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The Caapi Analysis Thread

Research The Caapi Analysis Thread

Research done by (or for) the DMT-Nexus community
Migrated topic.
I dont know much about these tests, but i see a whole lot of lines there! ( i mean more than the normal amount of peaks)

Can you clearly identify what any of them are?

Was it the bark or the leaf you tested? the leaf is what is supposed to contain dmt.

Awesome job, looking forward to whatever conclusions come of this
BecometheOther said:
Can you clearly identify what any of them are?

Was it the bark or the leaf you tested?
afaik, it was vine.

endlessness said:
I also got the results for Black (Alicia anisopetala) and Grey (Tetrapterys methystica) but so far I couldnt identify ANY of the peaks!! It does not seem to have any beta-carboline that I know, neither that is in NIST's database. I'm not even sure where to begin the search, I think the best is to gather as much mass spectra info from different alkaloids found in caapi and related vines, and then try to compare spectras visually.
post #37
It was from vine, im still waiting for kiwi to send me some leaf samples so I can test them.

Yeah the thing is that the mass spectra, when it's from such diluted samples, appears with more "noise", so you should only judge by the main peaks in each individual spectra which help to find what substances they are.

Usually the mass spectra, in publications, can be posted as an image like above, or written down in numbers of the peaks. Maybe the 2-4 main peaks, but at least it should say the parent ion/molecular peak (the weight of the substance) and the base peak (the highest peak). For example check DMT, it has a mass of 188, a base peak of 58: File:Dmtgcms.jpg - DMT-Nexus Wiki , and shulgin writes as "58 (100%), indolemethylene+ 130 (10%); parent ion 188 (4%)").

But since there is a lot of noise in the above spectra, its hard to judge the molecular peak because they are often a small peak. The only ones that seems we can potentially see the mass peak more clearly is substance B from black/red m4y4 caapi (possible mass weight 196) and C (250). The other ones are hard to say, it would be a bit of guessing.
I see, thanks for the info.

So it could still contain traditional b-carbs, just the image is too distorted to say for sure...

Thats too wierd, it has definate harmala effects!

Maybe theres something to what one of the other posters said about the alecia working with mao-b instead of a like the regular harmalas?
I forget who said it, but some one reported effects dwindling into the next day.

Thanks again endlessness
No, as I said before in what snozz quoted, all the above peaks are NOT any of the harmalas I know of nor that are in the NIST database, this can be clearly seen. Maybe some other more obscure beta carboline, but considering there was no UV shine, I wonder if maybe that isnt a good indication there was no b-carboline?

I think supposing MAO-B action is too much speculation at this point and doesn't really help much. Maybe it was 'some' effects that have nothing to do with harmalas or MAO-B?

Did you take it together with DMT? How much did you consume?
First post has been edited to include a link to the new workthread on different beta carbolines: Harmalas and other less-known β-Carbolines Workthread - Collaborative Research Project - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Also, the substance previously thought to be 6-Methoxytetrahydro-1-norharmanone, in ourinhos caapi, is actually ketatetrahydronorharmine. The identified peaks in the ourinhos image in the first page have been updated, you must click reload to see.

Tetrapterys methystica (ayahuasca grey) and Alicia anisopetala (ayahuasca black) have been resent to analyse in a more concentrated dilution. If it helps identifying anything, Ill post here, or anyways I'll post the mass spectra of the unidentified peaks, hopefully later this week.
Tetrapterys methystica (ayahuasca grey) ... I'll post the mass spectra of the unidentified peaks, hopefully later this week.
Did you ever post the mass spectra of the unidentified peaks from Tetrapterys methystica?
just want to bump this thread.

if there is more information about the chemical composition i would be extreme interested.

thank you.
bump for any general consensus on
Alicia anisopetala (ayahuasca black)??

Does it have MAOI properties? Got a batch of this, will be trying out with p. viridis as admixture, just wanted to know if there was any solid scientific support to my experimentation, thanks!
brokenChild said:
bump for any general consensus on
Alicia anisopetala (ayahuasca black)??

Does it have MAOI properties? Got a batch of this, will be trying out with p. viridis as admixture, just wanted to know if there was any solid scientific support to my experimentation, thanks!
Personal update; don't use Alicia Anisopetala for MAO inhibition, will not work. Waste of time. Get Banisteriopsis Caapi
3rdI said:
how did you prepare it?
4 x 3hr low boils till wash was practically clear, then reduced, drank, and no (useful) effect, did get nauseaus for a good 45min. I tossed in about 250g vine into the boil for one serving, drank about 125-150g, tossed the rest out because it proved useless
I think the reports of it working were when the brew was severely reduced to a sludge but im not sure about the amount of vine per serving. I have drunk alicia with little effect, I do have about a kilo so I may keep experimenting to see what happens with larger doses
For what it's worth, for a few minutes I did have a little more attention to detail, the microworld (bugs, ants, spiders in the forest) was a little more prevalent. And I saw a funny looking cloud, but I feel like that was just a placebo effect of too much hoping. In any case, best of luck, it may take the whole kilo 😁 work ur way up wisely

I reduced it down to about 200mL, so about 1.25g/mL
Is anyone aware of any analysis done on fresh vine?

We're in the middle of a discussion over at the aya forums. A brew I was using all last year made out of fresh vine grown from home was not only as sweet as honey, but also had effects unlike any vine-only brew I have ever worked with. Euphoria was almost immediate, followed by a stimulant-like "rush" of a come-up at the ten minute mark, which felt very much like early MDMA intoxication, followed by full MAOi at what would have amounted to probably 7-8 grams of dried vine. This is the same vine I have worked with for almost a decade, but the only batch I have made with it fresh. The difference in experience was pronounced and reliable. This was a vine-only brew; I brew light separately and drink it at around the one hour mark; plenty of time to feel this very unique caapi high.

We are developing a theory that there is something else in the vine which tastes sweet, has its own stimulant/euphoric properties, potentates MAOi, and is somehow lost/degraded in the drying process.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't think I can put links in here yet; go over to the aya boards and check out the " Preparing fresh B.Caapi Doseage" thread.

I am EG.

Thanks again.
According to my notes, it looks like I had the "honey caapi" pieces drying for six days before I started the soak process, so a week sounds totally fine there, Endless; it doesn't need to be cut the morning of the test or anything.

I'm not sure if you looked at the other threads, but this now seems to have more to do with not only fresh vine, but this sweet sap that was being exuded after harvest. So I don't know if this is the case with all fresh vine, or only fresh vine which is exuding sap. I harvested the vine in late November, so I'm wanting to try cutting it the same time of year again, in case that had anything to do with it.

If it does sap when I harvest it, and you're in the States at the time, I would be more than happy to send you some, if that's possible. I believe we may have a mutual friend who could get it to you if you're not comfy giving someone with one and a half posts here your address:shock: .

I've cut the same clone other times and not noticed the sap, but I haven't been looking for it, either.

I'm really hoping that the next time I cut and dry, the stems will ooze the sap. That way, I could just scrape the sap and send it to someone for testing, along with a vine piece exuding the sap, a piece from a clone not exuding the sap, and a dried piece from the plant when it was exuding the sap last November, which I still have (again, no MDMA effect once its dried).

But even more than that, I want this experience again, THIS WAS NOT HARMALA compound activity, or something that only potentates harmalas...this was a completely different chemical.

And it didn't feel anything like a tryptamine, either. It was distinctly phenethylamine-like.
brokenChild said:
Personal update; don't use Alicia Anisopetala for MAO inhibition, will not work. Waste of time. Get Banisteriopsis Caapi
Yup, total waste of time and money. Consumed up to 1g "freebase harmalas" (?) made according to the Easy Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction Guide. No effect at all.
Ufostrahlen said:
brokenChild said:
Personal update; don't use Alicia Anisopetala for MAO inhibition, will not work. Waste of time. Get Banisteriopsis Caapi
Yup, total waste of time and money. Consumed up to 1g "freebase harmalas" (?) made according to the Easy Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction Guide. No effect at all.

I drank black ayahuasca and chacruna in peru, it was EXTREMELY POTENT (and it was my first time) I went into a temp state of psychosis and madness. I think it was fresh too so that may be the big difference. The entire world ripped away from me, I tried to ground myself by seeing if the girl sitting next to me in the ceremony was still there and she wasn't I have no idea what happened. It was too intense and the effects lasted well over 3 weeks later, everytime I would sleep I would relive the trip, and then I would wake up and have visuals for about 3 seconds or so. One morning I woke up and nausea came over me and I almost puked like I was still in ceremony (this was 2 and a half weeks after the ceremony)..

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