be off at some commune living like a dirtball, tripping on LSD and living the way I want to!..though I think we need to be here now to help the movement progress..whatever that is these days.

Haha traveling aorund like some carefree hippy is the best..until the $$ starts to run out..Im only 25 though so I got lots of time.
Really looking forward to Taking Woodstock. I was quite disappointed with "Across the Universe". Didn't realize that it was Phil doing the vocals on Box of Rain :) . People say that I got stuck in the sixties. I still let my free flag fly although it's in a bun at the work 20 though. I'm one of those Dead Head Hippies although one of those that had and has a second life as a "Professional". It is good to relive the feeling at a Gathering of the Tribes or a Dead show or a Phish show etc. etc. I've got high hopes that Taking Woodstock lives up to it's potential. Thanks for the report!!
That sounds real cool. I will definitely check it out! I wish I could have seen the dead with Jerry, :( I have seen Ratdog a bunch tho :) I like Phish a lot and saw them a bunch- and a LOT of Trey Anastasio Band shows, I just love the horns...
speaking of hippie freedom...i'm typing this to you guys from Bangkok, Thailand! got a whim, booked a ticket and just got here yesterday....couple days here then i'm going down south to a remote island (Ko Phi Phi) for a spell....the people here are beautiful and the food has been out of this world..

...not to mention i think thai and filippine women are the most beautiful women in the world....i'm kinda in heaven over here... ;)

didn't have the nutsack to bring any spice...am regretting that decision...kind of...there's a sign in Tai Pei that informs tourists going through customs that possesion of drugs comes with a death sentence.



i still brought some strong cannibis edibles though ;) love you guys!

...and btw- as i type this there is a traffic jam outside of the internet cafe due to an unruly elephant taking a dump in the street.

fuckin' bangkok... :D

Woodstock (1970)

The Woodstock Music and Art Fair was a historic event held at Max Yasgur's 600 acre (2.4 km²; 240 ha) dairy farm in the rural town of Bethel, New York from August 15 to August 18, 1969. Bethel (Sullivan County) is 43 miles (69 km) southwest of the town of Woodstock, New York, which is in adjoining Ulster County.

To many, the festival exemplified the counterculture of the 1960s and the "hippie era." Thirty-two of the best-known musicians of the day appeared during the sometimes rainy weekend. Although attempts have been made over the years to recreate the festival, the original event has proven to be unique and legendary. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest moments in popular music history and was listed on Rolling Stone's 50 Moments That Changed the History of Rock and Roll. The event was captured in a successful 1970 movie, Woodstock; an accompanying soundtrack album; and Joni Mitchell's song "Woodstock", which commemorated the event and became a major hit for Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

Director:Michael Wadleigh
Release Date:26 March 1970 (USA)
Genre:Documentary / Music
Tagline:love, peace, music
Awards:Won Oscar. Another 1 win & 2 nominations

Length.......................: 03h 35m 05s

I saw the making-of this movie on tv, but I havent watched the movie yet.
It seemed intense from the tv show. Captures all the behind the scenes about the beginnings.
antrocles said:
speaking of hippie freedom...i'm typing this to you guys from Bangkok, Thailand! got a whim, booked a ticket and just got here yesterday....couple days here then i'm going down south to a remote island (Ko Phi Phi) for a spell....the people here are beautiful and the food has been out of this world..

...not to mention i think thai and filippine women are the most beautiful women in the world....i'm kinda in heaven over here... ;)

didn't have the nutsack to bring any spice...am regretting that decision...kind of...there's a sign in Tai Pei that informs tourists going through customs that possesion of drugs comes with a death sentence.



i still brought some strong cannibis edibles though ;) love you guys!

...and btw- as i type this there is a traffic jam outside of the internet cafe due to an
unruly elephant taking a dump in the street.

fuckin' bangkok... :D


Man.. i want to hang out with you !!! similar stories.....you did it on the west coast, i primarily did it on the east. I need to find a hippiechick...just as long as she washes and shaves. :lol:

Have fun in thailand.....my mom and i were planning on going there together.
You have to watch this film for the acid scene alone, so beautiful!!!

I loved the song so much that I had to find out what it was and buy the album. The Red Telephone, by Love, from 'Forever Changes'. Touted as one of the best albums ever made, but a critic's choice rather than a popular one. Give it a few listens to get used to the psychedelic style... it's a real grower. Featured Content on Myspace

Love: The Red Telephone

Sitting on a hillside
Watching all the people die
I'll feel much better on the other side
I'll thumb a ride

I believe in magic
Why, because it is so quick
I don't need power when I'm hypnotized
Look in my eyes
What are you seeing (I see...)
How do you feel?
I feel real phony when my name is Phil
Or was that Bill?

Life goes on here
Day after day
I don't know if I am living or if I'm
Supposed to be
Sometimes my life is so eerie
And if you think I'm happy
Paint me (white)(yellow)
I've been here once
I've been here twice
I don't know if the third's the fourth or if the -
The fifth's to fix
Sometimes I deal with numbers
And if you wanna count me
Count me out

I don't need the time of day
Anytime with me's OK
I just don't want you using up my time
'Cause that's not right


They're locking them up today
They're throwing away the key
I wonder who it'll be tomorrow, you or me?
We're all normal and we want our freedom
Freedom... freedom... freedom... freedom
Freedom... freedom... freedom... freedom

Alla God's chilluns gotta have dere freedom

Box of Rain is one of my alltime favourites too! I read that he wrote it for his dying father, and that 'box of rain' means the world... but I think it has another meaning... I wonder if he was sorting out his father with some supplies to ease his pain... LSD does ease cancer victims' pain.

If someone ever finds themselves in San Francisco, where should they go at night to mix with the real deal? Any good hangouts?
Dwhitty76 said:
I need to find a hippiechick...just as long as she washes and shaves. :lol:
I went out with a girl who didn't shave... I liked it! She did shave her legs though, that is necessary. But natural armpits and bush, I like, you should try it before you knock it! She was amazing, I often think about her :lol:
"If someone ever finds themselves in San Francisco, where should they go at night to mix with the real deal? Any good hangouts?"

I spent some time in San Francisco with an ex gf a few years ago..I mostly just hung out at the beach and skimboarded. In the morning though I would habg out around height/ashbury and get coffee etc..I spent some time around berkeley as well..I would pretend to be a student and hang out the university to check my emails and such..it was a cool area. The only city in the US that I saw people walking down the street smoking joints..reminded me of vancouver in many ways
i'm from berkeley. there are SO MANY sweet spots to visit.... the bay area is truly a jewel in the crown of america.... i miss it a LOT.

...though L.A. has it's beauty too! you just gotta "work for it" a little bit more ;)


redwood park, golden gate park, marin headlands, mt. tamalpais (stay at the mountian home inn!!), pt. reyes (a MUST!!), stinson beach, baker beach, ocean beach, rockaway beach, huckleberry park, tilden park (don't miss the volcanic preserve!), visit the town of fairfax and walk through the elementary school (located in a redwood forest) go behind it and hike the trail that goes up the ridge and down the other side into Bass Lake (rope swings if you're game!), bring your mountain bike and spend a lifetime discovering new trails all over mt. tam (be sure to see phoenix lake!) OR go find TAMARANCHO (a 1000+ acre IMBA preserve exclusively for mountain bikers!!)

the restaurants are out of this world all over S.F. and the East Bay.... my god man...there's TOO MUCH to tell and i am getting tears in my eyes as i think about it...

tell you what- just PM me when you're going and i'll meet you there! ;)


Sawasdee Krub, Antrocles!

Say hi to my friend while you are there, she's short, dark hair, dark eyes...

Have to wait for video on that one. The closetst I ever got to a commune was REHAB!!:lol:

Speaking of places to go. I spent a summer(lifetime) when I was seven near L.A. in Palmdale. I hiked four miles up Mt.Whitney trail and went south of the border to Tiajuana(sp.). Spent most of the time in the Mojave desert, though. Beautiful, trees are nice where I live but I will forever long for the desert.

I am happy you are able to adventure this 3-d world on a whim. I for one will sit back in my 'armchair' and live vicariously through you.

See you in hyperspace,


Thanks for the tips! I've always wanted to see San Francisco... I really have to go someday! Equal on the wishlist only to Peru. My friend wants to move there when she finishes her studies, so maybe I'll do it when she does that, and then I'll have a place to crash. I know I could just buy a guidebook if I ever made it over there, but then I'd just end up at the tourist places, so I'm thinking ahead 8) I'll let you know when I make it over, Antrocles!

Don't hippies go out at night? Or do they continue hanging out outside when the sun goes down, because the bars are too commercial?
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