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The Dahh


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Dahh: The sudden sense of being in a sacred cathedral, huge, yet invisible. An Aesthetic overlay. Feels like a lot of holy reverb. Sometimes like a hollow bamboo stick in a forest. Parts of it consist of fog in the morning. Often a first sense of mystery.
Ah! The psychedelic cathedral!! I went there once, or rather it visited me, and I will never forget such a beautiful experience :d

Not much mist though...is the mist optional?
Ah! The psychedelic cathedral!! I went there once, or rather it visited me, and I will never forget such a beautiful experience Very happy

Not much mist though...is the mist optional?

It's not really a 'place' as in "a place to visit". More like a sense, a feeling of a mysterious, sacred quality, i associate with a cathedral, mist etc. It's a sensation often felt during onset of the experience or while using a low dose.

Glad you like it.

The place of sajDah h

Seems like i always miss the best insiders. What happend to good old bashar ? :/

So, does anyone object to adding the term?
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