Jambo Bwana
Rising Star
When you haven't broken though before...
Took changa once, seen some cool visuals.
Next time, hit it harder and did it twice in the same night and witnessed some incredible visuals, became lost in this other world inside my head, losing all sense of myself.
If that wasn't a breakthrough, it left me awestruck and wondering how much further one could go.
Tonight, did DMT for the first time and the experience was more intense, more visually impressive and deeper still. Eyes shut, I felt trapped within this world and physically and mentally "somewhere else".
It felt as if I'd broken through to somewhere, like the previous changa trip it demonstrated many of the symptoms of a breakthough but lacked a few others (no feeling of being ejected from my body or dragged through a tunnel to an alternate reality, no being, entities or voices speaking to me, no feeling the touch of god and no journey of self discovery)
The visual landscape was impossibly detailed and beautifully coloured, the main feature looked like orleans symbols, repeated a million times, moving and changing, with real depth as if carved in the landscape,filled with colour
I was upside down inside what appeared to me to be a plastic container or box of sorts. All of the patterns and designs happening on the outside of this box.
I felt trapped inside. I wasn't scared but I wouldn't say I was entirely unafraid.
One minute I was fully lost in it, others I was aware of how I got here and I believed I could open my eyes and escape.
But I didn't. Could I open my eyes but chose not to, because I didn't want to leave? Or Could I not actually drag myself out as I was that far in?
I don't know. When I eventually came out of it, I wasn't entierly sure either. I wasn't sure if I could have came back to the 'real world' a meer 30 seconds earlier.
Also, when I came back into the room I couldn't ascertain whether my friends had more eyes than they were supposed to have...that didn't sound as weird until I typed it out
I haven't taken this before,
I havent experienced the 'breakthrough' with all the typical symptoms to compare my experience with.
What I did experience was incredible, I felt some of the things that fit the breakthrough descriptions I've read and heard about but lacked many of the common recurring phenomena, that most report.
Have I broke through and just experienced the whole thing differently from most? Am I doubting the experience because I've gone in expecting something and it not fitting the expectation perfectly?
Or have I just had a really intense trip just short of reaching the next room?
If there is one more big step to take... it's difficult to believe it can get much more deep and intense than that.
**edit, I've changed the name of this thread as it's just became a place to record my journeys, my questions from this post have been answered**
Took changa once, seen some cool visuals.
Next time, hit it harder and did it twice in the same night and witnessed some incredible visuals, became lost in this other world inside my head, losing all sense of myself.
If that wasn't a breakthrough, it left me awestruck and wondering how much further one could go.
Tonight, did DMT for the first time and the experience was more intense, more visually impressive and deeper still. Eyes shut, I felt trapped within this world and physically and mentally "somewhere else".
It felt as if I'd broken through to somewhere, like the previous changa trip it demonstrated many of the symptoms of a breakthough but lacked a few others (no feeling of being ejected from my body or dragged through a tunnel to an alternate reality, no being, entities or voices speaking to me, no feeling the touch of god and no journey of self discovery)
The visual landscape was impossibly detailed and beautifully coloured, the main feature looked like orleans symbols, repeated a million times, moving and changing, with real depth as if carved in the landscape,filled with colour
I was upside down inside what appeared to me to be a plastic container or box of sorts. All of the patterns and designs happening on the outside of this box.
I felt trapped inside. I wasn't scared but I wouldn't say I was entirely unafraid.
One minute I was fully lost in it, others I was aware of how I got here and I believed I could open my eyes and escape.
But I didn't. Could I open my eyes but chose not to, because I didn't want to leave? Or Could I not actually drag myself out as I was that far in?
I don't know. When I eventually came out of it, I wasn't entierly sure either. I wasn't sure if I could have came back to the 'real world' a meer 30 seconds earlier.
Also, when I came back into the room I couldn't ascertain whether my friends had more eyes than they were supposed to have...that didn't sound as weird until I typed it out
I haven't taken this before,
I havent experienced the 'breakthrough' with all the typical symptoms to compare my experience with.
What I did experience was incredible, I felt some of the things that fit the breakthrough descriptions I've read and heard about but lacked many of the common recurring phenomena, that most report.
Have I broke through and just experienced the whole thing differently from most? Am I doubting the experience because I've gone in expecting something and it not fitting the expectation perfectly?
Or have I just had a really intense trip just short of reaching the next room?
If there is one more big step to take... it's difficult to believe it can get much more deep and intense than that.
**edit, I've changed the name of this thread as it's just became a place to record my journeys, my questions from this post have been answered**