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The beginning of the Mescaline Forest

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
In homage and awe to the Mescaline Spirits :)

Тhis is my first seed cactus cultivation and we will see what happens. I've been growing cacti for a few years now, but all the cacti I've had so far have "got them grown to some extent" and I just had to take care of them, and the charming waders almost don't want to care, so my care comes down to them I water very seldom and I enjoy them every time I see them. For the first time, I will be growing seed cacti so squeeze your thumbs. The varieties I will grow will be Peyote / Lophophora Williamsil / and San Pedro / Echinopsis Pachanoi / St. Peter. I had 20 seeds of a variety, but I gave some seeds to friends who are plant lovers, but I will still release 16 seeds of a variety. The peyote (in Spanish: peyote from the Aztec peyotl) is a small cactus that grows extremely slowly, native to Mexico and South America, known in the botany under the Latin name Lophophora williamsii. It is believed that its name comes from the language of the Nahuatl Aztecs and its name means "Divine Messenger". Peyote is known for being highly psychoactive for having mescaline. Peyote has a long history in medical and spiritual use.
San Pedro (Echinopsis Pachanoi) or known as St. Peter is one of the sacred cacti in the Andes mountain range in the region of Argentina, Bolovia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru. This cactus has a long tradition, being used in traditional uses in medical and spiritual activities in the Andes because of its mescaline content, which, as we have already said, is highly psychoactive. (this was writen on the seeds pack info )
The name of the cactus comes from the Spanish conquestadors, when they conquered the lands of the Incas and christened the local population, Catholic priests began to notice that the Indians were drinking some kind of cactus decoction and behaving in a strange way afterwards. The priests asked the people what they were talking about, and they answered that the experience could not be described in words. Then the monks decided to experiment and give one of them a "try" to tell them what the matter was. When the monk drank from the decoction, he was so amazed at her actions that he said it was San Pedro - the spirit of St. Peter holding the keys to Paradise.

The mescaline forest project will take many years, but I hope you are interested in learning together.

We start with the "pot / crate", which is the most ordinary plastic box for lion food.

I make drainage holes on the bottom of the plastic box. Then I cover the holes with a piece of linen because the organic soil mix for cacti is a very small fraction. Linen cloth dries quickly, but in the same veil it leaks out of the water, but will hold the soil not to drop out from the box.

Because this organic soil mix for cacti seeds is tailored to the needs of the plants and is extremely fine and small, most of it consists of different types of stones, sand and very little soil, so I have to put something on the bottom so that the soil does not fall out. That's why I put one piece of linen at the bottom of the box. Flax is a textile fabric made from fibers extracted from the stems of the flax plant. The linen has a very smooth surface with matte gloss, it is difficult to get dirty, it does not become mossy, it easily absorbs water and it dries easily. Suitable for summer wear. The linen is very tensile, especially when wet. It is firmer than cotton and crushes more. I believe that flax will do a great job for me, as a "net" that prevents the starter from pouring through the holes.

If you have any tips I would be grateful if you would share them.

Be Well,



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Cactus seeds next to 1 hemp seed. Hemp seed is for scale.


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10 seeds of St. Peter germinate and 2 seeds from Peyote germinate.

The box is opened daily for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.

The box stai on a sunny window. The box stand at room temperature 22-32 C degrees. Irrigated with nonchloride water with 6-6.5 pH.

I enjoy cacti very much, they enjoy me very much and they are very beautiful.


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Aaaw! How cute they are!

Wishing you great success in your cactus cultivation - start preparing to move into a larger house now as this hobby is pretty addictive (unlike mescaline!)
yes, I can confirm the cultivation and/or propagation addiction is really stong :)

iiyi, why do you have the holes in the lid? If you didn't have it there, it could stay with initial water for quite long time without any other water additions.
I'll 3rd how addicting it is. Very similar to my set up for seeds, i use deeper boxes (or at least deeper soil)
I've read this is good to accommodate drainage and any tap roots that may form.

But awesome lil tribe therr
Lookin good man:thumb_up:

Maybe we can get some pereskiopsis to u now to help u not get addicted to growing cactus:lol:

Best of luck !!!

downwardsfromzero said:
Aaaw! How cute they are!

Wishing you great success in your cactus cultivation - start preparing to move into a larger house now as this hobby is pretty addictive (unlike mescaline!)

Thank you very much :) I started to like cacti a lot, and it's really beautiful how they develop, grow and expand. I think i'm already addicted. I have never used mescaline but i am already addicted to grow cactus...i feel it. It is like littel madnes thats grow. Yesterday, during my afternoon nap, I had a strange dream. The dream was very colorful and nice and during it some Spirit tells me how to sow cactus seeds and how to grow more cacti. The Great Spirit surrounded with other Spirits told me to grow more cacti. It was like a personal cactus cultivation course. It was colorful and amazing.

Soon i will sow more cactus seeds.

pete666 said:
yes, I can confirm the cultivation and/or propagation addiction is really stong :)

iiyi, why do you have the holes in the lid? If you didn't have it there, it could stay with initial water for quite long time without any other water additions.

I did not know. I was worried about drainage and not rotting the seeds, but it turned out that I was using far less water than I thought. Next seeds i will try box without holes.

By the way, I enjoyed the time capsules. Life Jars full of various plants and stones.

DreadedShaman said:
I'll 3rd how addicting it is. Very similar to my set up for seeds, i use deeper boxes (or at least deeper soil)
I've read this is good to accommodate drainage and any tap roots that may form.

But awesome lil tribe therr

Thank you very much for the comment. Next time I will try with deeper boxes and more soil mix. How many cm to be?
At some point I will transplant each cactus into a separate pot.
You have a very beautiful avatar.

CatPharm said:
Lookin good man:thumb_up:

Maybe we can get some pereskiopsis to u now to help u not get addicted to growing cactus:lol:

Best of luck !!!


:D :D :D Hm, maybe is late for the pereskiopsis and i am already addicted to growing cactus :lol: I just think how to sow more seeds. What kind of varieties to be and whether to collect several different types of varieties.
Thank you and good luck to you too.

Be Well,
IIYI said:
I did not know. I was worried about drainage and not rotting the seeds, but it turned out that I was using far less water than I thought. Next seeds i will try box without holes.

I am not saying this method is better than that from your dream :) In fact, I take the dreams very seriously, because I know they are sourced from very knowledgable places.
But still, you can try and see what works better.

It shouldn't stand in water, but it has to be very humid. And the substrate can be sterilized in the microwave, though many find this step unecessary. Depends on your substrate material.

Try to search google for trichocereus Takeaway Tek

I am using pure sand as a substrate, but because there is no need to fertilize for the first month in my case. I graft onto pereskiopsis when they are 2 weeks to 1 month old.

But there are few boxes with sand half year old and cacti grow there as well, just with some fertilizer (1/4 of usual concentration) added occassionally

IIYI said:
:D :D :D Hm, maybe is late for the pereskiopsis and i am already addicted to growing cactus :lol: I just think how to sow more seeds. What kind of varieties to be and whether to collect several different types of varieties.
Thank you and good luck to you too.

Our cacti are actually very good friends with the pereskiopsis and many growers are using it for the first year of growth.
pete666 said:
IIYI said:
I did not know. I was worried about drainage and not rotting the seeds, but it turned out that I was using far less water than I thought. Next seeds i will try box without holes.

I am not saying this method is better than that from your dream :) In fact, I take the dreams very seriously, because I know they are sourced from very knowledgable places.
But still, you can try and see what works better.

It shouldn't stand in water, but it has to be very humid. And the substrate can be sterilized in the microwave, though many find this step unecessary. Depends on your substrate material.

Try to search google for trichocereus Takeaway Tek

I am using pure sand as a substrate, but because there is no need to fertilize for the first month in my case. I graft onto pereskiopsis when they are 2 weeks to 1 month old.

But there are few boxes with sand half year old and cacti grow there as well, just with some fertilizer (1/4 of usual concentration) added occassionally

IIYI said:
:D :D :D Hm, maybe is late for the pereskiopsis and i am already addicted to growing cactus :lol: I just think how to sow more seeds. What kind of varieties to be and whether to collect several different types of varieties.
Thank you and good luck to you too.

Our cacti are actually very good friends with the pereskiopsis and many growers are using it for the first year of growth.

Bravo, that looks very interesting and good. Тhank you for the information. It pleases my eyes.

Honestly, I'm scared to graft. I'm worried about confusing something and ruining the cacti. Most probably in a while I'll try to do it. At the same time, it is very beautiful for me and i like to watch grafted cactus.

Why they not use pereskiopsis for the full grow?
In fact it is really easy.

It accelerates the growth in the first year, especially if the pereskiopsis is fully rooted and strong.
The reasons for re-grafting onto another rootstock (usually another tricho) are two : Pereskiopsis becomes limiting factor, as it is not able to transport enough nutrients for larger scion and tricho rootstock can keep up better. The second reason is the limited ability to carry the weight of the scion.
Thanks for the Valuable information that motivates me to try grafting. I will find Pereskiopsis and more cactus seeds.

Does grafting change the concentration of mescaline ?

I apologize for the questions, but I'm considered myself as a begginner.
No problem at all. Check this video to make a picture, how difficult it is. A lot of information can be found in my thread. Or search for wakinyan's posts, he is the true grafting guru. If you need help with grafting, just ask :)

There is no definite answer whether grafting has any impact onto the potency. Some say it does, some it doesn't. But nobody seems to use scions as a source of mescaline, they just accelerate the growth and continue with re-grafting or rooting them.

It may be important what is grafted too - seedlings or cuts of already bigger specimens. It is not very likely you will get potent specimen for seeds, as you can see here. So it is much better to graft already potent clone. Which is not easy onto pereskiopsis, but possible.
pete666 This was extremely helpful and thank you. Your themes and cacti are great! I was very pleased. I will definitely try to graft some cacti.
Has anyone grown Peyote San Antonio de Castillo and Peyote Texana? Can someone share any information about them?
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