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TEK: Ultimate Life Bio-Hacking :: Routines, Practices, Nutrition, Supplements

Migrated topic.


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Here is my first draft of my ultimate list. It contains my lists for Nutrition Supplements, Foods, Nootropic Supplements.... all the variety of practices, disciplines, spiritual approaches, and bio-hacks...

Then also the Daily Routine Schedule guideline for enacting it on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

Feel free to comment or add any ideas!! It's not meant to be 100% inclusive, just the current approach, but hyper detailed none the less!

Hope you get something useful out of it! Enjoy! Stay safe, stay healthy, and don't forget to have fun!

See Attached PDFs.

:thumb_up: :love:


  • Foods-10.pdf
    16.6 KB · Views: 2
  • Nootropics-10.pdf
    11.7 KB · Views: 1
  • RoutineSchedule-10.pdf
    28.6 KB · Views: 1
  • Nutrients-10.pdf
    15.5 KB · Views: 1
  • Practices-10.pdf
    30.6 KB · Views: 1
We all know it's a good day when CL posts this stuff - thanks for sharing!

I've merged the pdf's into a single one for those that might like it that way.

Pedantic footnote: it's "astaxanthin", without the 'r' 😉

[Edit: updated the merged version, following CL's update!]


  • CLs+lifehacks.pdf
    100.7 KB · Views: 3
downwardsfromzero said:
We all know it's a good day when CL posts this stuff - thanks for sharing!

You're welcome :) Hopefully it can become collaborative with further versions.

I updated that spelling, and found another spellcheck to, and updated the files.

Part of me being a clinical practitioner... is narrowing down the abundance of potential items (especially with Nutrients and Nootropics) and formulating a more concise list of high-yield options... And knowing the vast list of things as I do, its especially hard for myself... Finding the balance between effectiveness, research/evidence backed items, and cost...

So hopefully this is a good start + reference for people.

Looking forward to version 2.0 ... Probably the biggest updates to Food (with recipes) and the Practices section with more exercise regimens, yoga regimens, etc... and Hopefully with some input from other members, since yall all probably have something awesome you find great benefit from!

-CL :thumb_up:

This could be a really sweet thread if it's kept up on, updated & added to.

When I get some time I want to add in my callisthenics and bodyweight-exercise [with progressions - planar & weighted] routine/s that I've followed pretty consistently for the past handful of years [though only this past year I've gotten super serious with callisthenics progressions/bar work].

Also I'd like to write up an introductory piece to rings, their progressions [once a stable/solid foundation is achieved], and how they can be used for fat reduction and lean muscle gain [these two things being inextricably linked]. I've been consistently progressing with them over the last few months, though relatively new to them, so in a sense anyone that could potentially be interested with this - we'll bein the same boat in a sense.

**just google 'male ring gymnast, or 'elite male ring gymnast' and you'll see pretty quickly that when you're consistent & serious with them over a reasonable span of time they can elicit transformations that free weights, compound exercises, bodyweight exercises and the like would have a pretty hard time achieving.**

**Speaking from having worked out/exercised 'seriously' most of my teenage & adult life lots of reading, research, trial and error, and obviously 'personal experience'. I typically never talk much about it here, because I've never thought the interest was really there, though when I get time writing on it.**
CosmicLion said:
Probably the biggest updates to Food (with recipes) and the Practices section with more exercise regimens, yoga regimens, etc... and Hopefully with some input from other members, since yall all probably have something awesome you find great benefit from!

-CL :thumb_up:
That was what I forgot to mention in my last post. Some recipes would be great!

There's also a recipe thread, somewhere, that we can make use of - time to dig out the link. I've a nice recipe to share and now it's not clear whether to share it here or on the recipe thread :? :lol:
After doing some research into different workout video services online, the major ones seem to have the best reviews with a wide range of device compatibility! They are relatively inexpensive, too...

The top two seem to be:

Beachbody On-Demand
Les Mills On-Demand

They both look great with their own perks and app features. I am leaning towards Beacbbody, they may have more videos that have minimal or no equipment options, although I am good with using my dumbbells or resistance band... plus Beachbody has full day-by-day programs which is good when getting started. Beachbody also has a lot of nutrition, food, and recipe stuff...

Beachbody is a classic with tons of reviews, and Les Mills has less overall reviews but is regarded as fantastic.

Beachbody has a 30-day refund trial and Les Mills has a 14 day trial.

I am going to try both and see which one has routines that I resonate with most!

Here are some key differences from a review site:

- Les Mills OnDemand does not offer as much variety as Beachbody OnDemand

- Les Mills has random workouts to choose from, whereas Beachbody has a structured program

- Beachbody has a better reputation than Les Mills

- Les Mills OnDemand has access to 1,000 plus online workouts and Beachbody OnDemand has access to over 1,500 online workouts

Next up, is putting in some time reviewing online Yoga on-demand services, there are quite a few...

-CL :thumb_up:
The Lion shares, and it is a mouthful.
Much to process there, thanks for that.

My very lightweight / old man fitness routine has been paddling, hiking, and cycling, for the most part.
But recently, I have started going to the rock gym, getting on The Wall. I am complete novice.

And so I'm intrigued by tatt's comments:
tattvamasi said:
Also I'd like to write up an introductory piece to rings, their progressions [once a stable/solid foundation is achieved], and how they can be used for fat reduction and lean muscle gain [these two things being inextricably linked].
Just about 2 weeks ago I hung a couple of rings from a tree in my backyard, in the interest of improving my strength for The Wall, in particular my hands and forearms.
I hardly do more than a few pull-ups, and some hanging. But it's a start.

So, that makes me happy that I happened to choose a tool that is endorsed here, I hope to make it proud. Looking forward to exploring the techniques and skills.

Thanks for the thread Cosmic Lion.
Sunnyside said:

My very lightweight / old man fitness routine has been paddling, hiking, and cycling, for the most part.

But recently, I have started going to the rock gym, getting on The Wall. I am complete novice.

Great ideas :) I do hiking and cylcing too, I should have included those. Hiking at least once week, or 2-3 times a month... Cycling as a potential general part of the 3x a week aerobics plan...

Will definitely include these and the others on the next version! :)

Cycling's my go-to choice for local transport. Half an hour five days a week keeps me in great shape, along with having a standing desk, walking everywhere that's too near to cycle - and living in a house with lots of stairs :)

Having trained in physical theatre, I incorporate little stretches and movements here and there throughout the day just in the course of doing stuff. This suits me well as I tend to respond badly to having fixed schedules and kind of have to sneak up on myself to get stuff done.
Sunnyside said:
And so I'm intrigued by tatt's comments:
tattvamasi said:
Also I'd like to write up an introductory piece to rings, their progressions [once a stable/solid foundation is achieved], and how they can be used for fat reduction and lean muscle gain [these two things being inextricably linked].
Just about 2 weeks ago I hung a couple of rings from a tree in my backyard, in the interest of improving my strength for The Wall, in particular my hands and forearms.
I hardly do more than a few pull-ups, and some hanging. But it's a start.

So, that makes me happy that I happened to choose a tool that is endorsed here, I hope to make it proud. Looking forward to exploring the techniques and skills.

Not to derail, but I'll get writing on it here within a few days, and probably won't be done and posted here for a week or two. I really want to do it right and really think before I get it all out.

Busy with school/labs at the moment, but when these let up then I'll get the move on. 😁

EDIT 9/20/21: Got a rough outline of the first page:
- a brief introduction/cursory overview of rings
- their benefits [somewhat in depth]
- starting out in where to hang them, the proper etiquette when hanging them/methods, etc.
very interesting you might include a link for softer less demanding work out for us really old people .....heh.....I LOOK GOOD FOR 103 Wink

downwardsfromzero said:
I'll share this handy note to self and others here:

What are your positive habits, everyone?

I thoroughly enjoyed this video, it has some great messages. A good reminder to focus on what's in your control and that delayed gratification is a much sweeter nectar than immediate. I've been frequently thinking about my habits recently so seeing this was good timing. It ties in well with this book I read, Elastic Habits by Stephen Guise.

The gist of his habit formation system is that each habit has lateral and vertical options. For example if your goal is to become a writer, you would establish 3 lateral mini habits such writing 50 words, editing for 5 minutes or spending 5 minutes promoting our work. The idea is that more options will reduce the likelihood us abandoning the system due to boredom.

A vertical option is just a larger version of the mini lateral option. Guise calls the 2 additional vertical options the plus target and the elite target. So the plus options could be writing 250 words, editing for 20 minutes or doing promotional work for 20 minutes. The elite options could be writing 750 words, editing for 90 minutes, or doing promotional work for 90 minutes.

To put the system into practice we should write down our options in a grid like format and review them in the morning, committing to which option we are going to complete that day. At the end of each day we should place an X on our calendar, assuming we met one of the targets, and we should use a different color pen to represent the different vertical levels. So for example we can use green for mini, silver for plus and gold for those days we accomplish our elite target. Here's a quote from the book which I though captures the essence of the system.

This is a special system, because the three distinct goal sizes have their own motivational allure. When you’re having a down day, you’re going to climb into the arms of attainability. When you’re frustrated with mediocrity, you’re going to respond by fighting hard for a large and valuable win. When you’re somewhere in between, you’re going to take the middle ground and be thankful the option is there.

I'm hoping to have some success in establishing some new habits in my life with this system. Currently I do have some momentum because I have a regular exercise regimen, cook healthy meals everyday, and play my guitar everyday. These things all bring me immense energy and satisfaction. Next on the list is a meditation and studying routine. I'm in the middle of reading Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfield and absolutely love it so far. It has me hyped to get started. As far as the studying I've been learning about options trading strategies. Tastytrade has some great content for beginners.

Anyways, thanks for sharing downwardsfromzero 😁 I wish you well on your habit journey!!
Fantastic video downfromzero, the video is super helpful for me. The last couple of days I've woken up early 6:30am to take a walk down the trail w/ mountain views by my house
and explore the neighborhoods and watch the beautiful nature. That is my entry point. I should post pictures I took of some of the Zen gardens people have as front yards around here.
I came back to planet Earth in a great place!
I am grateful to have met you in the chat, this information helps me a lot to get organized.

Although I still have a long way to go, it is good to acquire these routines.
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