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Telepathy/Hallucinogen - Experiments

Migrated topic.
polytrip said:
Obviously there can be physiological explanations for all these phenomena.
Scepticism is always wise and healthy in these matters.
I'm more interested though, in the events themselves than in what causes them.

Obvoiusly there can be a physiological explanation for these!!!!!

Err well obviously there isnt otherwisee we would have a scientific explantion for it....which we havent.

I can't really see why such a phenomena is supernatural when it can be explained through what I said for example. These people would not have an experience like this if the shaman were not present, if they did not take the drug, if they weren't in the same room etc and all other factors that may create a collective hallucination. Besides, everything is natural the way I see it, also phenomena like this no matter how you wish to approach them. But the best way to approach them IMHO, is with a little bit of skepticism and analytical thought along with an open mindedness, not blind faith and wishful thinking.

In all the cases I have read about or heard about regarding so called telepathy and stuff like that it has always been factors surrounding such an event that can be a satisfying and logical explanation. But yes, these events are quite fascinating and fantastic (aiming specifically to the collective hallucination phenomena).
Citta said:

I can't really see why such a phenomena is supernatural when it can be explained through what I said for example. These people would not have an experience like this if the shaman were not present, if they did not take the drug, if they weren't in the same room etc and all other factors that may create a collective hallucination. Besides, everything is natural the way I see it, also phenomena like this no matter how you wish to approach them. But the best way to approach them IMHO, is with a little bit of skepticism and analytical thought along with an open mindedness, not blind faith and wishful thinking.

In all the cases I have read about or heard about regarding so called telepathy and stuff like that it has always been factors surrounding such an event that can be a satisfying and logical explanation. But yes, these events are quite fascinating and fantastic (aiming specifically to the collective hallucination phenomena).

Well i would beg to differ and say that people have experienced group hallucinations without he presence of a shaman.
I agree that one should always hold an amount of skeptisism but there are just certain things which defy skeptism altogether' Like you say though these things are fantastic and fascinating, but i would argue that they are so because they cannot be explained by our usual constructs of reality.

PS. My name is SoulMAN not Soulfood, im always gettin mistaken for him.
hi everyone
I think it's ridiculous to argue about telepathy
I have had numerous experiences in my life that prove the interconnected nature of focusing consciousness that NO ONE will ever be able to tell me otherwise...I've shared some with you on this site...
things happen all the time.

everyone is skeptical until it happens...

you have to be.

reality seems so ... analog ... to the untrained eye.

oh but there is so much more at work, underneath...
all you have to do is focus.

Look into amazonian shamanism, particularly their use of n. rustica (mapacho) which they consider to be "the mother of ayahuasca."

bliss..I know I'm not alone..
۩ said:
...everyone is skeptical until it happens...

۩ and SWIM are usually on the opposite side of most subjects but this I agree with 100%.

It's the same as believing in God. SWIM was an atheist until he was contacted by God, and God proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that God most definitely exists.

I think you guys should have an open mind to this sort of thing. Science cannot prove God exists, nor can it prove any other supernatural thing, and likely for very similar reasons. I believe certain things like telepathy are hidden from us by God and are only shown to certain select individuals, in the same way an atheist cannot see God until God decides it is time.

When SWIM was an atheist he would have said this was all a bunch of bullshit. Even God was bullshit to SWIM. There is NO PROOF of God at all. However God proved God's existence to SWIM in a way that cannot be verified by others scientifically, but was nonetheless absolute proof for SWIM. For some reason God does not want to be seen by all people and can block you and science from any access at all to the presence of God.

The reason God hides these phenomenon are likely because they could be greatly abused by science and cause mankind to suffer beyond belief. If you think about it, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Not all things should be known by all people. Period.
69ron said:
۩ said:
...everyone is skeptical until it happens...

۩ and SWIM are usually on the opposite side of most subjects but this I agree with 100%.

It's the same as believing in God. SWIM was an atheist until he was contacted by God, and God proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that God most definitely exists.

I think you guys should have an open mind to this sort of thing. Science cannot prove God exists, nor can it prove any other supernatural thing, and likely for very similar reasons. I believe certain things like telepathy are hidden from us by God and are only shown to certain select individuals, in the same way an atheist cannot see God until God decides it is time.

When SWIM was an atheist he would have said this was all a bunch of bullshit. Even God was bullshit to SWIM. There is NO PROOF of God at all. However God proved God's existence to SWIM in a way that cannot be verified by others scientifically, but was nonetheless absolute proof for SWIM. For some reason God does not want to be seen by all people and can block you and science from any access at all to the presence of God.

The reason God hides these phenomenon are likely because they could be greatly abused by science and cause mankind to suffer beyond belief. If you think about it, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Not all things should be known by all people. Period.
When god revealed itself to me, it was very clear to me that god wanted me to be sceptical as well. God has given us our powers of reason that enable us to raise doubts.
God wouldn't want anybody to blindly believe he exists.
"God wouldn't want anybody to blindly believe he exists."

I believe in god as well..but it's something I cannot even begin to describe..interesting though you called god "he"...is god really a male to you?

From certain experiences I have had that led me to my thoughts on what "god" is I dont view it as he or she...but you never know..

i have had the experience of being completely absorbed in what i call the godhead..but it was everything..male and female were like one.
supernatural was a term given to things that cannot be explained...YET. science requires proof, and sometimes, you can know things before you have further proof/a means of testing it.
69ron said:
It's the same as believing in God. SWIM was an atheist until he was contacted by God, and God proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that God most definitely exists.

how did he prove to you beyond doubt that he was real?
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