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Research The Cactus Analysis Thread

Research done by (or for) the DMT-Nexus community
Migrated topic.
Adducts are common in LC-MS. Use attached table to help look for potential adducts.

Looking at the pdf's of the unknown peaks I had one clarification. Is the MS2 spectrum a secondary MS of the chosen ion? I assume they doing MS/MS here and that is why there are more then 1 spectra per peak?

After extracting T. Pachoni with acid (acetic acid 5%) / base (NaOH pH ~12.6) -> partition with chloroform few times to extract freebase alkaloids and salt with HCl acetone / IPA clean up ended up with material that tested by GC-MS contained:

Mescaline as major alkaloid

in addition to minor compounds:


If the chloroform layer was analyzed after removing the vast majority of mescaline without making salts just leaving as freebase there were more potential alkaloids left over:


Unfortunately the original mass spec data was lost when a computer and hard drive was stolen :x


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Trichocereus bridgesii dried skin "RSB"

I don't have pictures for this, and maybe let me know mods if I am too obvious with the vendor as I know we are not supposed to reference vendors for dried material.

I extracted 100g of dried T bridgesii skins from a well known vendor.

Yield = 702 mg, so dry % = 0.7. Not that great... not terrible either. I have not yet bioassayed this material but I will and will see if my subjective effects line up with this analysis.

ENERGY CONTROL RESULTS: 63% of this extract was mescaline, so dry 0.441% mescaline.

Trichocereus puquiensis 'San Pedro Macho'

I got this cutting from Cactus Affinity as usual. It sat for 2 months on a shelf before processing. It was a thicker cut but no too hard to cut up. 11.5" weighed 1230g.

I extracted as usual and ended up with 169mg of a beautiful red crystalline material. My Marquis has gone bad so no colorimetric results, but TLC did show a mescaline spot as well as a strong plant goo spot. I suspect that the % of mescaline is low in this extract. We will see when EC results come in!

Moral of this story is, when someone describes themselves as 'Macho' you know that they are lacking a little something in a certain department.

Fresh crude extract = 0.0137%, presumed dry = 0.275%


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#20 (!)

Trichocereus pachanoi 'JS336' AKA 'Jessica'

I somehow lost my picture of this pachanoi that I got from Cactus Affinity. The collector says that he got this cutting from an ebay buyer whose boyfriend was stealing them (?) from people's yards. Don't fucking do this by the way, dear reader. Most people will give you cuts if you ask for them. She was named Jessica hence the name, but apparently there are several clones named Jessica so JS336 is easier to track.

Anyway, looks like a nice pachanoi, not super spiny, does have some v notches. I hope to find the picture someday & get it up here. 10" cutting weighed 1200g.

I extracted as usual and ended up with 367mg of an orange & somewhat oily crystalline material. Marquis was not great but I have since realized that my Marquis had gone bad by this point. TLC was nice, visible mescaline spot & some goo.

So that makes a fresh crude extract yield of 0.031%, presumed dry is 0.61% Not bad!


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Trichocereus peruvianus? (cuzcoensis...) MB01

This is a very spiky & beautiful clone. I used 19" total of an older woody arm with pups. This cut had been sitting since about April, so 6 months or so.

Spines are white and swollen at the base, however rumor mill back in the day was that this was an active clone.

It was crazy hard to cut this cutting up, all spines & woody core. I vowed that even if it was nicely active I would work with somebody else because it poked me so many times.

Anyway, after extraction I was left with 0.028g of goo...

So 0.00002% fresh, 0.041% presumed dry. I did not test with Marquis or run a TLC, but we will ship it off to Energy Control & I bet there is some mescaline in there somewhere.


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Trichocereus spp. 'Juul's x peruvianus' AKA JS265

This was a mid cut, had been sitting for about 6 months between cutting and processing. From Cactus Affinity. It was 10" long and 2.5" wide & weighed 865g.

It looked more like Juul's than like a peruvianus to me, shorter spines and greener flesh.

I know there are a lot of versions of this cross & I wonder how much the potency varies from seed lot to seed lot, or even clone to clone.

I got 0.144g of a dark and waxy extract.

Marquis reaction was muddy, and TLC did show a mescaline spot tho it was not super strong so I would guess that the % is on the lower side.

So, 0.0166% fresh TA, presumed 0.333% dry. Not too bad, not too great. Close to some of the other peruvianus that I have worked through.


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That's great, Urtica! Considering your returns, it seems that you're really doing this for the sake of science....

I was doing the same thing, and spended quite some time developing an analysis-technique that is very straightforward. And since you seem to have access to a lot of different genetics, this makes it even more interesting. Also, you're already working with TLC-plates, so the only thing you need to buy is some ninhydrin (solution). The results of this technique are quite promising concerning the estimation of M-content in LIVE cuttings. That's right, you can still grow them! If you would follow the technique, it would also enable you to estimate your yield using an ethanolic Randall/Soxhlet-extraction followed by a liquid-liquid acid-base extraction and finally a recrystallization from water/acetone.

Anayway, I invite you to have a look and really hope you'll jump on the train :thumb_up:

Hey Annica-

Yea I saw your process earlier & do think it is so cool! I have been doing my process this way to get results that most home extractors could expect to somewhat reproduce (I hope, it would be great if other folks tested these clones for more info) & to provide an idea of possible yields. I also kind of intentionally have been over acidifying to get crude extracts out of interest for what else might be in there.

I sure am doing it for the love of the knowledge gained more so than to stack up alkaloid, and while I have put some money and lots of time into it I feel happy with how it has been going. I am about to wrap it up after 2 more extractions & then I will probably switch to your technique if and when I come back to this work. I do have plants in my garden that I would like to test without cutting them down, also I want to analyze some spp's of Lophophora without harvesting them.

DG- Thanks for keeping track! There are only 2 more to come so you might want to wait on them before updating again, I am posting one today & the last one in a week or so.
Kimuras Giant X SS02 chips from aged stems: 1.5% as the hydrochloride

Ten different seed grown plants of this hybrid were harvested and the stems set on a shelf for 12 months. The cores were then discarded and the flesh was dried to yield 885 grams of chips. This was extracted to yield 13.47 grams of yellow-orange hydrochloride.
An initial taste test produced distinct psychoactivity from 200 mg.

Do not confuse Kimuras Giant with Kimuras Spiny Giant, they are different plants.

Results of an extraction of aged SS02 X Kimuras Giant will be reported in a couple weeks.

Trichocereus spp. 'Juul's Giant'

I got this cutting again from Cactus Affinity. The collector feels confidant that this is the true Juul's Giant & says that the clone came from the mother plant in Tom Juul's yard.

The cutting looks to me like a non-PC pachanoi. A 13" cutting (including 1" of etiolated pale growth from sitting on a shelf for ~ 6 months) that was 2.5" wide at the base weighed 720g. It was not woody and cut very easily, it was a tip cutting. I thought I was going to plant it but sacrificed it in the name of science.

The tea was a pale color & did form sticky emulsions, which indicates alkaloid to me (the emulsions not the color), and indeed I got a yield of 0.425g of very nice and clean looking crystalline material!

The material had a very strong Marquis reaction (I got some fresh reagent), and the mesc spot on the TLC plate was likewise very strong, with no visible goo spots.

I finally calculated my Rf for mescaline as 0.2875. Do people measure to the center of the spot, the bottom, the top? This is to the center.

This result is interesting to me since in Trout's San Pedro book his 2 GCMS analyses show no mescaline to be present in one sample and the other to have mescaline as only 10% of the alkaloidal fraction. We will have to wait & see what Energy Control says, but I think this one has plenty of mesc unless the alkaloid that I am seeing is DMPEA or something that has a similar Rf & color reaction.

So, fresh % on the TA is 0.059%, presumed dry is 1.18%.


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Thanks for posting! That is so cool about that clone & makes me sad that mine died in the freeze last year cause I neglected it thinking it was a cuzco...:oops:

You should send your extract to EC & see what is going on it there!
Percentage of alkaloidal fraction can be quantified as well using ninhydrin + Fiji. I've put an example in the document. Of course you will need a reference, but I presume you already have one from an earlier extract analysed by EC?

Judging from the tip of the cutting, it was likely 'tortured' in low-light conditions. This might have had an impact...
Any chance you would get something that you could send to EC or otherwise analyze for alkaloids other than m? Especially with the various Lophophora spp's that seems important.

Also did you get your other colorimetric reagents from Bunk Police?

The TJG certainly was stressed but I don't think that would account for such a huge difference between my analysis & those done by friends of Trout. I do not see % yields in Trout's discussion of the m content, just that one analysis showed an unknown isoquinoline to be the major alkaloid.
SS02 X Kimuras Giant chips from aged stems: 1.7% as the hydrochloride

Six different seed grown plants of this bridgesii X pachanoi hybrid were harvested and the stems set on a shelf for 12 months. The cores were then discarded and the flesh was dried to yield 323 grams of chips. This was extracted to yield 5.48 grams of very light orange hydrochloride.
This crude alkaloid came out much lighter than in the reciprocal hybrid, I believe this was due to switching to using a good pH meter rather than pH papers for the titration.

Results of an extraction of 12 month aged LC001+LC002 will be reported in a couple weeks.
That’s a very impressive yield. Congratulations!

Was there ever any agreement on wether the plant continues to produce mescaline after it was cut or not? 12 month of storage seems like it does, doesn’t it?
I'm not sure if aging increased yield in these instances, as there was no control.
There are lots of anecdotal reports saying aging 3+ months increases potency. The practice has, apparently, been quite popular in australia for about a decade now.
Some actual quantitative work was posted Here on the nexus, it showed increases in most instances.
I had intended to age my stems 3 months but I got busy :lol: My next run will be the last of the 12 month stems, then in january I'll have a ~15 kilo pile of 3 month aged stems from the predominant european scopulicola to test. Unfortunately I didnt think to chip up half as a control. I will, at least, remember to photograph them before chipping.
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