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Telepathy/Hallucinogen - Experiments

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've heard of some people saying they sometimes can experience telepathy on Hallucinogen. As in two people triping and comunicating with each other without speaking or too in depth communication to be considered body language. Has anyone ever tried experiments with this to verify weather it is true or not?

Maybe a tripper can read this and decide to put it to the test with a friend and see if you can transmit a complex sentence without speaking and have the other right it down so you can confirm weather they where succesful in reciving the information you attempted to send. I would really love it if someone could test this out and report back here, if its succesful you can get paid by Randi. I would make sure you are consistant though, as in accuratly and consistantly getting the complex sentence correct.
Every time you try to bring science into telepathic phenomena it just doesn't work. Why is that? (I think I just heard angels laughing8) )

One thing I learned in my life is that all consciousness is connected. How... I could not tell you.

My advice...

Smoke a spliff (cannabis and tobacco. Good tobacco. I grow my own N. Rustica)
Sit, lay
and focus on someone
some bit of consciousness you want to send them

It works if the person is sensitive enough. This has happened to me more than one occasion. I have a friend who lives thousands of miles away who can send me e-mails containing the dreams I had if I focus on her, saying her name in my mind when I wake up.

When she first did this...I freaked the fuck out...but it was the proof I had been looking for all my life.

We all speculate, and wonder. Most don't believe it at all. When it happens to you, though, YOU CAN NOT DENY IT.

I have interviewed dozens of folks who've gone down to the amazon to drink ayahuasca.
Many report being able to see through bird eyes, seeing things that they later confirmed to be true with their own eyes.
N. Rustica plays a BIG role in amazonian shamanism. They call it "the mother of ayahuasca."
۩ said:
Every time you try to bring science into telepathic phenomena it just doesn't work. Why is that? (I think I just heard angels laughing8) )

:lol: Maybe God won't allow it to be measured or proven because of the massive abuse it could be subject to.

SWIM was once an atheist, until God showed him otherwise (long story, I don’t want to get into it). SWIM now knows God is there beyond a shadow of a doubt, but he cannot prove it to anyone.

I believe reality is based on the spiritual world, not the other way around. Reality exists because God dreams it into existence. You can’t use the dream to prove God is there when the dream of reality is not even itself actually real, it’s just a figment of God’s imagination.

If God chooses to make something available to all of mankind, its available, it’s recordable, can be filmed, documented, etc. But if God chooses to make certain things available to only certain individuals, God can prevent others from seeing it, recording it, etc. God has complete control over reality and can at will change it, and even change the past.

When you look at it from that perspective, it becomes clear that God could very well be preventing these things from being understood by science by hiding them and only allowing them to be seen by a few select individuals God has chosen.

I don’t know if you’re getting my point, but God has ultimate power and science is just a tool created in this “reality” that humans use. God has powers that supersede all other things in the universe and God’s powers go far beyond our “science”. The true “science” is God’s science, but we do not have access to that. If we did, we could create suns, change time, etc. It’s a very good thing we don’t have access to that kind of power.
Just like the Synchronicites , Telepathy definetely exists ... most of the times one either acts as sender or receiver .
Its not measurable , and i am not sure if someone is allowed to willingly benefit from telepathic abilities.

When you look at it from that perspective, it becomes clear that God could very well be preventing these things from being understood by science by hiding them and only allowing them to be seen by a few select individuals God has chosen.

Some experience telepathic phenomena in a very mean and tricky way ... like real telepathics mixed up with convincingly real fake information, thought manipulations and such . Sure they are of the few select individuals ... but they have most certainly made contact with another spiritual being , something rather malevolent , which causes them a lot of suffering in their lifes . ...Don't judge 'em ;)

Have fun with the Telepathy/Hallucinogen experiments ... they are lots of it , but sometimes different than one would imagine :lol:
Well I will say I have experienced strange things but I was out of my mind on psychedelic drugs at the time and it was far from a controlled environment. So of course it proves nothing. I once saw pigs fly at a Pink Floyd show in the pouring rain and it was not just the PROP PIG Pink Floyd had there were many others:shock:

So maybe pigs can fly but I wont believe it until it is proven in a controlled environment. I would think more beleivers in paranormal activity would be practicing there abilities in a scientific controlled setting. For the most part this has never been done. I constantly think of was to test my perceptions and so far nothing paranormal can even be slightly consider as fact. There is simply NO EVIDENCE that can prove anything.

How can one be sure of ANYTHING if one accepts any premise without question? This entire reality could be the complex imagination of one consciousness given this premise. Here we are and that proves nothing to me:)

Ron wrote
"I believe reality is based on the spiritual world, not the other way around. Reality exists because God dreams it into existence. You can’t use the dream to prove God is there when the dream of reality is not even itself actually real, it’s just a figment of God’s imagination."

Excellent point that makes me wonder how many of us there are here. If we speculate we are God Dreaming that would seem to imply that there is but one consciousness and we are all parts of one SINGLE intellegence ie the consciousness of God what ever that may be. This is the Atman from a Hindu perspective. A very interesting hypothesis in my opinion.


THE WHO SEEKER (Wont get to get what Im after till the DAY I DIE:lol: )
I have to agree with MV here.. I have also seen some of weirdest things happen in ayahuasca shamanic ceremonies, gone through the most mind-bending synchronicities on acid, seen animals talk to each other on mushrooms and a large etc.. But do I take that at face value and consider all to be true? No.. Do I disregard it all because its unconventional? Neither.. Truth usually lies somewhere in between

Like Dennis Mckenna once said in some talk he gave, we shouldnt trust what our leaders, priests, scientists say, but neither what the psychedelics say.. We have to always be critical about things, even if (or specially if) they seem very convincing at first.

I dont think its unreasonable to want to bring these sort of events into some sort of controlled experimentation.. I mean, think about it, Griffiths gave everyone of us a huge lesson when he made a highly celebrated and well designed research about whether mushrooms can facilitate spiritual experiences, showing how even these 'tricky' subjects can be scientifically studied without losing their significance.

I know what you said was a joke, house, but I dont think the angels would laugh at trying to get more consensually and demonstrable ways of talking about a phenomenon

Sure it is possible that there will be some barriers when studying these things, that certain barriers might be hard to find methodological solutions to, but we shouldnt give up and I think it would be of great benefit if one tried to design these kind of researches. Even it could be that certain things we cannot study in this way, but we can only know by trying first, and we even should be trying

That being said, I have to note that, when one talks about telepathy, there might be several phenomenoms included in this category and not just one.. For example, once on acid I remember looking into my friends eyes and know EXACTLY how he felt.. But maybe also we have to take in account that I could have just been more perceptive about his non-verbal gestures, eyes, expression, breathing pattern, etc, so its not telepathy per-se (but it would also be interesting to study whether one can be more perceptive to human feelings under the influence of these substances). There are are other possible types of what one may call telepathy, that we could think about and that should be considered when trying to design such a study.
69ron said:
۩ said:
Every time you try to bring science into telepathic phenomena it just doesn't work. Why is that? (I think I just heard angels laughing8) )

:lol: Maybe God won't allow it to be measured or proven because of the massive abuse it could be subject to.

SWIM was once an atheist, until God showed him otherwise (long story, I don’t want to get into it). SWIM now knows God is there beyond a shadow of a doubt, but he cannot prove it to anyone.

I believe reality is based on the spiritual world, not the other way around. Reality exists because God dreams it into existence. You can’t use the dream to prove God is there when the dream of reality is not even itself actually real, it’s just a figment of God’s imagination.

If God chooses to make something available to all of mankind, its available, it’s recordable, can be filmed, documented, etc. But if God chooses to make certain things available to only certain individuals, God can prevent others from seeing it, recording it, etc. God has complete control over reality and can at will change it, and even change the past.

When you look at it from that perspective, it becomes clear that God could very well be preventing these things from being understood by science by hiding them and only allowing them to be seen by a few select individuals God has chosen.

I don’t know if you’re getting my point, but God has ultimate power and science is just a tool created in this “reality” that humans use. God has powers that supersede all other things in the universe and God’s powers go far beyond our “science”. The true “science” is God’s science, but we do not have access to that. If we did, we could create suns, change time, etc. It’s a very good thing we don’t have access to that kind of power.
I once felt the presence of god two. I also believe that god keeps himself hidden for most of us. But at the same time god reveals himself more than we're aware of in his hiding.
When i felt god, i had a moment of doubt. And at that time god spoke to me without words but in a direct manner, saying "now you have truly found me". At that time i realized that god has given us all our powers of reason that enable us to raise doubts. God wants us to doubt him, because in some way that enables us more than anything to truly see god, instead of seeing god in a much more immature way; taking god for granted like a baby takes his mother for granted.
You can do experiments. With LSD and probably other psychedelics, it is possible to reach a state with someone where you can communicate without words. Usually these 'flashes of insight' don't last that long though.

I however have more than once 'found' somebody in the sense that i just knew where the person i was looking for was and they knew i was looking for them.

On two occasions when i was experimenting with someone with this acid-telepathy, we where for more than a couple of seconds capable to say exactly the same words and make the same gestures at exactly the same time.

another bizarre thing is that i usually know exactly what time it is on psychedelics, just by guessing.
polytrip said:
You can do experiments. With LSD and probably other psychedelics, it is possible to reach a state with someone where you can communicate without words. Usually these 'flashes of insight' don't last that long though.

I however have more than once 'found' somebody in the sense that i just knew where the person i was looking for was and they knew i was looking for them.

On two occasions when i was experimenting with someone with this acid-telepathy, we where for more than a couple of seconds capable to say exactly the same words and make the same gestures at exactly the same time.

another bizarre thing is that i usually know exactly what time it is on psychedelics, just by guessing.

I would like to experiment with the concept of telepathy on psychedelics, set up real tests to either confirm its real or just triping, but there would have to be lots of tests in all sorts of manners and many sessions, because i am aware freak things can happen that may seem more than coincidence, but can not be proved so, because it can't be repeated to happen above natual odds. Not to long ago playing a game with friends me and on other where rolling dice to see who goes first and keep on tieing, whil we constantly laughed about it, its like i could feel it would keep up and we ended up tieing 9 times in a row. On the last time his dice went outside the box, so we made him roll again, we had tied, but then he rolled again and got another number and won, but i decided to roll mine once more and yey again i rolled a four as he had won with, so really, roll for roll we tied ten times in a row. But that cannot be considerded fully to be some crazy connection or controll because it could possibly just be that 1 in a billion chance turning up.

One big problem i have and why i suggest other to experiment is because no one i know is interested in any kind of science as i am, nor anyone who wants to trip, nor do i have a way that even i can trip. I'm tired of internet drugs, DMT is too intense for me, Salvia sux to me and dosent make me trip but feel like shit...needles poking my back and back of neck?? Morning glory kills my mouth with fowl taste i wish to never experience again, as well as not triping off of it. I don't know any cow feilds to safely go to, can't even seem to find someone willing to get me one shroom for $50, i offered many people 50 for just one fresh open cap shroom in hopes of me just making a shroom print and trying to learn how to cultivate my own shroom. The only idea i have left is to pay a friend of a friend $100 to order me a shroom print in out of state and go pick it up. But that may take a while as i got more important matters than trying to get a shroom print out of state. So i can't even trip for me right now, much less experiment with the ideas of forms of telepathy induced through hallucingens.
Cheeto said:
polytrip said:
You can do experiments. With LSD and probably other psychedelics, it is possible to reach a state with someone where you can communicate without words. Usually these 'flashes of insight' don't last that long though.

I however have more than once 'found' somebody in the sense that i just knew where the person i was looking for was and they knew i was looking for them.

On two occasions when i was experimenting with someone with this acid-telepathy, we where for more than a couple of seconds capable to say exactly the same words and make the same gestures at exactly the same time.

another bizarre thing is that i usually know exactly what time it is on psychedelics, just by guessing.

I would like to experiment with the concept of telepathy on psychedelics, set up real tests to either confirm its real or just triping, but there would have to be lots of tests in all sorts of manners and many sessions, because i am aware freak things can happen that may seem more than coincidence, but can not be proved so, because it can't be repeated to happen above natual odds. Not to long ago playing a game with friends me and on other where rolling dice to see who goes first and keep on tieing, whil we constantly laughed about it, its like i could feel it would keep up and we ended up tieing 9 times in a row. On the last time his dice went outside the box, so we made him roll again, we had tied, but then he rolled again and got another number and won, but i decided to roll mine once more and yey again i rolled a four as he had won with, so really, roll for roll we tied ten times in a row. But that cannot be considerded fully to be some crazy connection or controll because it could possibly just be that 1 in a billion chance turning up.

One big problem i have and why i suggest other to experiment is because no one i know is interested in any kind of science as i am, nor anyone who wants to trip, nor do i have a way that even i can trip. I'm tired of internet drugs, DMT is too intense for me, Salvia sux to me and dosent make me trip but feel like shit...needles poking my back and back of neck?? Morning glory kills my mouth with fowl taste i wish to never experience again, as well as not triping off of it. I don't know any cow feilds to safely go to, can't even seem to find someone willing to get me one shroom for $50, i offered many people 50 for just one fresh open cap shroom in hopes of me just making a shroom print and trying to learn how to cultivate my own shroom. The only idea i have left is to pay a friend of a friend $100 to order me a shroom print in out of state and go pick it up. But that may take a while as i got more important matters than trying to get a shroom print out of state. So i can't even trip for me right now, much less experiment with the ideas of forms of telepathy induced through hallucingens.

Hey Cheeto
You are in Georgia USA? Its to late now most likely but the state of Georgia is COVERED with MUSHROOMS during the summer rainy season. Just go find the cows and you WILL FIND mushrooms.
Just RESPECT the farmers land and his animals.

Yes salvia LSH/LSA have very limited appeal to me as well. There are many options for you. Order some catcus would be another.

i would order some catus, but have heard bad reviews, like its very nasty and very bitter and think i've also heard that eating alot of catus will make you eventually vomit, like mimosa tea does. Mimosa tea made me vomit alot, every time i drank it(about 5 times). It always seemed to make me get hot flashes for a few seconds after the trip died down, then i would puke my guts out. Does catus have that same effect. Also mimosa tea was very bad for me, i had to condence my dose down to a shot so i could get it over with fast, and still almost puke trying to take it down. I'm not sure if i can handle holding catus down if its real nasty tasting. How bad is it?
Cactus is less likely to make you puke than mimosa tea. But i can't say that it has a pleasant taste. It's like eating a bowl of someone else's snot that has a very bitter taste.

From a telephatic perspective, you could also try ayahuasca made with chaliponga. That doesn't taste horrible and will not make you vomit.
It is extremely strong, especially in creating telepathic experiences.

One experiment you could do, wich can bring amazing results, is looking at someone's face, through a mirror.
Your mind will at some moment think that it's your own face you're looking at. At some moment you will start to make the same gestures as the other person, without even trying. It happens automatically.

I'm curious to other techniques. I just discovered this by accident so i can imagine that there are other techniques that other people have stumbled upon as well.
69ron said:
SWIM was once an atheist, until God showed him otherwise (long story, I don’t want to get into it). SWIM now knows God is there beyond a shadow of a doubt, but he cannot prove it to anyone.

Damn man, you always say that.
I know your talking about an ayahuasca journry you has but you never divuldge.
Brother i would love to hear it one day.
Have you not got it saved as a trip report somewhere?
I think all thats happening if you are more in sync with your friends or group when you are tripping. Sometimes me and some friends have just looked at each other and KNEW what we were thinking. But we weren't "reading" each others thoughts we just knew what was going on more so then if we were sober. Tripping can make minor details such as someones expression become much more clear and meaningful. I think thats all that really happening.
I support burnt on this one. No supernatural involved, just a phenomena that is occurring because a person together with his/her friends are tripping balls. Perfectly natural and logical, but of course there is many factors as to why events like this occur.

Take for example an event where people seem to undergo collective hallucinations during a ceremony. This can simply be because the shaman leading the ceremony is trained in creating certain kinds of atmospheres through his methods, atmospheres that all participants naturally picks up as they are in the same place, in the same setting. This may, together with other factors, cause the collective hallucination phenomena. So unless you're very wishful it doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.
Citta said:
I support burnt on this one. No supernatural involved, just a phenomena that is occurring because a person together with his/her friends are tripping balls. Perfectly natural and logical, but of course there is many factors as to why events like this occur.

Take for example an event where people seem to undergo collective hallucinations during a ceremony. This can simply be because the shaman leading the ceremony is trained in creating certain kinds of atmospheres through his methods,

Surely thats a supernatural fete in itself!
Citta said:
Why is it supernatural?

Im sure you do know the definition, but just so we are singing from the same song sheet, id define it as something which cannot be explained using our usual laws of nature.

So, to use your words, a shaman who uses his methods to create an atmosphere which allows for all people under the influence to see the same hallucination, which isnt visible to people who are sober...well i fail to see the laws of nature that would explain this.

I am currently reading a book called "Dont sleep there are snakes". Its about an American missionay who went to live with the Piraha tribe in the Amazon basin in attempt to convert them to worship a christian god. After living with these people for a while his whole perspective of live changed and he actually beacame an atheist after living their ways.
Anyway my point is, one moring he was woken up from his hut as most of the tribe were causing a commotion and all pointing and shouting at something on the bank on the other side of the river. He couldnt see anything, but his interpretor informed him that they were all looking at one of the jungle gods who had come to do something or other.
But the fact is he could not see any thing at all on the banks, where as pretty much the whole tribe could see this jungle god!!
So what happens when something like this occurs, if the majority of people say they saw something and only one person says that they cannot see it, who is the mad man? At any rate, this can not be explained using our laws of nature and so again I would say that it was a supernatural being and prehaps as he has never been exposed to such things (coming from the west) then his consciousness just filtered right out!!!
This is what i think happens on psychs, it removes or adjusts filters so you can percieve things that are always there but just that your not tuned into.
Obviously there can be physiological explanations for all these phenomena.
Scepticism is always wise and healthy in these matters.
I'm more interested though, in the events themselves than in what causes them.
I experienced telepathic talking.
sometimes i got that straight too.
But you can never be sure if it's just your imagination :)
besides actually ask the person
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