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Thank you friends

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello to all and thanks for my entry.
New to this type of traveling but have experience other forms over the last 25 years.
A recent (nov 16) spiritual experience guided me down this road.
I have been trolling this site for about 6 weeks, and the knowledge you all share is incredible.
Earlier this week, I was semi confident with my understanding of the tek....
I have a horticultural background and 2 days ago I believe I form a knowledgeable floral friend.
I hope I get to share some good news with you in a few days.
Many thanks again
Light and love to you all
Hello friends.
Swim was guided to 3 friends further investigation required to confirm species , but possibly, delbata, fimbriata, maidenii. After conversing with them, he took small amounts of little brances.. A lot of rookie mistakes were made on the first attempt at gaining knowledge from mr delbata. This made swim sad. Two nights later , and much re reading,swim was given some late night guidance, from his celestial friends, version 2.0 was a very crude cwe a/b bask salt clean, fimbiata and maidenii phyllodes only, vinegar salt and water , approx 2hrs, coffee filtered , 300ml warm Shellie defat, 2 x 150, lots of lime cordial, till almost black, 3 x 100 warm Shelly, into water vinegar, so far 3 x 50 Hot shelli , Evap.
Swim is of the opinion that the pure white that crashed out of Shellie are growing, He said he would call me in the morning to confirm, but he asked that I relayed his since thank for everybody's hard work and knowledge.
Light and love
Hypersm8 said:
Hello friends.
Swim was guided to 3 friends further investigation required to confirm species , but possibly, delbata, fimbriata, maidenii. After conversing with them, he took small amounts of little brances.. A lot of rookie mistakes were made on the first attempt at gaining knowledge from mr delbata. This made swim sad. Two nights later , and much re reading,swim was given some late night guidance, from his celestial friends, version 2.0 was a very crude cwe a/b bask salt clean, fimbiata and maidenii phyllodes only, vinegar salt and water , approx 2hrs, coffee filtered , 300ml warm Shellie defat, 2 x 150, lots of lime cordial, till almost black, 3 x 100 warm Shelly, into water vinegar, so far 3 x 50 Hot shelli , Evap.
Swim is of the opinion that the pure white that crashed out of Shellie are growing, He said he would call me in the morning to confirm, but he asked that I relayed his since thank for everybody's hard work and knowledge.
Light and love

I apologize for sounding like a "downer", but I would like to remind everyone to please be respectful of wild plant life, please do not harvest in a senseless or destructive manner, and to always keep the plants well-being in mind. Also, please to not venture onto others property and mutilate their plant life, if you do not have permission, leave it alone.

hello friends,
It would appear there is some me confusion.
Swim has created more plant life then he can count but if he had to guess he would say very close to 7 figures.
It's seems a shame, He was looking forward to contributing to this community, a community of love , not judgement.
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