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The chronicles of Jambo Bwana

Migrated topic.

Jambo Bwana

Rising Star
When you haven't broken though before...

Took changa once, seen some cool visuals.
Next time, hit it harder and did it twice in the same night and witnessed some incredible visuals, became lost in this other world inside my head, losing all sense of myself.
If that wasn't a breakthrough, it left me awestruck and wondering how much further one could go.

Tonight, did DMT for the first time and the experience was more intense, more visually impressive and deeper still. Eyes shut, I felt trapped within this world and physically and mentally "somewhere else".
It felt as if I'd broken through to somewhere, like the previous changa trip it demonstrated many of the symptoms of a breakthough but lacked a few others (no feeling of being ejected from my body or dragged through a tunnel to an alternate reality, no being, entities or voices speaking to me, no feeling the touch of god and no journey of self discovery)

The visual landscape was impossibly detailed and beautifully coloured, the main feature looked like orleans symbols, repeated a million times, moving and changing, with real depth as if carved in the landscape,filled with colour

I was upside down inside what appeared to me to be a plastic container or box of sorts. All of the patterns and designs happening on the outside of this box.
I felt trapped inside. I wasn't scared but I wouldn't say I was entirely unafraid.
One minute I was fully lost in it, others I was aware of how I got here and I believed I could open my eyes and escape.
But I didn't. Could I open my eyes but chose not to, because I didn't want to leave? Or Could I not actually drag myself out as I was that far in?
I don't know. When I eventually came out of it, I wasn't entierly sure either. I wasn't sure if I could have came back to the 'real world' a meer 30 seconds earlier.
Also, when I came back into the room I couldn't ascertain whether my friends had more eyes than they were supposed to have...that didn't sound as weird until I typed it out

I haven't taken this before,
I havent experienced the 'breakthrough' with all the typical symptoms to compare my experience with.

What I did experience was incredible, I felt some of the things that fit the breakthrough descriptions I've read and heard about but lacked many of the common recurring phenomena, that most report.

Have I broke through and just experienced the whole thing differently from most? Am I doubting the experience because I've gone in expecting something and it not fitting the expectation perfectly?
Or have I just had a really intense trip just short of reaching the next room?
If there is one more big step to take... it's difficult to believe it can get much more deep and intense than that.

**edit, I've changed the name of this thread as it's just became a place to record my journeys, my questions from this post have been answered**
The rabbit hole within the DMT realm is infinite and can always get more intense IME.

I would try to not get too hung up on whether you broke through or not. It's usually very easy to know when you have though, as everything about it is undeniable. I've said this before, but when you are pre-breakthrough you are seeing visuals, and when you truly get there you become the visuals.

Try take each experience for what it is and if you feel comfortable, up the dose a bit and see where it takes you.
DoingKermit said:
I would try to not get too hung up on whether you broke through or not. It's usually very easy to know when you have though, as everything about it is undeniable. I've said this before, but when you are pre-breakthrough you are seeing visuals, and when you truly get there you become the visuals.

Try take each experience for what it is and if you feel comfortable, up the dose a bit and see where it takes you.

Sound advice. ^ :thumb_up:
DoingKermit said:
The rabbit hole within the DMT realm is infinite and can always get more intense IME.

I would try to not get too hung up on whether you broke through or not. It's usually very easy to know when you have though, as everything about it is undeniable. I've said this before, but when you are pre-breakthrough you are seeing visuals, and when you truly get there you become the visuals.

Try take each experience for what it is and if you feel comfortable, up the dose a bit and see where it takes you.

That is the intention.

The visuals were very much something I was seeing, I felt 'in' them but I was not a part of it I was not interacting with it as such.
Many of the breakthrough reports I've listened to or read have reported a greater personal involvement with the experience, seeing themselves, seeing others and interacting, so i was reasonably sure that we hadn't broken through. However it's difficult to imagine there is a whole other level to this experience above what was witnessed last night

As for taking each experience as it is... as keen as I am to break through, I'd happily relive the last couple of experiences over again,if that was as far as it were to go.
If that's how the next trip goes, there will be no regrets or complaints, it was stunning.
Jambo Bwana said:
...However it's difficult to imagine there is a whole other level to this experience above what was witnessed last night...

From my experience, there is no way to imagine just how intense any given DMT trip can get, or how deep down the proverbial rabbit hole one can go...I feel pretty sure in stating that it is infinite, but then, what do I know really?

Jambo Bwana said:
...If that's how the next trip goes, there will be no regrets or complaints...

^^^^^This is a very good attitude to keep with^^^^^^

Safe travels to you Jambo.
I feel a lot of "breaking through" has more to do with how well you let yourself get out of the way and just surrender to the molecule.
Early on, I had to use heavy doses to breakthrough, one of my more recent undeniable breakthroughs was on 15mG which was less than a quarter of my usual dosage.
Just let it take you where it will and I feel that in time, when you are ready (not willing and seeking but truly ready), it will suck you in.
My breakthroughs were fantastic and life changing. I tended to take some serious time to quite understand what this physical from I am stuck in was when that space said I had to go back.
I had many times, I came back, saw my hands and couldn't comprehend what those things were, yet alone that they were mine or that I had a corporeal form.
the general answer to the question "did i have a breakthrough or not?" is "you just know".

But i understand where it comes from. The first time i had a breakthrough, i was wondering for a while if i had a breakthrough, or wether i had just died. You just don't know what to expect. Even breakthroughs come in different shapes and sizes.

I would say that if at some point during your experience, you're wondering if all of this is real, or whether it's maybe some very weird kind of dream, that's a strong indication that what you are having is a breakthrough or that you are on the verge of having one.
dragonrider said:
the general answer to the question "did i have a breakthrough or not?" is "you just know".

But i understand where it comes from. The first time i had a breakthrough, i was wondering for a while if i had a breakthrough, or wether i had just died. You just don't know what to expect. Even breakthroughs come in different shapes and sizes.

I would say that if at some point during your experience, you're wondering if all of this is real, or whether it's maybe some very weird kind of dream, that's a strong indication that what you are having is a breakthrough or that you are on the verge of having one.

I strongly suspect I was only a couple of mg/a minor ammendment to my technique away from the breakthrough
After my breakthroughs I almost always come back saying, "that was different" along with a complete lack of understanding of what just happened. I will lie in bed for at least 20 minutes trying to reconcile the experience. I agree that it is undeniable.
If you want to interact more (easily or profoundly or whatever) with what is happening, breathing and singing (throat singing is incredible) and gesticulating (your arms or hands most likely) are efficient ways of doing so. It seems to come naturally for me toward the end of the trip.
ÅikyǬ said:
If you want to interact more (easily or profoundly or whatever) with what is happening, breathing and singing (throat singing is incredible) and gesticulating (your arms or hands most likely) are efficient ways of doing so. It seems to come naturally for me toward the end of the trip.

Thanks AikyO.

I'll give some of that a try and report back
DoingKermit said:
The rabbit hole within the DMT realm is infinite and can always get more intense IME.

I would try to not get too hung up on whether you broke through or not. It's usually very easy to know when you have though, as everything about it is undeniable. I've said this before, but when you are pre-breakthrough you are seeing visuals, and when you truly get there you become the visuals.

Try take each experience for what it is and if you feel comfortable, up the dose a bit and see where it takes you.

"You become the visuals"

This stuck in my head. I managed my first breakthough yesterday and it was (quite expectedly) not like I expected it to be.
But I was 'there'
I was very much part of the visuals.

I couldn't remember all of what happened, although some of it has returned to me (or perhaps became a little more clear as time has passed and I have been able to process it)

When I came round the first thing I asked my friends was "were my eyes open?"
I had intended testing the visuals with my eyes open, as I had gone eyes shut on my previous couple attempts.
During the trip I had seen my friends and assumed my eyes must have been open. They assured me they were closed.

We were sitting in a triangle in the room and that is how they appeared to me. At times I could just about make out form and faces other times we were 3 globule like shapes surrounded by a field of pulsating energy. (Ties into the "we're all connected theory" I suppose)
I had real difficulty reasoning whether they were them or me and I felt at times as if all 3 people/energies were one (all me?)

When someone spoke their energy shined brighter and wider, pulsating almost.
The visuals/patterns/colours all moved and changed as usual but flowed over these 3 beings.
The visuals also felt like a lot less of the overall experience, perhaps because I my focus was distracted with other thoughts.

I was surprised to find the goings on in the room, happening in my trip, I fully expected to be completely detached from reality.

When I came back it took time and difficulty to re-adjust, just as I felt I was getting a grip of things it slipped again.

Once I was almost fully back and there were just lingering visuals and slight disorientation. One of my friends looked perfectly normal. My other friend, who had just taken DMT a few minutes before me, his face was distorted and goulish at times and my refection in the mirror looked almost totally blurred out. It was almost like my mind was visualising how 'with it' each of us were.

All in, it was a remarkable yet slightly unnerving experience.
I had a period, when returning, when it was just starting to dawn on me that this was the effect of DMT, that I thought "I don't want to do this again"
2 minutes later I thought "I could go again right now"
I thought better of it and let it mellow. We had an ayahuaska weekend booked in Cork this weekend, where the plan was for the first Aya and Bufo experiences. But the Beast from the East has put that literally on ice.

So that'll have to wait.
I never upped the dose, just kept pulling on it.
It's surprising how much vapour comes off it when it looks little more than a stain on the bottom of the glass.
It looks spent but keeps on giving
Jambo Bwana said:
I never upped the dose, just kept pulling on it.
It's surprising how much vapour comes off it when it looks little more than a stain on the bottom of the glass.
It looks spent but keeps on giving

Good job!!!

There have been more than quite a few times where I was "absolutely certain" that the Spice was spent in the bowl and went to do a "cleaning inhale" and ended up right back smack-dab in the middle of hyperspace!

And a few of those times, I would be greeted by some entity (it never was the same one as the time before) very clearly, yet telepathically, asking me in a very stern manner, "what are you doing back here again so soon? I'll show you!!!!" and then be pummeled completely out of my ego and my psyche torn into infinite pieces...Often times my body too...

Take care and safe travels Jambo Bwana

I had the opportunity to tried 3 times dmt but none of them didn't go "through". Now I bought "Glass Sherlock VG Vaporizer" and the quality of the dmt that just made looks pretty good.

So what amount should use to make the trip deep enough to manage to get through ?

relaxtrading said:

I had the opportunity to tried 3 times dmt but none of them didn't go "through". Now I bought "Glass Sherlock VG Vaporizer" and the quality of the dmt that just made looks pretty good.

So what amount should use to make the trip deep enough to manage to get through ?


I've gone for approx 30mg twice.
Once close to breakthrough, the second time I got there. My mate has tried twice at that dose and not reached breakthrough yet.

We are using a basic glass pipe. It works fine enough but it's tricky to get the temperature right and not burn it, think it would be difficult to get the latter pulls done if you were using it alone.
One thing I have noticed in some friends I have when they do not break through is that they seem so apprehensive and feed into their trepidation by allowing the mind to influence their trip. I noticed they would not inhale quite enough or hold it long enough. As if they do not actually want to go. Like lining up to get on a roller coaster and chickening out at the last second.

I am not saying this is the case for everyone or for the OP. It is just something I have noticed with people who claim to not break through over the years. I think if you have it in your mind that you want to have the experience, you will do what you need to do to get there. All to often I think people simply hold themselves back. Perhaps they are not quite ready for it. It takes courage but more so an explorers mind. Wanting to go and see. Jump in and you may wonder what all the worry was all about. Worry is a waste of time and energy. Everything will be ok.

I get nervous and have some anxiety before a trip but I look at it as excitement. Like jumping from a plane. Just jump!!
Had a little time off, not intentional but the occasion just never presented itself.

But a few days ago me and my usual travelling companion both took a notion to go for it again.

Having not broken through previously, he wanted to up the dose from previous attempts, so we weighed out 50mg doses. (Why I felt inclined to follow suit when I had had a breakthrough previously on 30mg, I don't know)
I had explained repeatedly, that it was more down to technique than dose but he was having none of it.

On his second pull, he was clearly fairly well gone and refused the third pull because of the taste. I wasn't about to argue at this stage, so I left it. Lo and behold, even with the potent dose, no breakthrough.

I went next, and kept pulling until I could pull mo more. A fairly intense and enjoyable trip.
I never seem to remember the initial take off. The initial feeling most report of launching into the trip is lost to me, just can't remember it. Not sure if I black out, or just can't remember that part.
I tend to just kind of come to, fully immersed in it, at least that's how I remember it.
Good visuals but I didn't appreciate them because after the initial disconnect, I spend the first couple minutes trying to make sense of where I am, who/what I am and what is going on. Once I begin paying attention to what I'm seeing I'm starting to return.

I've yet to meet other worldly beings or communicate with anything or anyone.
I also don't get any real issues with a distorted sense of time. I do wonder how long it's been like that, because of a perceived black out at the beginning but once I become aware of my surroundings, time appears to pass normally.

A couple of recurring themes I am getting is a real disconnect with myself, probably what is described as ego death, with a recurring theme of interconnectedness.
On this occasion as I first opened my eyes, with fairly heavy visuals and a remaining sense of disconnection to myself, I saw my mate and couldn't tell if he was seperate from me or if I were viewing myself looking back at me. Basically I wasn't sure if he was me or someone else.

After that he attempted another heavy dose and got a good trip but isn't sure he broke through, then we had a last shot each with the remaining DMT, approx 40-50mg between us that just descended into hilarity and gibberish and me thinking I had some form of religious experience where I was being offered visually stunning landscapes by Elvis (don't ask 😁 )
Jambo Bwana said:
I never seem to remember the initial take off. The initial feeling most report of launching into the trip is lost to me, just can't remember it. Not sure if I black out, or just can't remember that part.
I tend to just kind of come to, fully immersed in it, at least that's how I remember it.
Good visuals but I didn't appreciate them because after the initial disconnect, I spend the first couple minutes trying to make sense of where I am, who/what I am and what is going on. Once I begin paying attention to what I'm seeing I'm starting to return.

Similar to what I experience. Immediately after I'm done inhaling I have intense visuals where everything breaks down and looks like a rapidly mutating organism but then there is usually this shorty period that I don't remember and suddenly I am in some place in infinity. It's strange because I had a changa trip that I considered breakthrough but I remember coming to after the brief blackout and before I was aware of myself and what was happening (credentials for breakthrough in my opinion) I was looking around the room and staring at my brother trying to figure out who he was. There was a strong voice telling me he was my brother yet at the time I didn't have conception of self so it was quite strange. After that trip he told me I looked like I was disorientated and trying to figure out where I was. But that trip I remember the moment of self realisation, so I consider that trip as breakthrough.

Jambo Bwana said:
I've yet to meet other worldly beings or communicate with anything or anyone.

Took me a while before this happened to me. Although previous trips had usually presented some feeling of entities I had never really dialogued with them. Then I was experimenting with freebase and vape temperatures. Similar start to before, intense mutating visuals followed by a brief blackout, then one particular trip I remember waking into a dome of light and being formally greeted by entities who proceeded to laugh at my mortality. Following trips usually resulted in some type of dialogue with entities.

My baseline threshold for considering a trip breakthrough is total loss of self awareness marked by vividly remembering the moment of it returning. Sounds like you have experienced this but it's really under your judgement.
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