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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I just wanted to thank everyone that has played a part in bringing this out. To everyone involved in the movies right on down to these web sites. I have been a heroin addict for many years and have struggled with being human without even knowing it. I recently started methadone which left me with more time on my hands. Now I have always loved psychedelics ever since I was 14 back in the 90's and dropped my first hit of purple jellys. I knew then it was a way to find a connection with the universe that was much more effective than a church pew.
However my true love before finding DMT was Mushrooms I found there was no such thing as where I end and you begin. That its all connected somehow. Which leads me to a theory in which the source has guided me all these years conditioning me to have the experiences which DMT has given me.
I lost my mother 2 years ago to cancer, I wasnt there I had relapsed soon after she started chemo I was to weak watching her killed me and I was too weak. So I failed her and wasnt there the way I should have been. I tell this sob story because it relates to the way DMT has healed me.
The first few times it seemed like no more than an intense mushroom trip until I found Terrence Mckennas youtube recording where he explains the 3 hit rule. I was blasted to a world I can barely recall where a woman elf was riding a roller coaster or train of some sort. Soon after I saw a elf at the house I was at and I swear the dog can see it too.
About 3 nights ago I took one regular hit just looking for a light trip, when I went down stairs something made my couch with my girlfriend on it momentarily disappear. The next thing I know Im hearing the TV talking to me. It used characters from supernatural to explain that the elf was the fastest creature on earth and only one person has seen it. Then It was like they showed me talking to my mother only I was a different person. As I cried my mother asked what was wrong and I told her Ive done horrible things. She held me and said nothing Ive done is as bad as I think.I tried to wake up my girlfriend to see it and they told me she couldnt wake up right then. I asked if i could bring my girlfriend back but before I could ask they were answering me like they were reading my mind. At this point Im losing it im crying and just letting go of all the pain and guilt they cleaned me out its gone. Then next thing I know my girlfriend was holding me and asking what happened. "Its all real Sonja all of it Buddha, Jesus, muslim, theres nothing to be afraid of its just a ride theyre waiting for us!" Last night I decided I want off the methadone and who knows maybe next will be cigarettes. I owe you guys here at this website since about 90% of the information I got was from here thank you for helping to change my life and reconnect me to the source. my pineal gland is going to fire nightly if i have anything to say about it.

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