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Thank you for Hello.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
This is by far the most inviting forum I've ever seen. Never have I found so many clear-minded users in one place. I didn’t even know the internet HAD this many clear minded users! This fact alone demands I join.

I’m new to this culture. I am here to learn, listen and go slow. I look forward to hearing your stories and watch the cracks form in my atheism.

I’m also here to help:
I’m trying to become a better writer, I’m sure there are various projects around that need assistance.

Thank you all for this amazing opportunity,
Hey man welcome. I was struck by the clear mindedness, and togetherness of the nexus when I first stumbled across this place. It's been a great help to me, on many levels, in just a short time.

This idea you have for a novel sounds very interesting. I shall look forward to seeing how you progress. I'm glad you found this place, you'll like it here.


Oh, another atheist. :)

Please, try to be as skeptic as possible. Since Burnt - you will get to know him when you start reading the past threads in the Philosophy section - had left the building (hopefully not for ever), we have no one to keep the balance. :)
Oh my!
I shall look into this Burnt fellow and see what the story is about. Thank you very much for the skeptical encouragement, I hope to do some thorough exploration in due time... we must speak carefully about these new truths.
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