I know this thread is rather old but the original post was just so beautiful that I had to comment.
This piece brought up some very poweful thoughts and emotions. It coincides with some of the revelations that these substances have imparted on me, especially my high-dose Pharma experiences and my single breakthrough mushroom experience. in
this report and the
follow-up . These white-light experiences, the first time I had actually gotten close to "ego-death" - or the overthrow of the deep mammal brain. The basal yet social brain which invites the Whole Being to certain tasks based on how it will positively affect the material or social status of the Being. That part of the brain that all human religion has sought to supersede by either a "Moral Code" of some sort or by diligent practice whether through psychedelics or not - or some combination of the two. But it is only these psychedelics that can so cleanly eradicate the Ego. Perhaps the Dissociatives can do it as well, but as they seem to inhibit memory-coding in long-term memory it is harder to glean useful information.
My pharma experiences were difficult for me to integrate, but when I started reading the Islamic and Sufi traditions again something clicked and it was integrated. As I state in those threads I came to the conclusion that "ALL IS LOVE", or as you put it "ONE-LOVE". When I understood this it released so much tension that was built up within me, and I purged out some kind of spiritual sickness that I had been afflicted with for over a year via
crying my eyes out. It was an amazing experience and it helped my wife and I work out some relationship issues we were having. I was crying the tears of the earth mother then and the tears of all living things - mourning the impermanence of life but rejoicing in the eternity of existence.
The next day I felt compelled to read this collection of Sufi traditions that I have; something just called from within me and said Read this Book, in a feeling.
Here are the sayings that helped me to understand this white-light and Cosmic Consciousness quite a bit so I'll stop blathering and quote! I feel they relate strongly to your experience:
You may try a hundred things, but love alone will release you from yourself. So never flee from love - not even from Love in an earthly guise - for it is a preparation for the Supreme Truth. How will you ever read the Qur'an without first learning the alphabet? - Jami
Another from Jami
Be the captives of Love in order that you may be truly free - free from coldness and the worship of self. Thousands have passed who were wise and learned but who were strangers to Love. No name is left to them, nothing to proclaim their fame and dignity or to relate their history in the march of time. Although you may attempt to do a hundred thing, only Love will give you release from the bondage of Self.
Last one by Jami -
All the atoms of the universe became so many mirrors, each reflecting an aspect of the eternal splendor. A portion fell on the rose, which drove the nightingale mad with Love. Its ardor inflamed the candles cheek, and hundreds of moths came from every side and burned themselves on it. It set the sun ablaze, and made the water lily loom up from its depths.
This one especially captures the sentiment of my experience, and from what I got of RisingSpirits his too.
Love is a special, pleasurable pain. Whoever has this in the heart will know the secret. They will see that everything is Truth, and that everything leads to Truth. There is nothing but Truth. In the realization of that, they will be overcome. They will sink into the sea of Truth. - Sheikh Muzaffer
Ok I love Jami so here is another of his:
If love manifests itself within you, it has its origins in beauty. You are nothing but a mirror in which beauty is reflected. Because beauty and its reflection are both from that One Source, it is both Treasure and Treasure-House.
This from Rumi helped me to deal with my fear at being absorbed into the Clear Light of the Void:
O my God,
what Irony it is
That we are at the bottom of hell,
and yet are afraid
of immortality
When the paintings are hidden, you will see the Painter. O brother, I will tell you the mystery of the mysteries. Know, then, that painting and Painter are One! When your faith in made perfect, you will never see yourself, save in him.
Ok that's enough but Thank you so much for this piece, RisingSpirit