Had a little time off, not intentional but the occasion just never presented itself.
But a few days ago me and my usual travelling companion both took a notion to go for it again.
Having not broken through previously, he wanted to up the dose from previous attempts, so we weighed out 50mg doses. (Why I felt inclined to follow suit when I had had a breakthrough previously on 30mg, I don't know)
I had explained repeatedly, that it was more down to technique than dose but he was having none of it.
On his second pull, he was clearly fairly well gone and refused the third pull because of the taste. I wasn't about to argue at this stage, so I left it. Lo and behold, even with the potent dose, no breakthrough.
I went next, and kept pulling until I could pull mo more. A fairly intense and enjoyable trip.
I never seem to remember the initial take off. The initial feeling most report of launching into the trip is lost to me, just can't remember it. Not sure if I black out, or just can't remember that part.
I tend to just kind of come to, fully immersed in it, at least that's how I remember it.
Good visuals but I didn't appreciate them because after the initial disconnect, I spend the first couple minutes trying to make sense of where I am, who/what I am and what is going on. Once I begin paying attention to what I'm seeing I'm starting to return.
I've yet to meet other worldly beings or communicate with anything or anyone.
I also don't get any real issues with a distorted sense of time. I do wonder how long it's been like that, because of a perceived black out at the beginning but once I become aware of my surroundings, time appears to pass normally.
A couple of recurring themes I am getting is a real disconnect with myself, probably what is described as ego death, with a recurring theme of interconnectedness.
On this occasion as I first opened my eyes, with fairly heavy visuals and a remaining sense of disconnection to myself, I saw my mate and couldn't tell if he was seperate from me or if I were viewing myself looking back at me. Basically I wasn't sure if he was me or someone else.
After that he attempted another heavy dose and got a good trip but isn't sure he broke through, then we had a last shot each with the remaining DMT, approx 40-50mg between us that just descended into hilarity and gibberish and me thinking I had some form of religious experience where I was being offered visually stunning landscapes by Elvis (don't ask