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Tek experimental

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I know this is in the wrong place, but I can't post anywhere else... If a mod could move it.. Cheers.

I was taught as a kid to find native sassafras, cut in down dig out the root and carefully harvest the root bark. My dad taught this to me as his father taught him. I was told the Indians made a tea with it that was a stimulant and would use it before hunting, battles.. Etc... (My dad's half and passed on many little trinkets of knowledge like this)

The catch was I could never have any as a kid, but when I got older I tried the tea and loved the flavor but wondered what else I could do with it.

I started an experiment that turned into a tek and I'm honestly not sure what is being extracted in the process but I do know it's effects and they are nice. Here,s the tek it's simple and I'm hoping you nexians might be able to suggest the best way to go about getting them tested.

So here's the tek...

Materials two ounces sassafras root bark inner
5 garms of lye
100 ml of vinegar
1.5 l of water
Steel pot with cover
Coffee grinder
900 ml of ethanol
100 proof corn alcohol or ISP works

Grind sassafras in coffee grinder add powder to pot with vinegar and water. Bring to a boil then start reducing til water level is just above the grindings (as your reducing and bringing to a boil keep pot covered).
Then let the grindings/soup cool add lye slowly and stir as you do, it should turn a deep purple if not add a few more grams up to ten.
Before you add lye add the soup to a pyrex pie dish or something similar.
Once that is complete pour some ethanol on to the soup. I always wait til the reaction is completely done and cool.
Let sit somewhere warm and agitate by stirring every 10 minutes for an hour.
Give it one last good stir, then cover the dish in ceran wrap and stick it in your freezer. Leaving it there long enough for the polar lye level to freeze. Then pour off thee alcohol into a brownie dish and place under a fan to evaporate.
Do a few more pulls until it's exhausted.

The resulting product will be white powder kind of sticky with a few brownish crumby bits as well. I found that a gram of this in the bottom of a cup of tea that's sweet with light milk tastes great. You can barely taste the final product in it.

From what I've read safrole and iso safrole is dissolvable in alcohol so I think it's what I'm pulling but I'm really not sure. It's an energetic yet calming buzz like a pslightly psychedelic Valium but with an adderall like focus
No fast beating heart or anything else related to speeding.

Is there anyone else who has done anything similar?
Is there anyone who can suggest a place to get it tested?
Are there any chemists who know what most likely would be extracted using the above method?
I love saffrole, good stuff. Doesn't alcohol mix with the water though?

I just bought one of those Essenex 100 microwave essential oil extractor, they are pretty cool. I put about 200 grams of sass bark into the extractor and got about 1ml of saffrole oil and a good portion of it actually crystallized upon cooling! I would have got more oil but I haven't used the thing very much yet. It takes some getting used to be able to extract different terpenes efficiently.
Yes I imagine it might, but when you freeze it the alcohol doesn't freeze so once it's frozen solid the alcohol pours off very easily. A nice little trick to get around the solvent enigma.

Also let it thaw in between soaking, freezing, and pulling.
As your pouring off the alcohol there will be some sediment in it as you get close to thee bottom. I just stop before they get in the final evap dish and deal with them on the last pull via filter.
That extractor sounds neat. I thought you needed to create a steam distillation system to get it out. Is that what the essenex does, steam distillation?
It uses the water inside the fresh plant material to agitate the essential oils into a vapor which condenses on an ice cone screwed to the lid and drips into a beaker. The ice and the product are protected from further microwaves by ceramic shields.
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