Nice humorous US election campaign video modeled after various silly anti-drug ads. 'If you're ever out somewhere and you're thinking about voting for M...
True but there was one potential in the republican party who was a glimmer of hope his name Ron Paul check out his ideas if you are interested in liberty.
Previous slide Next slide Previous slide Next slide Together, we are the Libertarian Party. The Libertarian Party (LP) is your representative in American politics. It is the only political party that respects you as a unique and responsible individual. Our slogan is that we are “The Party of...
Or as I should say give it a look.
I know the candidate is a kind of like a used car salesman but just make it a party vote.
The thing the US really needs is more parties so we can break this monopoly of tyrants.
I would never in good conscience vote for McCain of Obama.
"We used to deride Soviet 'democracy' in which citizens could go to the polls knowing they would find only one name on the ballot. But gloating because we have twice as many mediocre choices seems pretty empty in retrospect."
-David Ruppert in some Detroit newspaper.
I like Bob Barr personally. It's too bad Kucinich couldn't get the Democratic nomination.
its so fucked that in the states you have only 2 piles of crap to choose from.. in Germany we have at least 40 piles of crap to choose from
so one can at least choose a pile of crap which is closest to your own opinion. i recommend you folks move to Germany if McCain wins. We can all have a big party then
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