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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was wondering if the forum could benefit from a new section,where people could testify how DMT,
or the other tryptamines and entheogens have positively effected there life.

Be it dealing with addictions and other issues,to personal development or how it's helped them understand themselves and the the world we're in,it could be anything.

I think this could produce some interesting and inspiring reading,and the best,like with the trip reports,could be used in the CEL eBook.
Random interesting thought. The rule of posting a testimonial at the Aya forum is minimum of three years of experience, or after first experience, something like that--to force the nature of the testimonial into a long-term/life-impacting perspective.

There were a few times I was really itchy to write, but every year for me seems to have brought an entire set of lessons, so next spring, who knows what I will have to say... I kind of dig the long-term nature of the idea, though.

Not suggesting we follow the exact same guidelines, but a broader perspective may be something to consider? A compilation or evolution of experiences through time? :)
I think the most obvious place to post such "testimonials" as it now stands is the experience report section of the forums. In my opinion, a "testimonials" section would be asking for trouble as suddenly everyone would want to testify as to the wonders of dmt and other entheogens. While Ms Minx makes some valid points about how the ayahuasca forum regulate such testimonials, her points bring up reasons why, to my mind, such a section is unnecessary here.

First, I feel that if we were to have a testimonial section, it should be restricted in a similar manner to the ayahuasca forums (in order to avoid the problem I already mentioned). With that being said, two issues instantly rear their heads. First, as this was suggested by a newer member, I would assume there are many newer members who would want to testify and to my mind that opens up the potential for all sorts of ridiculous testimonials (nothing against new/newer members, there's just no track record to establish a foundation of reasonableness in your postings). Secondly, older members generally do not post trip reports of every trip they experience. I would posit that the experience reports of the older members are generally "testimonials" of sorts, as they are posted only when the experience is especially moving, enlightening, rewarding, inspiring or otherwise profound. As such these reports are essentially testimonials already, at least in many cases. I hope this reasoning makes it apparent why, at least to my mind, a testimonial section is unnecessary and would be redundant to a degree.

If people post experiences that are truly of value and not just, "Oh wow, I saw some pretty pictures and felt crazy and dmt is the drug to do if you wanna see cool shit", there's no reason why an experience report section cant serve the same function as a testimonial section. While I get that there are implications for the effects of dmt outside of the trip, I would argue that these are relevant parts of experience reports. This is why I tend to preface my experience reports with a brief overview of my life at that particular point in time, the things I'm dealing with, my intentions for smoking and other similar and relevant details. That is also why I conclude my reports with various analyses of what went on, how it ties into my life, lessons learned and how these lessons affected my life or potentially could affect my life as well as my perspective for the future.

I don't mean to be a negative nancy, I just don't see the need for a testimonial section given the restrictions that would be necessary on such a section. If you have a testimonial that for some reason doesn't belong in the experience report section, there are other places such things can be posted and discussed with the community and I have seen these threads multiple times. I would claim that by not having such a section, these threads appear only when truly merited and then draw a better communal response as a result of being relatively few and far between (aside from experience reports). This is just my opinion, I'm interested in hearing if other people feel we truly need such a section.

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